Struggles (part 4)

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Josh Dun imagine

"Mommy look at me." screamed Aria.
"I see you honey. Be careful." you told her.
"Daddy come on push me higher." Aria said and Josh laughed as he was already pushing his daughter on the swing pretty high.
The girls were now 5 years old. Aria was definitely the wild child. She was sassy and loud. Braylee was more laid back. She was shy like Josh and let Aria do all the talking. She often sat by you at the park and watched Aria run around.
"Why don't you go swing with your sister?" you asked Braylee as she was laying her head on you.
"I wanna stay here with you and baby." she said and nuzzled her face into you stomach.
"You're gonna be the best big sister." you said moving some hair out of her face.
"What about me?" Aria said running up to you with Josh not to far behind.
"You too." you said.
"You wanna do the thing now?" Josh asked as he reached out a hand to help you stand.
You nodded your head and grabbed the balloons that were beside you.
You walked with your family to the spot by the pond you went to every year on this date.
"Ready?" Josh asked as he pulled you close.
"Yup." you nodded.
Josh released his blue balloon into the wind and said a quick love you.
"Thanks William. I love you buddy." you said and let the wind take the balloon.
You looked down at Braylee and Aria who were watching the balloons float away.
"Why do you let the balloons go? Who's birthday is it?" Aria asked.
You had never really explained the reason before, they never asked.
"Well it's your brother's birthday. His names William." you said.
"But I thought his name was Tyler." Braylee said pointing at your belly.
"Mommy and daddy had a baby before you guys, but he passed away before we got to meet him. He's 8 years old today and we like to celebrate even if he isn't here with us." Josh explained crouching down to his daughter's level.
"Oh that's sad. Can we get ice cream, it always makes me happier." Aria said and you chuckled.
"Me too A, me too." Josh said laughing.
Although it was a sad day for you and Josh, it wasn't because you were happy with your family right now. You were going to be having your 3rd child in less than a month and you already had two happy healthy 5 year olds. Not to mention you had the most amazing husband in the world who was also the most amazing father in the world.
"Dad you know what's cool?" Aria said as she ate her ice cream.
"The drums." she said and Josh's face immediately lite up.
"Do you wanna play the drums?" Josh asked his daughter.
"Yeah, but I rather sing like Uncle Tyler. He's cooler dad." she said and Josh's face mocked offense.
"Be nice Aria." Braylee nudged her sister.
"Sorry dad."
"She's right Tyler is cooler." you added to make fun of Josh.
"Yeah, but which fool did you fall in love with?" Josh said.
"Good point." you said and kissed him.
"Ewwww." both girls said while making throw up noises.
"Love is gross." Aria said.
"One day you'll love someone and realize it's not." you said.
"Not anytime soon though. You have to be married to date." Josh said and you laughed.
"Is that how it works?" you questioned while still laughing.
"For them yes. And for you little guy" he started to rub your belly "you better have the best respect for a woman. You better sweep her off of her feet." he told the baby.
You laid your head on his shoulder after a minute letting life process "Just like you did." you whispered as he make jokes with your daughters.

Credit to topimagines on Tumblr

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