Hate to see your heartbreak

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Josh Dun imagine

Heartbreaks come and go into our lives, it's grief that comes in waves, exhausting our bodies with a mixture of numerous emotions. It chokes the breath from your body, gasping for air as it reaches out.
Josh's gaze remained on his phone screen, continuing to read his message from Debby repeatedly. A slow tear cascaded itself down his cheeks, and on to his neck. Sniffling, he quickly wiped away the single tear and made his way out the door to your house.
A soft knock came through your door moments later, signaling that someone was here. With a raised brow, you sauntered over, lips dropping into a frown as you took in Josh's saddened demeanor. Soothingly, you rubbed his back as he told you everything on what happened between him and Debby.
You hated to see Josh so upset about this, especially since he and Debby seemed so happy together, it was so unexpected for anything like this to happen. His glassy, dark eyes were filled with tears, continuing to sniffle.
"Josh, I'm so sorry that this happened. There's nothing you could've done to make her stay, and it's alright. I understand that the two of you were really happy together, but maybe this was all just a sign that the two of you were never meant to be after all."
He sighed, "I know, but it just hurts really bad, you know? I mean, I really loved her, I was able to be my true self with her. She made me happy in so many ways possible and now...it's like my happiness is all gone. I told Tyler about this and he didn't really say much, so that was pretty much a waste of my time."
"Oh come on, Josh," you interjected. "Tyler is your best friend, I'm sure he had a lot to say but just didn't want to speak the truth to you. Knowing him, he's too in love with Jenna and can't really feel what you're feeling except me on the other hand."
He shrugged, "I don't know, but it doesn't matter anymore," he mumbled quietly. "I'm just so upset with myself that I expected so much from this relationship, like I pictured it as this perfect script in a movie scene or something."
"How were you to know?"
He didn't respond.
"I know it's tough right now, dude, but it'll all be okay in the end. Trust me, I would know from all my past experiences. There's always light at the end of the tunnel, it just takes time to finally see it. I know you're hurting, and that's fine. We all have to express our emotions somehow, and here you are now, crying right in front me."
Somehow, that cracked a smile out of him. He sniffled once more and nodded, fixating his gaze on you now. He knew you were right about everything, that's why he loved coming to you for any problem in his life. With Tyler, it was different, but with you it didn't feel that way at all.
He was finally starting to see that maybe pain really can remind you that hearts can heal. How was he to know that he and Debby were going to break up? He had no idea, and now he does. It sucks, but he knows that eventually he'll get over it and move on someday from it.
"Look, I'm tired of seeing you all sad and shit, let's go out for an ice cream." you offered, strolling over to the kitchen to grab your car keys.
Josh chuckled, "Sure why not?"
"Where to then?"
"Surprise me."

Minutes later, the two of you arrived at the nearest ice cream shop. You always loved coming here, it reminded you of a being a little kid again. Josh's eyes roamed through the numerous amount of ice cream flavors, deciding which one he wanted to order for himself.
"I'll just get cookies n' cream and mint chocolate chip with rainbow sprinkles."
You stifled a chuckle, "Rainbow sprinkles, huh?"
Playfully, he rolled his eyes and waved off your comment. "Problem?"
You nodded. "Not at all, Dun," you responded. "And don't you dare pay for your ice cream because it's my treat today."
Josh smiled warmly, accepting your kind gesture and sat by a nearby table. Momentarily, you paid the cashier and held on to your ice cream cone, slowly walking towards Josh in order to not suddenly trip over air and drop your cone. He laughed as you were walking to him, continuing to finish his ice cream since he was almost done.
"Why'd you choose here to cheer me up?" he questioned.
"Because ice cream is the answer to all heartbreaks, Josh," you clarified, giggling. "Plus I also wanted to come here anyway."
He laughed, "Well, thank you for bringing me here, I really appreciate that."
"Anytime dude, now finish up because your ice cream is dripping."
Josh's eyes widened as he suddenly realized that his entire hand was now covered in ice cream. He laughed and quickly wiped his hand with a napkin, rubbing the remaining of it on your jeans.
You glared, and flicked a tiny piece of ice cream on his face. He scoffed playfully and did the same, causing this childish ice cream fight against each other. Josh remained laughing as he cleaned himself. Slowly, all at once, he started to feel himself get better and better within the second. He didn't feel as despairing as he was before, he could already feel his heart starting to heal thanks to you.
His chest no longer felt tight, the heaviness on his shoulders now loosened. He knew he could push himself through this dreadful time. You would help guide him through the darkness and ease his mind into the light.
Surely, it wouldn't be easy. Love was never as easy as the way books described it to be, in fact it might've been the exact opposite. But with the right guidance through his heartbreak, Josh knew that he would be just fine with you by his side.
Together, as one.

Credit to puppy-josh on Tumblr

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