Third Anniversary

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Josh Dun imagine

Three years ago, a nervous, jittery, red haired boy named Josh had asked you to be his girlfriend. And now, hundreds of shows, dozens of dates, a handful of vibrant hair colors, and three wonderful years later, you both stand in your shared home as he helps you zip up the casual dress you have on to celebrate the occasion.
You had both agreed that even though it was a special occasion, it wasn't necessary to go on some extravagant, expensive date, and you told him gifts were strictly off limits. He bought you too much stuff as it is.
You turn around and smile at him after your dress is zipped, and lovingly place your hand on his cheek as you peck his lips. You then try to turn away, but find yourself trapped in his arms as his lips find yours for a deeper kiss. You smile into it, before wriggling out of his hold to find your shoes.
Once you're both ready to go, you jump in the car and drive to one of your favorite spots in town. The whole way there, Josh doesn't take his hand off your knee, even though you scold him to keep both hands on the wheel.
He parks the car in the lot of the art museum and you walk hand in hand up the stairs and through the double doors. Admission is free, so you skip past the front desk and into the first exhibit, wandering around the vast space and examining the art.
You two often went to museums, especially when traveling, and you would usually stay together, but give each other room to explore at your own respective paces. Today seems different, though. As you wander through the halls, Josh is practically attached to your hip. If he isn't holding your hand, he has his arm wrapped around your shoulder. And if he isn't doing that, he's standing behind you as you look at a painting, with his head on your shoulder and his arms around you waist.
You don't really mind, but he seems to be paying more attention to you than the art.
"Josh, are you even appreciating the art?" you ask him jokingly, after you catch him staring at you for what seems like the twentieth time today.
"I'm sorry, I can't help it," he says. "You're the most beautiful piece of art here."
His words make you blush and smile profusely, and your eyes find the ground instead of his gaze.
"That is the cheesiest thing you have ever said to me," you say with a slight giggle. "And that's saying something."
He laughs lightly and presses his forehead to yours, gently rubbing his nose against yours.
"You know you love it," he says, still smiling.
"Of course I do, because I love you," you says and he hums.
"Love you, too," he says, pressing his lips to yours.
You hear an older woman cough behind you, as if to say "stop making out and look at the art, you annoying children," and you take the hint, breaking the kiss and pulling Josh into the next room.
After a few hours in the museum, you can see Josh getting bored and checking his phone often. Although you could wander around the exhibits all day, you indulge him and suggest the two of you grab lunch at a nearby diner.
"Hm, that diner looks good, but I think I have a better idea," he says, and you furrow your brow in confusion.
"What have you got planned, Dun?" you ask suspiciously.
"I have no idea what you're talking about," he says with a mischievous grin.
"You're so full of crap," you reply. He simply shrugs his shoulders and takes you to the car, swearing that he won't tell you where he's taking you.
The car ride is short, and you become even more confused when he parks the car in front of a nearby park.
"What are we going to eat at the park?" you ask.
"Grass," he deadpans, and you roll your eyes at his sarcasm. "Just be patient, will you?"
You sigh and let him lead you through the park to a nice clearing where there's a beautiful picnic set up with champagne and flowers.
"Josh, I said nothing over the top," you say, even though you can't hide your obvious grin.
"Man, if you think this is over the top, you're really not going to like what I have set up for later," he replies with a grin and you simply look at him in shock.
"We said we would have a nice, inexpensive day."
"This is nice and inexpensive. Did you really think I would just not do something nice for you on our anniversary?"
"Yes, yes I did."
"Well, then you truly have no faith in me."
"Ugh, you're so annoyingly nice. You're too good for this world," you reply with mock annoyance.
"Only the best for you, my love," he replies and kisses the top of your head.
He leads you over to blanket and you both sit down. He pops the champagne and gets out a lunch of simple, but delicious, sandwiches and fruit.
"How did you even set this up?" you ask through a mouthful of a watermelon.
"I may have had to call in reinforcements from Tyler," he explains with a grin.
"No way Tyler could have pulled this off," you say and Josh laughs, but doesn't argue.
"I'm totally telling him you said that," Josh replies.
"What, it's not a bad thing, he just isn't the most organized person in the world," you say and Josh shakes his head.
"No, you're totally right. I guess I should've included that Tyler then had to call in reinforcements from Jenna," he says.
"Now that I can believe," you reply and the both of you laugh.
The better part of the afternoon is spent sipping champagne in the park, your head in Josh's lap as he plays with your hair and you both lay on the blanket finding shapes in the clouds. It's the perfect kind of afternoon, where the sky is bright and blue and the birds sing beautifully and the wind blows lightly every once in a while to make you feel like you're perfectly alive.
You would be perfectly content to sleep our here all night, especially after the slight champagne buzz wears off and the drowsiness begins to set in, but Josh sits up around 5 and informs you that Jenna will be arriving shortly to make sure you get changed and to dinner by around 6:30. And sure enough, once the two of you have cleaned up your picnic and walk back to the car, Jenna is waiting for you.
Josh kisses you goodbye, and just like that, Jenna whisks you away before you can get another word in.
You and Jenna chat in the car, and you assume she is taking you to your house, but you're surprised when you pull into the driveway of her and Tyler's house.
"How am I supposed to get ready when I'm not at my house," you ask as the two of you walk through the door.
"Don't worry, Josh sent clothes for you and you can borrow my stuff for a shower and makeup," she assures as she closes the door behind you.
"Way more planning went into this than I am aware of, didn't it?" you ask, even though the answer is clear.
"Oh, definitely," she says with a smile.
You quickly shower and walk into Jenna's room to inquire about your outfit, but you see that she's already laid it out on the bed.
What you find is an absolutely gorgeous evening gown, with a pair of heels and a note written in Josh's handwriting.
"I know we said no gifts, but this matched your eyes too well to not buy it for you. xx -J"
You smile and bite your lip and you want to be mad that he broke your "rules," but how could you be upset about something this sweet. You shake your head slightly and pick up the dress, slipping it on over your undergarments. You leave the heels off for now, instead going to find Jenna about doing your hair and makeup.
"Y/N, you look stunning," Jenna says as soon as she sees you. "Josh is gonna flip."
Jenna happily agrees to help you with your hair and makeup, and about halfway through you realize you've seen no signs of Tyler in the house.
"Where's Tyler?" you ask.
"Oh, he's with Josh," she replies, clearly with holding any more information.
"I bet you won't tell me where, will you?" you continue.
"Nope," she replies, popping the "p" sound.
You shake your head slightly, acknowledging that you'll just have to live with the suspense.
Once your hair and makeup is done, you go back into Jenna's room to slip on your shoes, finally able to see the full look in the mirror, and you almost don't recognize yourself. The dress compliments your figure like nothing else you've ever worn, and your makeup was done beautifully by Jenna.
Jenna quickly pushes you out of the house so that you'll make it to wherever she's taking you on time. The drive doesn't take long, and before you know it, you're pulling up to one of your absolute favorite restaurants.
"This is where I leave you," Jenna says with a smile.
"Thank you so much, for everything," you say, leaning over the console to give her a hug.
"You deserve it, hon. Now, go find you man," she says and you climb out of the car and walk into the restaurant.
You're shocked when you enter and find no one else in the restaurant, as it's usually packed with diners. You are pulled from your confusion when you find a small trail of rose petals leading up to the rooftop seating area. As you climb the stairs, you can vaguely hear orchestral music being played beautifully from the top, and as you make it to the roof, you finally see Josh, dressed in a full black suit, looking as good as ever.
"You really outdid yourself, Dun," you say to him as he approaches with a smile and a bouquet of roses.
"Only the best for you, my love," he repeats his words for earlier, and truly means it. "Happy three years. You're absolutely stunning."
You blush at the compliment.
"Only because you bought this gorgeous dress for me. Did you rent out this whole place?" you ask, and he nods. "And a string quartet?"
You gesture to group playing in the corner of the roof. He simply nods.
"Friends of Tyler's," he says.
You can't wipe the grin off your face as he leads you over to a table near the edge of the roof, so you can gaze out over the city. The table is already set with a delicious meal and wine.
You chat over dinner and he doesn't let your hand go all night, tracing patterns into the back of it with his thumb. He also plays footsie with you under the table, but you know it's not in a sexual way. He just wants to be close to you.
"There's just one more thing I have for you," he says as you finish your meal and he takes an envelope from his coat, sliding it over to you.
"But, Josh, I don't even have anything for you-," you start, but he interrupts.
"I know, we said no gifts," he says. "But I've already broken that rule, so just open it."
You sigh slightly and break the seal of the envelope, pulling out an airline ticket.
"What-" you start, but are again interrupted.
"It's a one way ticket to our first show on tour," Josh says, and you furrow your brow. "I know you've been hesitant to come on tour with us in the past, because you feel like you're in the way all the time, but, baby, I want you with me, every day. I understand if you still don't want to but I just-"
It was your turn to interrupt.
"Of course I will," you say, and you don't think you've ever smiled as wide.
"Yes, of course, Josh, I will go on tour with you," you repeat.
He breathes a sigh of relief with a beaming smile to match yours, and you both stand up, walking to each other, and he holds you so tight you're afraid you may have cracked a rib, but you don't care. And even though he's had his hands on you all day, no embrace was sweeter than the one you shared in that moment.

Credit to twentyonefics on Tumblr

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