I'm sorry I failed you

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Josh Dun imagine

Y/N's P.O.V.
Only a mile and a half from your apartment and your car decided to break down. You typically would have called your boyfriend Josh but he was on tour with your brother Tyler. You got out of work late that day and the walk to your apartment isn't always the safest late at night. You and Josh lived together in L.A. by a bunch of bars and on Saturday nights the sidewalks were filled with drunk horny men.
You grabbed your purse from your car and threw your phone in. You set out on your walk home enjoying the warm night. You wanted to call Josh but you couldn't because he and Tyler were in the middle of a show. So to say the least this walk was going to be boring.
You were about a mile from your house now when you felt like you were being followed. You looked over your shoulder to see a 3 tall men stumbling behind you. You felt them walking faster behind you so you decided to quicken your pace and turn down the next street even though it wasn't in the right direction of your house. You could hear your heart pounding from being scared.
When you finally thought you lost them you slowed down and took out your phone quickly to call someone, anyone really so they can distract you while you find your way back home. You dialed Jenna's number knowing she was basically your best friend and she would keep your mind off of the slightly terrifying walk. The phone rang twice before the familiar voice came through the other end.
"Hey Y/N what's up."
"Oh nothing. My car broke down so I have to walk home and I wanted to talk to someone to distract me for a bit. so, how's tour going?"
"Oh okay. Tours going great, we all wish you were here. Especially Josh." she said.
You were about to respond when you heard loud footsteps behind you. You turned around and saw the same 3 men running towards you.
"Y/N are you okay?" Jenna asked, she must have been suspicious of your long break in the conversation.
"Um, no there are like 3 people chas-" and before you could finish you were pushed to the ground and you phone flew from your hands out of reach. You could her Jenna yelling you name but you could respond due to someone kicking your ribs. The biggest man ripped your purse off of your shoulder and put it to the side while another man sat on your back holding your face to the pavement. You were screaming but nobody heard you.
"Stop, please. Get off me." you begged and the one kicking you stopped and the one on top of you stood. You turned over and looked at the 3 men looking down at you.
"Don't tell me what the fuck to do." the biggest man said and he punch you straight on the face. You could have sworn your nose broke.
The smallest man who was kicking you earlier knelt down next to you and started petting your hair. You could smell the alcohol on his breath as he spoke.
"What should we do to this one guys?" he asks as he moved close to your neck. Your fear paralyze you and could scream. He start pulling up your shirt and tears rolled down your cheeks as they pulled you up and put you against the wall.
"Stop fucking crying or we'll beat the fuck out of you." the medium sized man said. You knew you weren't getting out of this. You couldn't control your tears and you were quickly pushed back to the ground. You felt the skin on your palms and knees scrape against the hard ground and your arms couldn't hold you from the pain. You fell and hit you head and the last thing you remember is seeing the 3 men running off.
You woke up to the sound of your phone busy on the pavement. You phone was lighting up with Jenna's face calling you. You reached as far as you could reach and pulled it to you.
It hurt so bad, even to simply swipe your finger across the screen to answer the call.
"Y/N. I've been calling you for the past 5 minutes are you okay? Where are you?" she asked frantically.
You could really talk due to your ribs being in so much pain. "Jenna I'm fine, just don't panic. I'm walking home now." you voice cracked a few times and she knew you weren't okay.
"Y/N what happened? I know you're not okay. I heard those guys, I stayed on the phone the whole time. Talk to me." you wanted to talk but you didn't want to Josh or Tyler to found out. They were both really overprotective of you.
"Y/N say something or I'm going to tell Tyler. I don't care if they're in the middle of a show or not. I'll go and right on stage and interrupt the whole thing to tell them." she threatened.
"Okay, fine. Please don't say anything to them." you started to stand and you had to use the wall for support. "These 3 drunk guys just beat the shit out of me."
"Oh my god. Y/N how hurt are you?"
"Well my feels like it's broken and it's bleeding. My ribs hurt and so does my head. Look I'm only 2 blocks from my apartment. I'll walk there and tell you more. I just need to sit down, I feel really dizzy." you said stumbling, trying to walk but you were really dizzy and nauseous.
"Y/N tell me where you are, I'm calling you and ambulance you don't sound okay."
"Only if you don't tell Tyler and Josh, I'll be fine. I just need to get some help and I'll tell them when I'm ready, Please." you begged.
"I won't. Now tell me where you are."
"On the corner of Daniel ave and 5th ave." you said sitting down against the wall. Your legs were beginning to weaken and you could feel you eyes starting to close.
"Y/N stay with me. I have an ambulance on it's way there now."
"Okay" you mumbled and you blacked out again.
Jenna's P.O.V.
I had heard the whole thing happen and I know she didn't want me to tell anyone, but I was married to her brother and he needed to know. Not to mention her boyfriend Josh needs to know. I promised I wouldn't tell them in order to get her location out of her. I called her the ambulance because I could hear her drifting off in the conversation.
I gave the hospital my number so they would call me when she got there.
When they called me to tell me they found her passed out on the sidewalk I knew I had to tell Josh and Tyler. They needed to know even if that meant they would end the concert early.
I tried getting Tyler's attention from the side and he stopped sing, looking at me with concern because I never bugged him during a show. Josh stopped playing and came over to where Tyler was.
"Dude are you okay?" he asked Tyler as I approached them.
"Yeah Jenna looked like she really needed to tell me something and I felt like something was wrong. What's going on? Is Y/N okay?" he turned his attention to me and everyone in the arena was completely silent.
"No. um Y/N she's hurt. Like really badly. She's in the hospital. I think you need to end this and we can talk." with that Tyler pulled the microphone to his lips and Josh ran off with me asking me all sorts of questions about Y/N.
"Okay, I'm very sorry this has to be this way, but we have to end the show early." Tyler said and the crowd was filled with disappointment. "My sister, Josh's girlfriend is hurt and we really need to get to her. Goodnight and stay alive all. Thank you for those who are understanding." he ran off stage and found Josh and I.
"What happened, is she okay? Where is she?" Tyler asked all the same questions Josh had asked.
"We'll explain later, i just booked us an immediate flight to L.A. I think we should get to her." Josh said with tears threatening to come from his eyes.
"She'll be okay Josh, she just needs us there." Tyler said not knowing anything.
At the airport Jenna told her side of the story to Tyler and Josh.
Before getting on the plane Tyler was really worried about you and he texted your family to tell them what happened. Josh couldn't keep still. When ever he was nervous he would bounce his leg and that's what he did the whole plane ride and car ride to the hospital.
Josh's P.O.V.
As soon as we got to the hospital I basically ran to the front desk.
"Hi sir, how may I help you?"
"My girlfriend Y/N Y/L/N, she was brought here about 5 hours ago. I need to see her. Is she okay?"
"Her file says she's not awake right now, I'm going to get her doctor and you can go back to see her with him." the woman said and then she left. I stood there and Tyler and Jenna came up to me.
"What's going on?" Tyler asked and the doctor approached.
"Hi, which one of you is the boyfriend?" he asked.
"I am. Can I go see her?" I said quickly.
"Yes, but please know that it looks worse then it is." he said leading us back to her room.
When I entered the room I saw Y/N just laying there asleep. Her hands had scraps all of them. Her arms had all sorts of bruises along with her face. She had blood stained on her upper lip and her head was wrapped in white bandages.
I went over and sat next to her holding her hand.
"So is she okay?" Tyler asked the doctor.
"She lost quite a bit of blood from hitting her head. She has 3 fractured ribs and she has a lot of bruising and scrapes. She will be okay, but we want to monitor her to make sure she doesn't pass out again. She needs rest and pain medicine and she'll be all good to go in a few weeks when those ribs heal." he said.
The doctor left after a few more questions and I saw that Y/N was starting to wake up.
"J-Josh?" she questioned. Her voice was quiet and raspy.
"I"m right here baby." I said kissing her on the hand.
"How you feeling kid?" Tyler asked walking over and rubbing a non-bruised part of your arm.
"Um, it hurts but I'm fine. Why are you here though? Did I mess up your show?"
"No Y/N you didn't mess up anything. We're here because we love you. You're my sister and I would do anything for you." Tyler said.
"Babe you didn't mess anything up. You're more important than a show. Everyone will understand." Josh said.
"Hey guys, I just got off the phone from the police. They found one of the guys that hurt Y/N and arrested him. Then he turned in the other guys. They're all in custody." Jenna said entering the room.
"Good, I was about to beat every drunk guy in L.A. for hurting my sister." Tyler said and it made you laugh. When laughing it felt like your whole body was broken. you flinched slightly at the pain and it drew everyone's attention to you.
"You okay Y/N?" Jenna asked.
"Yeah, I'm just in a lot of pain and tired."
"I think it's time we leave so you can sleep. I don't think I'm gonna convince josh to leave your side though. We have a hotel across the street. Call me if you need anything." Jenna said and Tyler and her said their goodbyes.
Y/N's P.O.V.
Once they left Josh sat a little closer to you pressing a kiss to your cheek.
"I'm sorry I failed you Y/N. I'm so sorry I wasn't there for you." Josh said and you could hear the tears in his eyes.
"Josh look at me." you said "you didn't fail me. You're always there for me. Nobody could have stop this. I'm okay." he looked into your eyes and smiled.
"I'm glad you're okay. I love you so much. I want you to rest and get better, okay?" he said getting up from where he was kneeling beside you.
"Wait don't leave. I haven't seen you in 3 weeks and I want to keep you close."
"Well I don't want you to have to move. I'll be right over here on the couch." he said and as he went to pull his hand away from you you tugged on his hand making him look at you.
You moved (painfully, but didn't let it show) in the bed so there was enough room for Josh to lay with you.
He smiled at you and laid next to you and held your hand kissing your head.
"I love you Y/N, so much." Josh said as you start drifting off to sleep.
"I love you too. Thanks for be so amazing." you said drowsily and then sleep took over the both of you.

Credit to topimagines on Tumblr

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