The town with an ocean view

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Josh Dun imagine

The cold wind of San Francisco filled the air. Your teeth chattered continuously as the cold air hit you, making you hug your jacket closer to your body as you continued walking down on the hard sidewalk. Despite the freezing, cold wind, you kept your head up high, marveling at the infinite shades of every building that had taken over the city.
You adored San Francisco- you admired the Bay Area of it all and loved how busy the city was even though you always preferred to stay indoors and not socialize with your peers other than your boyfriend, Josh.
Josh was the one who brought you here for the last few days instead of being in the same old Ohio. You were grateful that he brought you here, especially since he knew how much you loved the city. Although, another reason why he brought you was to attempt to get you some inspiration for your new paintings you've been struggling with lately.
Growing up as a child, you longed to have some sort of special talent. It seemed as if everyone else was good at something – except you. The moment you picked up a paint brush by the age of 9, that's when you discovered your passion for art. You loved everything about it – you loved how you were able to find beauty in the smallest of things and create something marvelous out of it.
Josh loved how passionate you were for your art. He found it adorable to always find you in the garage, covered in paint with music blaring through the speakers whenever he returned back home from tour. Despite the state you were in, Josh didn't mind it one bit. He'd always greet you happily.
At first, you were completely ecstatic for your trip here but as the time went on, your mind couldn't find any ideas whatsoever for your paintings. You were frustrated and upset with yourself, even slightly disappointed. Part of you didn't want to feel that way but you just couldn't help it.
You ran your fingers through your hair and sighed quietly, seating yourself by the desk table in your hotel room once you returned back. Josh noticed your saddened demeanor and stood up from the bed as he made his way over to you by the desk, kneeling down to meet your eye level.
"Still can't find any inspiration, babe?" he worriedly asked.
"Not yet, Josh," you frowned, "This is hopeless. My mind is seriously aggravating me right now."
He chuckled, "You know what, I say that this situation calls for a day out in the city. What do you say?"
You smiled. "Hm, I guess that doesn't sound too bad."
Josh widely grinned and took your hand in his as the two of you walked outside of your hotel and into the streets of busy San Francisco.
"So, what's on the agenda for today?" you asked, continuing to gaze around.
Josh shrugged, "I kind of wanted to let you decide that. Plus I have to admit, I mainly wanted to bring you out here to find some inspo for your new painting," he said while shoving his hands into his pockets.
Your heart fluttered at the generosity of your boyfriend. No matter what, Josh always found a way to make you feel better whether you're angry, upset or in this case – frustrated. You fixated your gaze back to him and smiled while he wasn't looking, admiring his side profile.
"You're the best." You smiled, playfully nudging his elbow.
He blushed. "Nope, I think you are."
"Before we get ahead of ourselves, Dun, why don't we stop by here for a little ice cream?" You raised your eyebrow and crossed your arms.
"In this cold?"
You nodded.
Josh thought for a second as he tapped his fingers along his chin, nodding his head in approval finally. "Let's do it," he happily said while looping his arm through yours and walked into the ice cream parlor.
No matter how freezing cold it was at the moment, a little ice cream never hurt.

"Oh, look! How about that building over there? That one looks pretty nice." Josh pointed out as he raised his arm towards the direction of the circular building that was a few feet away from you two.
You chuckled. "Josh, it's hideous. I admire the idea but it's a no from me."
"Did you just, Simon Cowell me?" he scoffed.
You smirked, "Maybe I did, maybe I didn't. Who knows?" you shrugged, the smirk on your face remained.
"This is why I love you," he said, throwing his arm over your shoulder and held you tightly.
"Because I quote American Idol judges?" you giggled, lifting your gaze at him.
"A little bit of that but mainly how excited and happy you get with your art."
"Oh, really? And why is that?" you tilted your head.
He laughed. "I just love how my girlfriend finds beauty in the smallest of things. You're the only person I know who calls trash, 'beautiful'."
"Plot twist, what if I'm the trash?"
"Then that certainly means you're beautiful," he winked and kissed the top of your head.
The two of you continued walking along the sidewalk and finally stopped as you approached a bench in a nearby park and decided to sit there for a while.
You continued to look around at your surroundings, the shameful, pity feeling had finally left your gut now that you were outside in the sunlight and seated comfortably with Josh next to you.
The way the sun illuminated created a beautiful scenery in front of you – children were playing with one another as their parents watched them in peace, a few dogs were barking in excitement at their owners as they were playing fetch. The sight of seeing Josh sitting so casually on the bench created such comfort for you.
"You know, Josh. I really appreciate you taking me out here instead of me being trapped in my thoughts back at the hotel." you sighed in defeat.
Josh smiled, placing his hand on top of yours. "I know how it feels to not be satisfied with something you're making. That's how Tyler always gets whenever he's stuck with a lyric that doesn't make sense and especially for me if I can't come up with a beat for the drums. It just takes time for good work to come in; you never want to rush it you know?"
You nodded. "You're right. I just think I've been so caught up with things and so I never really realized until now. The pressure of being excellent at something isn't always going to come to me so easily. I guess I just get so impatient sometimes and force my mind to come up with ideas so quickly but I never knew how much of a toll it takes out of me."
Josh gazed at you in amusement during the entirety of your explanation. He was proud that you were able to finally come to your senses for things, especially your art. It was never his intention to scare you off with sharing his own experiences; he wanted to show you that you're not the only one who's frustrated with themselves at times, and that it's okay.
You didn't need Josh to respond, his presence and the sight of him listening to you was all that you needed at the moment. It was times like these that you really appreciated, when Josh could easily find a way to provide comfort for you and make you feel happy about yourself again.
Without further realizing, you took out your sketch book and a pencil from your handbag. Your hand restfully eased with every stroke you made while you were sketching, letting all your ideas flow through within your drawing.
You shut your eyes closed for a moment in order to envision everything you wanted in this drawing. You wanted to add the infinite shades of green on the grass and the trees, the children wearing the brightest of smiles and dogs at every corner.
Now that you were finally satisfied with what you were coming up with, you still had one final touch to add in –Josh. You were able to draw his slim, tattooed figure sitting down on a bench as he looked out in plain sight at his surroundings. You also made sure he was smiling in the drawing; you always loved his smile and wanted to forever remember it the way it is whenever you'd look back at this drawing years from now.
Josh noticed what you were doing and remained silent as he let you work your magic in peace.
Thankful for your many years of experience, you were able to finish this drawing in about an hour. Once you dropped your pencil, you were completely satisfied with what stood in front of you on your sketch book. You were never narcissistic or cocky whenever you came to your artwork but this drawing in particular was pretty damn amazing – you were beyond proud of yourself for this one.
You tapped Josh's shoulder and showed him your drawing. His jaw dropped the second he saw it – excitement filled within his eyes. He smiled brightly and continued looking at your illustration in amazement.
"Do you like it?"
"Are you kidding me? Babe, this is absolutely amazing. You did such a great job!" he exclaimed and set aside your sketch book to kiss you, which definitely added a sweet touch to the scenery.
"Seriously, Y/N. You really outdid yourself in this one."
You blushed, playfully shoving his shoulder. "Thanks babe, I was so shocked at how quick my mind was able to finally come up with ideas."
He chuckled. "And this is what happens when you go outside."
You waved him off, "Yeah, yeah but I don't see myself continuously coming out here just for the fun of it."
"Only when I'm out here." Josh added.
You giggled. "Only when you're with me then," you corrected.
"Can we leave now, please? Even though the sun is out, I still might freeze my ass off out here," you mumbled while standing up as you gathered up your things back into your bag.
Josh laughed. "Yes, we can go back to our hotel room."
Sighing in relief, you tossed your bag over your shoulder, lacing your fingers together with Josh's as you walked back.
It amazed you how much your mood drastically changed from the morning compared to now. You were beyond frustrated, but the moment you were able to actually sit down and think things through, your mind finally decided to cooperate with you and allowed you to get your creativity going.
Part of you mentally thanked yourself for it, but the main person you knew you'd have to give credit for all of this, is Josh.

Credit to puppy-josh on Tumblr

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