And baby makes three (part 1)

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Josh Dun imagine

You and Josh had barely been married for three months before you found yourself here. Standing in Josh's dressing room's bathroom, positive pregnancy test clutched in your hand. Three more - because of course you had to be prepared and one wasn't possibly enough - all positive as well littering the countertop.
"Y/N?" Josh called, tapping on the door, concern evident in his voice. You knew that you were the cause of that concern and it killed you. "J-just a minute, J," you called back, tears in your eyes as you stuffed the tests in the trash. Burying them beneath a mound of tissue to hide them. He couldn't know. You weren't ready for that yet.
Coming out of the bathroom, you wrapped your arms around him. "Y/N?" You could feel the anxiety practically filling the space around the both of you. But you needed to be in his arms. Needed to be held by your husband.
Were the two of you even ready to be parents? You had no doubt Josh would be an amazing father. You'd seen him with kids. Seen how he practically lit up around them. But you weren't so sure about yourself. Which seemed impossible because as a teacher, your entire life was kids.
"Y/N? What's wrong, sweetheart? You've got me worried." Shaking your head, you just held on tighter. "S'been a long coupla weeks, J. Just missed you." Even you could hear the lie in your voice, but you hoped he wouldn't call you on it.
Two weeks later finds you back in the apartment that you've only shared with your husband a few weeks in the time that you've been married. You know you need to tell him. It's past time you tell him, really. Has been past time since you found out.
Absolutely. I miss your face.
As you wait for the call to connect, you catalog yourself in the little window. You look awful. Not only was it a long day, leading to the bags under your eyes. But you're paler than usual - none of your normal golden glow present.
"Hi, babe. I've missed you so much." You can feel your shoulders sag in relief the moment his bright smile and even brighter hair comes up on the screen. This man makes your heart sing. Has made your heart sing since the moment you met him a couple years before.
"Y/N." Josh's smile is wide, bright upon seeing you. He's missed you. Missed seeing you and holding you. Missed being in the same place. But he agreed with you when you were adamant about not leaving your teaching job behind when you got married. Even though it meant not traveling with him. "I've missed you so much. How are things there?" he asked. He'd almost immediately noticed how run down and pale you were looking, but in typical Josh fashion, didn't approach it directly.
"I've been sick," You blurt out. Watching concern bloom on Josh's face the moment you say it.
"Y/N -" But you rush to cut him off. "I'm pregnant. I-it's morning sickness. Which is really all day and it sucks. And I'm really sorry I'm telling you this way. I really meant to tell you in person. But keeping it a secret is killing me and I just I need you to know. I need to tell you. I couldn't wait until the next time we saw each other...." You trail off. Head slowly raising to meet wide brown eyes.
"Josh?" you ask softly after several minutes of silence. Worst case scenarios already running through your head.
"We're gonna be parents, Y/N? I...I'm honestly kind of speechless. We're having a baby." It seemed as though the more he said it, the more he could process it. The more it made sense to him.
"We're having a baby," you echoed, smile blooming on your face in reflection to his excitement. "We're having a baby!"

Credit to dreamersdontblink on Tumblr

Josh Dun imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now