Dating Josh Dun would include

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-cute ig posts -watching him drum
-him teaching you how to drum
-sitting on his lap when he teaches you
-being close with Tyler
- meeting him through Tyler
-standing on the side of the stage during concerts
-wearing his sweaters
-dancing with Jenna in the crowd
-being close to Jenna
-the clique not liking you at first cause they don't want Josh to get hurt
-they soon realize that you really care and love Josh and they start to like you
-josh defending you against any hate
-josh trying not to let you see the hate
-adopting a kitten together
-having the same NASA shirt
-stealing his snap backs
-him teaching you how to skateboard
-getting nervous when he does his drum island during 'ride'
-loving for how hot he looks when sweats pouring off him while drumming during concerts
-sex after concerts when he's still sweaty
-Tyler walking in one time
-Tyler not being able to look at you guys the same after that ( lol just imagine, that would be so funny😂)
-being close with his mom
-his mom loving you
-being able to calm him down during his anxiety attacks
-him being able to calm you down
-play fighting on Twitter
- filtering on Twitter
-cute scapchats of you on his story
Him being protective
- him proposing on stage during 'Tear in my Heart' or 'We don't believe what's on tv'
-him crying when you say 'yes'
-being a cute couple in general

Credit to hunterbunter123 on Tumblr

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