Hourglass part 2 (smut)

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Josh Dun and Tyler Joseph imagine

You had managed to snag a plus one to an after party with Josh and Tyler for one of the award shows, and you couldn't be more excited. You had never attended any sort of public event with them before, mainly because they tended to avoid such gatherings, but this time, it was for the American Music Awards, so they opted to go. You had made sure to wear your sexiest outfit, a tight fitting black dress along with some pumps that made your legs look great; the minute you had stepped out in front of them, you knew they were going to have a hard time keeping their eyes off of you the entire night, which is exactly what you intended.
It had been two weeks since Josh had invited Tyler to join the two of you in the bedroom, and you had been craving more from the two of them ever since. In the days following that night, Tyler had spent more time at the house when you were around, instead of mainly visiting for band practice; the three of you would watch movies together, usually with your head in one of their laps and your feet in the other's lap. But that was the extent of any contact they would give to you. Even when Tyler wasn't there, Josh's touches wouldn't stray from hugs, quick kisses, and the occasional cuddle when you slept.
You tried to get them to notice you: wearing skimpy outfits in front of them, brushing up against them to get them hard, you even bought yourself new toys to use, and left the bags sitting around for them to see. None of it worked, and you were beginning to wonder if it would never happen again.
The awards show had ended, and the three of you had ventured to the nightclub where the after party was being held. The entire ride to the club was in silence, neither Josh or Tyler spoke to you; this only made the situation better, in your opinion, because you knew were getting under their skin.
As the three of you mingle, Josh's arm wraps around your waist, pulling you snug against him. Even past the brim of Tyler's hat you can see that he's irritated he cannot touch you in public like Josh can; you attempt to give him a quick knowing gaze, but Josh hugs you tighter to him, warning you to be more discreet. It was the most attention you'd gotten out of them in weeks.
"Babe, we have to go do a couple of interviews, are you going to be okay out here alone?" Josh asks. You grin at him, kissing him softly on the cheek.
"Don't worry about me," you reply. "You guys do what you have to do."
"We'll be back in a little bit," Josh says, letting you go. "Have fun while we're gone."
"Not too much fun," Tyler adds, brushing past you. "Not without us." They disappear into the crowd before you can respond, leaving you alone at the bar.
Your eyes wander around the bar, noticing several musicians and actors that you recognize, but none of which you care to associate with. You take a quick sip of your drink, trying to decide what you wanted to do, when someone walks up to the bar alongside of you. He doesn't speak to you, instead orders a drink from the bartender; with your eyes still down, looking at your drink, you notice a sleeve tattoo running up his forearm.
"Cool ink," you comment, looking up into the man's face. He grins at you, glancing at his tattoo before looking back at you.
"Thanks," he replies. "Do you mind if I sit here? I promise I won't hit on you." You laugh at his comment, a part of you thinking that you wouldn't be offended if he did hit on you. Shaking the thoughts away, you nod your head, gesturing to the empty seat at your side. "Thank you," he says, sitting down. "I came here with one of my buddies, and he ditched me."
"My boyfriend and his friend did the same thing, they have interviews to do," you say, nodding slowly. "I don't know anyone here." The man laughs, holding his hand out to you.
"My name's Michael," he says. "Now you know somebody here." You shake his hand, replying with your own name. "So, who's your boyfriend?" he asks, sipping on his drink.
"Josh Dun from twenty one pilots."
"Oh, okay, that's cool. Their performance was awesome. And they won tonight, right?"
"Yeah, they did," you respond. "Twice."
"Cool," he says.
The two of you chat idly for the next twenty minutes, talking about music and tattoos. Michael asks you about what you do, and you explain your boring job to him. When you ask him what he does for a living, his attitude visibly changes, as though he was slightly uncomfortable.
"Oh, I'm sorry," you say. "Are you a spy or something? Can't talk about it?"
"Not exactly," he answers, with a laugh. "I'm an actor."
"No shit? Anything that I would have seen you in?"
"Well," he begins, leaning back in his seat. "That depends." You stare at him expectantly, waiting for him to elaborate; he sighs, a slight grin creeping up on his lips. "I'm an adult film star," he says. You're baffled, never having expected him to say that.
"You're lying," you say.
"I'm not," he laughs. "I promise you."
"What's that like? Just sleeping with girls all day long."
"It's not a bad gig," he admits. "Surprisingly, it's a competitive industry." You chuckle, resting your arms on the bar, and leaning closer to Michael.
"Are you good at what you do?" You've had a couple of drinks, and the question just slips from your mouth, in a much flirtier way than you had intended. Michael smirks, leaning on the bar as well.
"I'm very good," he mumbles. You giggle, playfully smacking him on the arm. "I'm serious. I always leave them satisfied."
"I'll bet," you reply. Your head is hazy from the alcohol you had consumed, and somewhere in your mind, you know that you're flirting, but it's harmless, you think. You pull your bottom lip between your teeth, keeping your eyes on Michael's face.
"Too bad I can't prove it, huh?" he asks. For the first time, you notice Michael's eyes dragging over your body; you have to admit to yourself that it felt good to have someone give you attention.
"Yeah, that's a real shame," you reply, catching his attention.
As he gives you another once-over, you glance past his shoulder, spying Josh and Tyler standing at the other side of the club, glaring at you. They are sipping on their own drinks, muttering back and forth to one another as they keep their eyes on you; a grin creeps up on your lips as you realize they're jealous. You know they're giving you a chance, seeing how far you're going to push your flirting, so you intended to call their bluff.
"Maybe we could dance," you say, turning your attention back to Michael. "Show me some of your moves."
"Oh, would Josh Dun be okay with that?" he asks, still grinning.
"Well, considering he's watching us right now, I'd say he's pretty irritated," you answer.
"So, you want me to help you make him jealous, huh?"
"You alright with that?"
"As long as he doesn't try to punch me in the face," Michael says. He stands from his seat, holding his hand out to you; taking his hand, you stand and allow him to lead you to the dance floor. Once you find your spot on the floor, Michael spins you around in his arms pulling your back against him as you begin to sway. "At least I get to dance with a pretty girl," he whispers in your ear, setting his hands on your hips to pull you closer.
"Lucky you, huh?" you quip, pressing your backside against him.
"I'd say Josh is the lucky one," Michael whispers. You glance across the club, finding Josh and Tyler at the bar paying the bartender; Tyler looks up first, making eye contact with you. When you're certain he sees you, a grin stretches across your lips and you lift your hand over your shoulder, lacing your fingers through Michael's hair, pulling him closer. "You're laying it on thick, aren't you?" he mutters, amusement in his voice. "All I'm getting out of this is a hard-on."
"And I'm positive you can find someone to take care of it tonight," you reply. Josh's eyes are on you now, as he and Tyler are stalking around the edge of the dance floor; you know they're waiting for you to come to them, but you're focused on finishing your dance. You make a show of it, grinding extra hard against Michael, who was keeping his hands on your hips the entire time to not cross the line.
When the song finally ends, you slip from Michael's grasp and turn to face him. He glances past you towards Josh and Tyler, before looking back to you.
"They both look furious," he says.
"Even better," you reply.
"Oh, really?" Michael laughs, understanding what your intentions were for the night.
"Thanks for the dance, Michael. I'll have to check out your movies sometime."
"Well, if you like what you see then gimme a call sometime," he says. "I'll be more than happy to show you more." He kisses your hand, before leaving you alone on the floor before Josh and Tyler decide to come over.
Even with your back to them, you know their eyes are on you. Staying on the floor for a moment, swaying by yourself to the music, you suddenly feel someone come up behind you and grab your bicep, pulling you against them.
"Outside, now." It's Josh, speaking through his teeth. His grip on your arm is harder than you expected, and you worry that you've genuinely pissed him off. Josh practically drags you towards the exit of the club, with Tyler following along with you.
Once you reach the car, Josh shoves you into the back seat, slamming the door behind you; you sit silently in the seat, watching Josh and Tyler get into the front seat. At first, as you drive back to the hotel, neither of them speak, staying completely silent, and you worry that you had ruined everything with your simple stunt.
"Do you know who that guy was?" Josh's voice rings out in the car, breaking the silence. You glance up in the rearview mirror, noting that Josh's eyes are still on the road. You part your lips, about to speak, but Josh continues. "He's a fucking pornstar," Josh spits. "And you flirted with him, let him touch you and dance with you."
"It was harmless, Josh," you reply.
"Is that what you think?" Tyler chimes in. "You think that you can grind your ass up on some guy and it's harmless?"
"Don't," Josh interrupts. You don't attempt to speak again, simply stay silent for the rest of the ride to your hotel.
Once inside the room, you began to make your way to the bathroom, but Tyler grabs your arms, tugging you against his chest where you face Josh directly in front of you. Tyler keeps your arms held away from you, your back pressed against his chest. Josh brings his hands to the hem of your dress, working it up your thighs.
"Let's see," he mutters. "How wet did your pornstar friend get you?" Tyler's grip on your arms tightens, making certain you couldn't move from his grasp, as Josh presses his fingers past your panties. As soon as his fingers come in contact with your folds, you take in a shaky breath, having so desperately missed his touch for the past two weeks.
"How wet is she, Josh?" Tyler asks from behind you, as he sets his chin on your shoulder.
"God, she's drenched," Josh scoffs. "Looks like that harmless little dance with Michael meant more than you thought, huh?"
"I'll bet he got hard with your ass rubbing on him like that," Tyler mutters into your ear. Your eyes stay on Josh, who is giving you a hard gaze, his jaw clenched. "That must have been what got you all worked up."
"No, it's–"
"Is that what you want?" Josh asks. "You wanna be a little slut, grinding up on whoever's dick you can get?"
"It's not–"
"Stop it," Tyler interrupts. "Josh and I talked about this...and if you wanna be a slut, then we'll treat you like one." Josh moves from you, walking towards where his bags sat; he rifles through them for a few moments until he pulls out some speakers. Tyler holds you still, nuzzling against your neck while Josh set the speakers up with his phone.
"What do you wanna hear, Tyler?" Josh asks.
"I'm not sure," Tyler responds. "What kind of music can she dance to that will make her look really fuckin' cheap?"
"I've got an idea," Josh says. He chooses a song from his phone and sets it down crossing to you again. He and Tyler sit abandon you, sitting on the edge of the bed and looking towards you as 'Do Something Strange' by Ludacris begins to play.
"Good song choice, dude," Tyler chuckles.
"What...what do you want me to do?" you ask, feeling shy under their gaze.
"I think lap dances sound nice," Josh says. "Get to it."
You stay still for a moment, biting your lip as you study the serious expressions on their faces. After a moment, when the song begins to intensify, you start swaying, running your hands up your body; you trace your hands over your breasts, up your neck and into your hair. Closing your eyes, you try to get lost in the music, swaying your body around when you feel a pair of hands set on your hips. Opening your eyes, you see Josh pulling you towards him.
"You're not supposed to touch when you're getting a lap dance," you say. Josh chuckles softly, pulling you to where you were standing right in front of him.
"If you did it faster, I wouldn't have to." He sets his hands back down at his sides, looking up at you.
You continue to rub over your body, slowly twisting your hips around; you watch the way your own body moves before you glance up at Josh, seeing the darkened look on his face. You run your hands across your breasts again, down to your hips and tugging gently at the dress to expose more of your thigh for a moment.
Side stepping slightly, you lean over in front of both of them, setting your hands on the mattress between each of their legs. You dip your head towards Josh first, nuzzling against his cheek, before you turn towards Tyler, leaning in as if you were going to kiss his neck before tipping your head back. Looking back and forth between them, you lick your lips, your backside sticking out, and swaying to the beat.
Crouching down in between them, you trail your hands up their thighs, looking up into their eyes for a moment before standing up straight again. You get caught in the music again, turning your back to them and wrapping your arms around yourself, shaking your backside for their hungry eyes. Keeping your legs straight and parted, you bend over allowing your dress to hike up enough for them to see your panties. You peek around at them, seeing how focused they are on your movements, and you can't help but smile.
Standing straight again, you turn to face Josh, slowly moving towards him. You climb onto the bed, straddling one of his thighs. He watches your body, seeing that you're not even touching his thigh yet; his eyes find yours, giving you a warning gaze. You notice he's reaching to grasp your hips so you slap his hands away.
"Patience," you whisper.
"Don't forget who's in charge right now," Tyler warns. You look towards the other man, seeing the smirk on his lips.
Turning your attention back to Josh, you place your hands on his shoulders and finally grind your center down onto his thigh. You nudge your knee higher between his legs, pressing against his crotch. As you slowly grind down against him, you make sure to create friction between your knee and his growing erection as well as your core and his thigh.
"Mmm," Josh groans, looking from between your bodies up to your face. "You're such a good girl." You smirk, continuing your movements, knowing that you're soaking through your panties, and leaking onto Josh's jeans already.
Just as you know Josh was enjoying the dance too much, you slide from his lap, looking down at the slightly irritated look on his face.
"You've gotta share, baby," you whisper, moving towards Tyler.
"My turn, huh?" he asks, a grin on his lips. You turn your back to him, setting your hands on his knees and lowering your backside down against his crotch. Bumping and grinding slowly, you hear Tyler let out a soft groan before he sets one of his hands on your back.
"Tyler," you warn. "No touching." You hear him let out a groan, dropping his hand from you as you continue to softly grind against his crotch. Peering over at Josh, you see he's watching you through half-lidded eyes as you grind on his best friend. "What's wrong, baby?" you ask. "Don't like watching me grinding on daddy like this? Makes you jealous?" Josh chuckles, shaking his head.
"Not jealous at all," he says. "If I didn't want to share you with him, he wouldn't be here."
"Man, she's being a really good little slut, dancing like this for us, huh, Josh?"
"Oh, yeah, she is," Josh agrees, standing from his seat. "Keep grinding on Tyler like that, babe." He steps in front of you, unzipping his jeans; he tugs his erection free from his briefs, slowly stroking it in front of your face.
Tyler brushes your hair back from your face and urges your head towards Josh, so you could take him into your mouth. You continued to grind on Tyler's lap as you slowly began to bob your head along Josh's length.
"Damn," Tyler whispers, setting his hands on top of yours, holding them down so you couldn't use your hands on Josh. "Take his cock as deep as you can," Tyler whispers. "We wanna watch you choke on it."
You do as you're told, relaxing your throat as you attempt to take Josh deeper. You peer up at him, watching him running his hand through his hair, eyes closed and mouth open. He's breathing out soft pants, getting louder the deeper you take him.
"Fuck, yes," Josh hisses, once he hits the back of your throat. Tyler releases his hold on your hands and grasps your head, holding you still, so Josh could stay buried as deep as he was in your mouth. You swallow around him, and you hear Josh let out a stifled moan; you begin to gag around him, so Tyler yanks your head back, allowing you to breathe.
"Goddamn, you can take it deep down your throat, huh, you cheap slut?" Tyler whispers, wrapping his arms around your body. His palm presses down against your panties, causing friction to your sensitive spot. You gasp, hands fisting his jeans as you look up at Josh, who is stroking himself while he watches you. "You wanna suck my dick while your boyfriend fucks your tight little cunt?" he mutters, kissing along your neck.
"Yes, daddy," you moan, spreading your legs wider.
"Stand up," Josh commands. You stand quickly, looking at him expectantly. For a moment, he just stares at you, but quickly leans in to give you a passionate kiss; you moan in his mouth, about to wrap your arms around him, but he breaks away. "Spin around," he says. You turn your back to Josh, watching Tyler pulling his erection from his jean. "Lean over and put your hands on the bed."
You lean over Tyler, setting your hands down on the bed on either side of him. His hand is stroking over his length just in front of your face, and you lick your lips at the sight. You feel Josh lift your dress up, and tug your panties down to your feet. Josh's fingers trail through your wetness, teasing over your clit.
"How 'bout it, Tyler? You wanna taste her?" Your head tips up at Josh's words, looking into Tyler's face; you see the smirk on the smaller man's face, as he gives a quick glance to you.
"Yeah, I do," he responds. You watch Josh's hand extend towards Tyler, who immediately begins to lick your juices off of Josh's fingers.
"Holy shit," you whisper. You keep your eyes on Tyler's tongue, tracing over Josh's digits, getting every drop of you from him.
"Mmm," Tyler groans, licking his lips. "She tastes so fuckin' good."
"Yeah, she does," Josh mutters, smacking you firmly on the backside. You yelp, arching your back; as you do this, Josh buries himself inside of you, making you groan out softly. "You'd better start sucking Tyler's cock," Josh says. "I want to hear you gagging on him while I fuck you."
"Yes, sir," you respond, feeling Tyler's hand grasping a handful of your hair, urging your head towards his lap. As your lips wrap around the tip of Tyler's erection, Josh jerks his hips back and thrusts into you again, forcing you closer to Tyler and shoving him deeper into your mouth.
"Shit," Tyler hisses, fingers tightening in your hair. "That's a good girl, take it just like that." He guides you over him, bobbing your head up and down on him; Josh is slowly pumping into you, taking his time with you. His fingers were bunching up your dress around your waist, using it to yank you back to meet each of his thrusts.
You moan around Tyler's length, closing your eyes and trying to focus on the feeling of Tyler in your mouth, but Josh's movements are becoming faster, harder. You can't help the whine that tears at your throat, your fingers tightening on the comforter on the bed.
"Listen to that," Josh mutters. "Whimpering like a little whore for us. You love it, don't you?"
"Mm-hmm," you grunt around Tyler's member. Tyler tugs your head back so his length falls from your mouth; you let out a loud moan, looking up at Tyler. While you keep eye contact with him, you drag your tongue on the underside of his shaft, flicking the tip of your tongue over his head. You wrap your lips around the head, sucking harshly and swirling your tongue around it.
"Holy shit," Tyler moans, tipping his head back.
Josh continues you thrust you relentlessly, rocking your body forward harshly. His hands are tugging so tight at the dress around your waist, the low cut material is pulling past your chest, making your breasts threaten to fall from the top. Josh lets go of the dress, reaching to your breasts; he tugs your dress down, slipping the straps of your bra down your arms so he could cup your naked breasts.
He uses his grip on them to continue to tug your body against his motions, moving swifter and more aggressive, letting out a grunt with each push. You're still sucking on the head of Tyler's erection, listening to his moans mixing with Josh's.
"Fuck," Josh groans, slowing his movements down until he stops entirely. "I don't wanna lose it...I'm not done with you yet." He takes a step back from you, grabbing your arm and spinning you around to face him; he pushes your to your knees, leading your head to take him into your mouth. You bob your head over him a few times, tasting yourself on him and making your head reel. "How do you want her, Ty?" Josh asks, while you continue to suck him.
"Hmm, I've got an idea," Tyler says, standing from the bed and walking towards the window of the hotel room. He sits on the windowsill, keeping his eyes on you as he strokes over his length. "Why don't you take those clothes off and crawl on over here to daddy, baby girl?" he smirks. Josh chuckles at Tyler's command, and pulled your head back from your task on his erection.
"Go ahead, baby, listen to Tyler."
You wiggle out of your dress and take your bra off; as you reach to remove your heels, Tyler and Josh both react.
"Leave those," they say, in-time. You look up at them, seeing the smirks on their faces; you keep the heels on, and set on your hands and knees, slowly crawling towards Tyler.
"Look how sexy your girl is, crawling to me like this, Josh," Tyler mutters, stroking his erection.
"Fuck, you should see it from back here," Josh responds, from behind you.
When you reach Tyler, you sit up on your knees, setting your hands on his thighs. You look up at him, seeing the hungry look in his eyes; when he nods his head, you know what he's telling you to do. You stand in front of him, straddling his thighs, setting on your knees on the windowsill.
"Mmmm," Tyler groans, as you lower yourself onto him. Once you've settled on top of him, Tyler leans up to press a kiss to your lips; the kiss immediately heats up, and you find yourself breaking away in a hurry to catch your breath. Tyler tips his head back against the window, placing his hands on your thighs while your hands press to the window behind him.
"You're gonna fuck Tyler in the window, huh?" Josh asks, sitting beside Tyler, working his hand over himself as he watches you begin to ride his best friend. "In the window, with God knows who watching?" he continues. "You're such a fuckin' slut."
"Yes, sir, I am," you groan, rolling your hips on Tyler.
"And who do you belong to?"Josh asks.
"You, Josh," you manage, circling your hips.
"Who else?"
"Tyler," you groan.
"That's right, baby," Josh whispers. "You're only allowed to share that pussy with Tyler, not some scumbag pornstar, do you hear me?" You nod your head, closing your eyes and bouncing on Tyler's lap. "Say it," Josh speaks, through gritted teeth.
"I can only fuck you or Tyler," you breathe out. "My pussy belongs to you two."
"Not just your pussy, baby girl," Tyler rasps, smacking you on your backside. "Your whole fuckin' body is ours." You nod your head furiously, arching your back as your continue to ride Tyler. "Mmmhmm," Tyler groans. He snatches his hat from his head, putting it on backwards; he tilts his head forward and begins to suck on one of your nipples.
"Oh, God, Tyler," you gasp, dropping one of your hands from the window to grasp the back of his neck. You look over at Josh who is working his hand over his length at the same speed that you're riding Tyler.
"Does it feel good when you fuck Tyler like that?" he asks, biting his lip.
"Yes, sir," you whisper, reaching out to push his hand away from his erection. You resume the pace that he had set, watching him lean back against the window so he could study your movement. Tyler focuses his attention on your other breast, sucking on your nipple, giving it a teasing bite to make you yelp. "Fuck, daddy," you gasp, grabbing onto his shoulder as you feel your legs begin to weaken.
"You getting tired, baby?" Josh asks, noticing your reaction. "Because I had another idea in mind for what we could do to you tonight." Tyler tilts his head back, and slows down your movements, looking up at you with a grin. You glance between the two men, trying to determine what they were referring to. "Go get on the bed," Josh commands.
You move from Tyler's lap, walking towards the bed; sitting on the bed, you look towards the men, waiting for their next moves. They begin to make their way towards you, eyeing you up as if they were stalking their prey.
"So, we saw those little toys you bought for yourself," Josh begins. "Vibrators and dildos...and plugs." Your breath catches in your throat, your eyes cutting between Josh and Tyler.
"Have you used them on yourself?" Tyler asks. You nod your head slowly, dragging your bottom lip between your teeth. "How about that plug?" He pauses, licking his lips as he eyes you carefully. "Have you been using that?" he continues, his voice low. "Stretching yourself out...because you want us to fuck you in the ass?"
"Tyler," you mutter, breaking eye contact with him as your face reddens.
"Look at us," Josh says. You lift your head to look at them once again. "You want one of us to fuck your little pussy while the other one fucks your asshole?" You begin to lose your breath, your heart rate quickening; you nod your head quickly. "Beg us," Josh says. "Tell us what you want us to do."
"Josh," you say, voice shaking. "Please, baby, I want your dick inside of my pussy while Tyler fucks my ass...I want to feel both of you inside of me at the same time."
"Jesus," Tyler mutters, snatching his hat from his head and tossing it to the side.
"Yes, ma'am," Josh smirks, sitting beside you on the bed. He pulls you on top of him, laying back on the bed and waiting for a moment. Your hands tremble as they set on his chest, peeking over your shoulder to watch Tyler stepping behind you. "Are you sure?" Josh asks, softly. You feel Tyler's hand set on your shoulder, massaging gently as he waits for you to respond.
"Yes," you say, nodding your head. You feel Tyler's hand slide between your legs, stroking your wet core and using your juices to coat his fingers. He carefully presses two of his fingers into your hole, listening to you moan at the intrusion; his fingers very delicately work inside of you, making sure you were stretched enough for him.
"You okay?" Josh asks.
"Yeah," you whisper, eyes shut tight.
"You ready for it?" Tyler asks, retracting his fingers. You nod your head, preparing yourself for what is about to happen.
Josh slips into you first, pushing himself deep inside of your core; once he's situated, Tyler presses the head of his erection to your hole, easing himself inside of you. You can't help the strangled moan that falls from your lips at the feeling. You hear both of them stifle their own groans as well, all of you staying still for a moment to adjust.
"Fuck, please move," you groan, dropping down onto Josh's chest.
They slowly begin to move, setting an alternating pace, both pushing as deep as they can inside of you with each move they make. The sounds that fall from your mouth are so vulgar and crude, unlike anything you've ever made before; the feeling of both of them stretching you in a way you'd never felt before driving you crazy.
"Fuck, you're so tight," Tyler grates, hands grasping your hips so firmly he was leaving bruises. "You like having my dick in your ass like this?" You let out a whine, unable to speak; your hands are clawing at Josh's chest, peering into his eyes and watching him try to keep his composure.
"You love the feeling of Tyler taking that virginity from you, don't you?" Josh asks, his voice strained.
"Mmhmm," you manage, burying your face against his neck.
"You gonna come, baby?" Josh asks. You whimper, knowing that your climax is threatening to tear through your body. Josh's arms wrap around your body, Tyler's hands still grasping your hips, both of their movements becoming harder and rougher. They're pounding into you at the same pace, both of them inside of you as far as they can at the same time.
You feel your eyes watering as you squeeze them shut, your climax beginning to rip through you. All you can do is moan out their names, your stomach twisting up and your body rocking violently with the waves of your orgasm. You're whimpering, your body on fire and your words leaving you.
They don't stop, neither of them close to their own climaxes; they don't even slow down, continuing their brutal thrusts into you, working on giving you another orgasm. Your body is on fire, your breath catching in your throat.
"God, baby girl, you're such a good slut for us," Tyler pants, leaning over and setting his hands on the bed on either side of you and Josh to get even deeper inside of you. "You want us to come inside of you?"
"Yes, please, fuck," you gasp.
You drop fully against Josh, just becoming a toy for both of them, letting them use you until they're done. You focus on the sounds of their breathing, their moans, and you know you're already close to your second climax.
Biting down on Josh's shoulder, and wrapping your hands around Tyler's forearms, you brace yourself as you tumble into your second orgasm. Their thrusts become sloppy and forceful and within a few thrusts, they're both finishing deep inside of you. The sounds of your muffled screams and their moans of your name cut through the air, all of you gasping for breath as you ride out your orgasms.
You continue to tremble, strong waves of your orgasm wracking through your entire body; you feel Tyler's arms quivering as he struggles to maintain his weight. After a moment, he pulls out of you with a vague grunt, sitting beside you and Josh on the bed. Josh's arms are still wrapped tightly around you, his fingers caressing your back.
"I–I should..." your words escape you, your throat raw from your screams of pleasure. You feel Josh chuckle beneath you, brushing at your hair. You wiggle from Josh's grasp, standing to your feet; your legs wobble beneath you for a moment, but you kick your heels off to get better balance. You take in the site of both men, laying on the bed, clearly exhausted and you can't help but giggle. "I should shower," you whisper. "Alone." You add the second part before either of them have a chance to speak; you can see the slightly dejected looks on their faces, as you turn to make your way towards the bathroom.
You take a shower quickly, cleaning yourself up and letting the hot water run over your body to relax your muscles. When you finished, you wrapped a towel around yourself, making your way back into the room to find both men sitting up on the bed in just their briefs, watching television. They look up to you as you enter the room, smiling at you.
"Come here," Josh says, patting the spot in the bed between them.
"I should put some clothes on," you chuckle.
"No, you shouldn't," Tyler retorts, shaking his head. "You should come lay by us so we can cuddle." You can't help but laugh at the men; they go from being possessive and rough to absolute sweethearts, and you wouldn't have it any other way.
You pad across the room, keeping your towel clutched tightly around your body. Carefully, you climb over Josh to get between him and Tyler, all of you snuggling down in the covers. Josh's arm slides behind your back, tucking you closer to him; you glance at Tyler, nodding your head towards him to come closer. He rolls onto his stomach, draping his arm over your waist and setting his head on your stomach so he could look up at you. Glancing between him and Josh, you laugh softly at the looks on their faces.
"What?" you ask.
"Did you learn your lesson?" Tyler asks.
"What lesson?" you ask.
"What happens when you flirt with other guys," Josh mutters, kissing your shoulder.
"Oh, yeah," you say, with a nod. "If I flirt with other guys, you two will fuck me better than I've ever been fucked before. I learned my lesson for sure." Tyler chuckles, glancing towards Josh. Both of the men kiss you softly in turn, cuddling closer to you. "I'll make sure that I never ever do that again in the history of time."

Credit to trashy-extras on Tumblr

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