Bad timing (part 2)

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Josh Dun imagine

"Come with you and do what?" you say to him with a smile of your face that you couldn't make go away.
He scooted closer to you and grabbed your hands. "Just be there. For me. For Tyler."
You rolled your eyes and sat on the couch correctly. "Why do you have to do this? Why now?"
"Why not? It's the end of June, school is out and you don't have to teach again until August." You let your head drop and your smile went away. You knew what he was saying was true, but was it realistic? Could you drop your life here and just travel with your friends... You shook your head and broke the silence with a sniffle of tears. Before you could do anything Josh was in front of you on his knees, lifting your head up with his hands on your cheek and wiping away your tears. He was smiling this way he always did when he looked at you and suddenly it felt like you were seven again and Josh was rescuing you from the imaginary dragons. Josh had this way of making you feel secure, safe and, well, loved.
"My hero." You whispered to him with a smile, tears still trying to form. "Okay."
He stood up and brought you up with him. "Seriously?!" he said voice cracking from excitement. You just shook your head and that was all he needed to walk away and begin packing you a bag. It took a whole two minutes before your phone was buzzing with a message from Tyler.
Message received from Tyler Joseph:
Josh just told me you were coming with us. Jenna and I are super stoked!
You smiled and walked to your bedroom. You stood in the doorway watching Josh as he was throwing all your belongings into a red suitcase.
"A little eager are you?" You laughed and sat on the bed, motioning for Josh to join you.
"Was this your plan the whole time?" Josh rose an eyebrow in confusion. "Get so drunk that I have to come get you? Because if it weren't for last night, I may not be sitting here watching you throw 8 pairs of shoes in a bag." You looked at him and before he could respond you closed the distance between you two with a kiss, this time so deep that it caused Josh to lay you down on the bed, him on top of you. You continued like this until the sound of "Ode to Sleep" playing on your phone interrupted the two of you.
He broke the kiss just looking at you before planting a soft kiss on your nose.
"Dammit." You whispered.
He grabbed your phone and laughed, shutting the alarm off. He kissed you once more before speaking,
"You set an alarm on your phone to remind you that I am leaving..." You cut him off,
"I do it every time. I don't like it, but I feel like every time we are together is also the countdown to the time you leave again." Your voice trailed off making you recall all the times that he was in front of you and about to say his goodbyes again. He snapped you out of these dark thoughts by saying, "Good thing about this time is you don't have to say goodbye when you're going with me." He smiled, "And maybe it was my plan, to get so drunk you had to come save me. It worked." He winked at me making me blush.
"It was nice being the one doing the saving. Well, I have to finishing packing. Will you call my mom and let her know what is going on? She will love to hear from you anyways." He shook his head and walked into the next room while you finished packing.
The plane ride wasn't too long and you guys landed in New York for the next couple of shows. Everything happened so fast that you still were in a bit of shock. When you got to the hotel, you and josh walked up to your room. When you opened the door you saw two king size beds. You dropped your bag and jumped onto the bed closest to the window. Josh ran after you and jumped on the bed opposite to you.
"Can you believe it? You're here. With me!" Josh turned on his side to the two of you were facing. You smiled and got up to open the window. The New York skyline was beautiful. You felt Josh's strong arms wrap around you from behind. You laid your head back against his chest.
"I'm sorry the first stop isn't more exciting. I know you have been here before." Before he could say anymore you stopped him.
"It is perfect. It seems more magical this time!" You smiled and took in a deep breath admiring the view. "So, its 12:00 in the morning, did you want to do something or just sleep and wake up early tomorrow and explore?"
"I think we better get some rest." Josh responded and the two of you got ready for bed.
You climbed into your bed and Josh into his. You said your goodnights and turned the lights out. You began replaying the events of the past two days in your head. You tossed and turned and after about an hour of this you finally called out.
"Josh, are you awake?" Before he could respond you continued, "It's just that this is a new place, and I just can't seem to quiet my mind and I can't get comfortable..." Your voice trailed off and soon you could see Josh's figure climbing into your bed.
"I've been waiting on you to invite me into this bed all night. "He laughed and kissed you softly.
"To be honest, I didn't know how this would work." You spoke.
Josh whispered back to you, "I think it's the exact same except now we are dating."
"Can you believe it? After all these years." You responded.
You kissed him much more intense than the few times before. You trailed your hands up and down his shirtless torso and suddenly Josh was on top of you again. He broke the kiss, before saying, "We can take this as slow as you want to. We don't have to rush into anything."
The next words came out before you could even process them, "We've been taking it slow for 23 years. I don't think anything would be a rush at this point." You kissed him harder and your hands made your way to his hair. He was feeling your entire body and his lips had trailed to your neck making you let out small moans. As things began heating up, you heard a knock at your door.
Josh hung his head down and frustration. You got up to answer the door, knowing your frustration was easier to hide. When you opened the door you were greeted by Tyler and Jenna entering your room.
"Sorry guys, but we have to go. There has been some leaked information on twitter about our location and there are people everywhere. The car will be here in 5 minutes." The two of them walked out and you walked back to a clearly upset Josh.
"Dammit." You said again.
"To be continued?" He spoke as a question before picking up all of your things and heading out of the hotel.

Credit to jwdun17 on Tumblr

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