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Josh Dun imagine

If there was anything your boyfriend Joshua Dun was excited for, it was Christmas. Even during Halloween, he couldn't help but express his excitement for the twenty fifth of December. So you weren't surprised when you came home the night before Thanksgiving and he was playing Christmas music, talking with Tyler on the couch and drinking a Red Bull. "Christmas music already? Really?" you raised your eyebrows.
"It's never too early!" he protested. "They call me Spooky Jim Christmas for a reason, y/n."
"He's crazy," Tyler joked.
"I'll agree with that," you laughed, giving Josh a kiss on the cheek. "But I love crazy."
"Thanks babe," Josh smiled.
"So is Jenna coming over tomorrow morning to help with the dinner?" you asked.
"Yeah, we're all going to help," Tyler answered.
"Even you and Josh?" you questioned, eyeing them carefully.
"What? You doubt us?" he teased. "Our cooking capabilities will exceed your expectations. Just you wait. We will blow your mind."
"Mm hmm," you nodded your head, extremely doubtful.
The next morning, things pretty much went like you thought they would. It didn't take but five minutes before Tyler and Josh were throwing mashed potatoes in each other's faces, and Jenna and you had to tell them to go pick up the mess and then stay in the living room and play video games. "What are we going to do with those boys?" Jenna laughed, stirring the stuffing with a wooden spoon.
"God knows," you chuckled, putting the turkey in the oven. "But we love them anyways."
"Of course," she rolled her eyes. "It's our job, remember?"
You wiped your hands on the towel, getting ready to prepare the cranberry sauce when you felt two arms wrap around your waist from behind, and warm lips on your neck. "What do you think you're doing?" you smirked, looking behind you and staring at Josh.
"Nothing," he lied, acting innocent.
"What happened? You guys got bored of Mario Kart?" you joked.
"Tyler's too good for me," Josh groaned.
"I am the victor!" you heard Tyler shout happily from the couch in the other room, earning a laugh from Jenna.
"Come here," you giggled, kissing Josh on the lips.
"You taste like gravy," he whispered in your ear with a small chuckle. "Have you been secretly eating the food, y/n?"
"No," you shook your head. "You're just making things up, silly."
"Well either way, you're more delicious than any Thanksgiving dinner I've ever had," he winked.
"You're so cheesy," you shook your head, suppressing a grin.
"I love you," he attempted to break out your smile.
"Love you too," you replied, kissing him on the cheek. "Now go run along and beat Tyler for me."
"Absolutely!" his eyes lit up.
"Hey! I heard that!" Tyler yelled from the other room.
"They're so funny," Jenna sighed.
"How are we so lucky to get stuck with them?" you teased.
"I don't know," she laughed. "But I wouldn't trade it for the world."
The next few hours consisted of you and Jenna working hard and making sure all the food was properly cooked, seasoned, and prepared in fancy dishes. It would just be the four of you, seeing as the weather was a bit crazy and their families couldn't come in time for Thanksgiving, and you guys were stuck with them. Much less, it would be the first holiday spent in you and Josh's apartment together, and you were interested to see how it went. You'd never complain though, spending time with your boyfriend and your best friends was something you loved to do, and it was moments like this that reminded you of how special this little family you had created really was. Whether it was the boys making stupid jokes or Jenna and you conspiring pranks against them, both of them trying to woo you with cheesy pick-up lines or clearly showing off onstage, they were the best times of your life.
"Is it ready to eat?" Tyler called from the living room. "I think we've played over a hundred rounds by now."
"And we're running out of Red Bull!" Josh complained.
"Calm down, only a couple more minutes, guys," Jenna reassured.
"And not too much Red Bull! You'll kill yourselves," you warned.
"There's never too much Red Bull," Josh argued.
"Red Bull gives you wings," Tyler reminded.
"Whatever," you shook your head, laughing. "Dinner will be ready soon, boys."
"Meanwhile, you can help set the table maybe?" Jenna raised an eyebrow.
"We would love to!" Tyler responded quickly. "We might not be able to cook, but we can surely set a table like the pros we are. Right Josh?"
"Oh yeah," he nodded, both of them entering the room and trying to look tough. "That's a task we do best."
"Then prove it," Jenna chuckled, handing them a stack of plates and silverware. "And maybe we'll forgive you for the incident earlier."
It didn't take too long before all of you were at the table, filling your plates with food, holding each other's hands in a circle, waiting for Tyler to begin grace. "I just want to say thank you for being here. Thank you for all the amazing people we've met and have in our lives, all the blessings that have been bestowed on us, for my beautiful wife and amazing friends, for Josh and y/n, bless their hearts, and for everything in my life. Thank you for the music and the experience, for our success, and for being alive," he smiled. "Amen."
"Amen," you all agreed.
"Now let's eat!" Tyler announced happily.
It didn't take another second before all of you picked up your forks and began your meal, stuffing your faces with delicious food, talking and laughing, sharing jokes and teasing each other. Halfway through the meal, Josh couldn't help but start to ask where the dessert was, and that led up to begging Jenna to finally take the cinnamon apple pie out. Everything was perfect, just like those cheesy adorable Thanksgiving meals were shown on television, where everyone was smiling and eating food. But you wouldn't have asked for anything else. You were having the time of your life, and for the first time you could remember, it wasn't being spent with your relatives arguing about politics or your aunts and uncles pestering you about still being single. There wasn't any fighting or embarrassment, awkward moments or being afraid to ask for your sibling to pass something to you across the table, nothing you didn't like. Instead you were beyond happy, extremely excited yet still relaxed, and you hoped for more holidays like this, times where you could be yourself and just enjoy the day.
Jenna and Tyler didn't take off right away, they insisted on helping you and Josh clean the dishes and help pack up the food. They even cleaned up some of the house too, vacuuming the carpet and cleaning off the table. It was a little late before they left, but you didn't mind at all, actually you loved the extra help, and it was super kind of Jenna to stay with you all day and assist with everything. After giving goodbye hugs and sending them home with lots of leftovers, you sighed, tired and exhausted, joining Josh on the couch to watch a Thanksgiving special on television. You curled up in his arms, resting your head on his chest, pulling a fluffy blanket over the two of you.
"Thank you for everything today, babe," Josh smiled, kissing your forehead lightly. "You did a great job with everything. Sorry I wasn't the biggest help."
"It's okay," you laughed. "Jenna helped me a ton, it was all good."
"You mean so much to me," he whispered, hugging you tight. "I hope you never forget that."
"I love you, Josh," you murmured, closing your eyes and getting lost in the moment. "Thank you, so much. For everything. This was the best Thanksgiving ever."
"Just wait until Christmas," he chuckled. "It's going to get even better, my dear."

Credit to thepatricktreestump on Tumblr

Josh Dun imaginesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz