Wake up for me

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Josh Dun imagine

It was late and you just got out of work. A meeting ran late and Josh was probably worried where you were. You knew Josh would be awake still, probably awake waiting for you to come home.
You dialed his number and put it on the bluetooth system you had in your car.
"Hey there babe, you on your way home?" he asked when he picked up.
"Yup, just pulling out of the parking garage now. Sorry it's so late, we all lost track of time in the meeting." you apologized while driving.
"No big deal, just be careful, you know how people drive at night around here." he said referring to the drunk drivers.
"I know, I will be. So did Tyler make it in town safely?" you asked him.
"Yeah, he's asleep in the spare room. We did a lot at the studio. I think the record will be finish soon." he sounded so happy.
You were at a red light and couldn't wait to get home. All you wanted was to be wrapped in your boyfriend's arms and sleep.
"That's so cool. I'm honestly so prou-" you were cut off by the sound of a collision and black was all you could see.
I was staying up waiting for Y/N to get home from work. Tyler had just went to bed about a half hour ago and I was growing a bit concerned about the time. It was a Friday night at 11 and Y/N still was at work. The roads got dangerous due to drunk drivers in a city on a friday night. I knew she would call me when she got out of work and I was happy to finally hear her voice.
We had been talking for a while as she drove home. She was about 4 blocks away from our apartment and she was mid sentence when I heard it happen.
"That's so cool. I'm honestly so prou-" her voice stopped and the sound of two cars colliding came threw the phone.
"Y/N!" I yelled frantically into the phone hoping that she was okay.
There was no response. All I could hear was the sound of the horn in her car. My heart dropped into my stomach. I thought I was going to throw up. I yelled for Tyler, but he couldn't get up fast enough. I met him halfway down the hall and nearly collapsed. I was dialing 911, but needed Tyler to talk.
"What's wrong Josh?" he asked me and I told him what happened the best I could.
"911 what's your emergency?" I heard on the phone.
"My friend just got in a car accident, I heard it over the phone happen and we need an ambulance. She's on the corner of 3rd and East Main street." Tyler told the dispatcher.
"Okay, the police and ambulance are on they're way sir."
Tyler ended the call and helped me to my feet.
"Tyler it's only down the street. I need to go see if she's okay. Come with me please." I begged him.
"Josh are you sure that's a good idea?"
"Yes." I answered quickly.
Y/N was my world and I needed to make sure she was okay. Even if he wasn't I needed to be there with her.
Tyler nodded his head and we both quickly left the apartment. We ran down the street and when we got there the police were just showing up with the ambulance close by.
Tears fell on my face when I saw how her car had been pushed a good 15 feet into a pole. She was hit on the driver's side by a truck. I got a little closer and when I saw the state she was in I couldn't hold myself together. Her head was bleeding and it rested on the horn that was beeping.
"Sir you need to back up." said one police officer while pulling me back to the curb where Tyler stood talking to another police officer.
"Are you her boyfriend?" the officer asked, but I barely heard it. I was too busy watching as the pulled my unconscious, not okay girlfriend out of the car.
Her legs were covered in blood and her head was still bleeding.
I felt knees start to go weak and my vision grow blurry.
"Josh, buddy are you okay?" Tyler asked and I turned to him.
"Let's sit him down so he doesn't pass out." the officer said and Tyler helped me sit down.
My heart sank as I watched them put Y/N on the stretcher and into the ambulance.
The ambulance pulled away with her inside and I watched it disappear down the road.
"Come on Josh I'll drive you to the hospital." Tyler said helping me stand again.
"It's going to be okay Josh." Tyler told me once he helped me in the car back at the apartment.
I wanted to believe him, but it couldn't help but feel guilty. Y/N was in pain, she was hurt, and she needed me, but I wasn't there for her.
The ride to the hospital was silent. Tyler knew I was freaking out and couldn't talk. My thoughts were driving me insane as I starred out the window just hoping that Y/N would be okay. 'What if she's not okay.' 'what if she doesn't wake up.' 'when will she wake up.'
When we finally pulled up tot he hospital I got out before Tyler could even finish parking the car. I ran into the hospital with Tyler not to far behind.
"How can I help you sir?" the lady asked from behind the desk.
"My girlfriend just got into a car accident and she was taken her. Where is she?" I spoke frantically.
"Oh yes. She is currently being seen by the doctor and the doctor will come out when she has news." the lady told me and then told me to go sit and try and relax while I waited.
It felt like days passed until the doctor finally came out. I was sitting with my head in my hands trying not to cry. I was scared that Y/N wasn't okay. There was a lot of blood when I saw her and I overheard before they shut the ambulance doors shut that her pulse was weak. As I sat there I just heard the words from the ambulance, the sound of the crash, and her laugh replay over and over in my head.
"Are you here for Y/N Y/L/N?" the doctor asked causing me to sit up quickly.
"Yeah, I'm her boyfriend. How is she?"
The doctor sat down next to me in the empty seat. If Y/N was okay, why did she sit down? Oh god she wasn't okay was she?
"So Y/N was in a pretty bad accident and things are looking to be pretty tough." the doctor started. "We had to remove a lot of glass from her head. We stitched her head and two placing on her leg from where glass cut them. When she was hit her head went straight to the steering wheel which gave her a concision. She had lost a significant amount of blood at the scene and we had to give her a blood transfusion. She's currently in a medically induced coma to stop farther swelling of the brain and to help with the pain she's in. She's going to be on what we call life support until she wakes up, meaning she has a feeding tube in and some extra wires that will keep her healthy. We have high hopes for her, but some people can stay in these comas for a while. So until she can wake herself up from the coma, we don't know where her injuries will lead her. We're going to keep her here 2 days after she wakes up to monitor her. We need to make sure she can walked and stay awake for at least 6 hours straight before we can send her home. I know this is a lot to take in, but it looks to me that she will be okay. I'll bring you back when you're ready to see her." the doctor finished and waited a few moments for me to reply.
"Can I see her now?" I asked.
"Yes." she stood and Tyler and I followed her to Y/N's room.
"Call a nurse please when she wakes up." the doctor told Tyler before leaving.
"Are you okay Josh?" I felt Tyler out his hand on my shoulder and ask.
"Yeah. I will be once I can hear her voice again." I told him.
I pulled a chair up next to Y/N's bed and just watched as her chest rose and fell. She looked peaceful, but I knew she was in pain. There was no way she wasn't.
It was about 3 hours later and I hadn't taken my eyes off of Y/N. I wasn't planning on leaving her side until she was 100% better.
2 Weeks Later...
I didn't leave her side at all. Tyler would bring me food and he stayed at my place to sleep. I barely slept or ate the past 2 weeks. Tyler was concerned and he told me he was going to pry my hand out of her's if I didn't go home and shower and rest for a bit.
"I can't go back there without her Tyler. Please understand that I can't leave her." I begged him.
"Fine, but just for today. Tomorrow you're leaving this place for 2 hours at least. Just go for a walk in the fresh air. You need it, you look sick and Y/N wouldn't want you to be like this." I shook my head in acknowledgment and he left me alone. I turned my attention back to Y/N and smiled. They had taken the bandages off of her head and legs. She would never know they were there, because she was still in the coma.
"Excuse me. Sorry to disturb you, but we need to talk about Y/N's state." the doctor said walking into the room.
I turned my attention to the doctor as she spoke, but still held onto Y/N's hand.
"Unfortunately the longer a person is in a coma the more dangerous it becomes. We were hoping she would be awake by now, but it still doesn't seem to be that way. If she doesn't wake up with in the next 3 days, we will have to stop all life support. It might seem like a bad thing and I'm sorry to have to give you this news, but it's for the best interest if we stick to that. If we continue the life support she might wake up with memory loss and require 24/7 care for the rest of her life. It's really not far for the patient, so think it over and pray for a miracle." the doctor's words nearly stopped my heart. She had to wake up, she couldn't leave me. She needed to fight for this. I love her too much to lose her.
The doctor dismissed herself and Tyler came up behind me to comfort me.
"She's a fighter Josh. She'll wake up, I promise."
"How do you know Tyler." I said and tears came down my face. I was losing hope and I was scared.
We didn't talk much after that. I just held Y/N's hand as I've been doing the past two weeks. Sometime that day Tyler went to go get us some food and I was left alone with Y/N.
"Hey baby. I know you can hear me and you can't respond. If you were awake right now you would be yelling at em because I haven't showered in a while. I don't care though, as long as I can stay here I'll be with you. I want you to know that I love you so much. I need you to wake up soon Y/N, I can't lose you. The doctors say they're giving you 3 more days. I need you to fight your hardest you've ever fought and wake up. I love you so much baby." I told her and I could have sworn I felt her lightly squeeze my hand. It pained me to think it was my imagination, but it was.
I was in town for what was supposed to be only 2 days to record with Josh, but it's been 2 weeks. Y/N was in the hospital and I was watching my best friend fall apart slowing as he watched his girlfriend laying in a bed in a coma. When I had heard that Y/N was only getting 3 more days to pull herself from the coma I knew Josh was going to need me there for him more than ever. It was a new day and Y/N now had 2 days to wake up.
"Josh I'm making you leave. Just go for a 30 minute walk around the hospital, that's all I'm asking of you. Do it for Y/N." I begged Josh.
He hasn't left the room in over two weeks and he was looking ill himself. He nodded his head and stood. He left the room and I took his place in the chair next to the bed.
I held Y/N's hand in mine. Just sitting in the silence was weird, especially for Y/N. She was so happy all the time and seeing her lay still like this was hard to watch. I've known her for the past 3 years and she's the reason Josh is happy. I thank god he found her, but what will happen if she goes.
"Hey there Y/N. I feel really weird talking to you, knowing you're not going to respond. They said you can hear us talking and it will help you get better the more we talk, so here I am. Josh needs you to wake up, we all do. We're not giving up on you yet, just like you're not giving up. You never gave up on Josh or I and you've helped us both with lots. See you soon best friend." I said and just sat next to her.
After about 15 minutes I heard a small mumble break the silence. I looked up to Y/N and saw her eyes start to open a little.
"Y/N." I said excitedly and her eyes looked in my direction.
I called a nurse to the room where they helped her wake up more and took her feeding tube out. I immediately called Josh and he nearly ran back to the room.
I just got a call from Tyler saying Y/N was waking up. I basically ran to the room where I the nurse talking to her and examining her. When she looked over the nurse's shoulder and saw me her eyes filled with tears.
"Oh my god Y/N. Don't cry, I'm not going anywhere. I'll never leave your side." I said hugging her the tightest I ever have.
"I'll come back in a few hours to finish this." the nurse said and left.
"Sit with me?" Y/N asked me and I sat next to her, not letting her go. I wasn't planning to for a long time. She was my best friend and the best thing to ever happen to me, how could I let that go.
I could feel her shaking slightly and I knew it was because she was just scared.
"Shh, calm down babe. I'm right here for you and I will be for as long as I can." I said and kissed her. For the first time in 2 weeks I saw the eyes and smile of the girl that stole my heart.

Credit to topimagines on Tumblr

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