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Josh Dun Imagine

I walked along backstage cautiously, very aware of the many burly men (and all sorts of technicians) that were trying to do their job. If I was the reason the AMA's failed, I would break down.

Apart from the ever-growing anxiety over other people's jobs, being backstage had it's perks. Meeting celebrities, getting autographs, taking selfies and throughout the night getting more intoxicated that these tasks became even more exciting, amusing and, slightly, embarrassing.

The show was due to start in less than half an hour, and I was still trying to find my friends which was going very unsuccessfully. They weren't only nominated for an award, but they were also presenting the 'Favorite alternative artist' and as a proud friend I had to show my support.

Chemistry took a while to blow up, but their fame hasn't dwindled, they weren't just a one hit wonder. They were here to stay. This was such a major event to them on an emotional scale. We all watched this as kids, sat around the small TV in the living room, all rooting for the same band, all going through that awkward phase that'll we'll never forget. It had a lot of sentimental value, especially to the girls.

I worked my way from backstage of the left wing to the dressing rooms, bathrooms, prop rooms and the back entrance. Maybe they have gone to the red carpet, where everybody else were still taking photo's, and taking part in quick, quirky interviews with Buzzfeed, and of course the more mundane ones.

Time was ticking, faster than i'd imagined, and I had located my seat where Chemistry were supposedly sitting. Of course they were late, even as well-known (as well as well-paid) musicians they could never keep track of time. I looked around at the whispers and gossips, the long-time-no-see meetings, the false smiles at musical enemies, I was finally at the AMA'S where my idols were all socializing in one room.

The prestigious awards show was about to start and 5 chirpy, slightly intoxicated girls wearing short skirts and big smiles sat in their seats, waving a quick goodbye to Ariana Grande who was seated a few feet away from us.

"Better late than never I suppose." I mock-scold, shaking my finger in a manner only 80 year olds did in movies.

"We aren't late, {Y/N}. We still have a minute to go." chuckled Isla, "We were talking to Buzzfeed and then we had a long conversation with Ashley - she is performing that song with The Chainsmokers."

"We also talked to Josh, remember him? We met him one time at a shoot." Katie smirked, "And you absolutely adored him. Couldn't stop talking abo-"
I blushed, recounting the time I met the drummer. It wasn't one of my best moments.

"Stop and settle down, the opening act will begin soon."

Maybe I'll meet him again tonight.
-Time Skip-
"We brought our friend up here because she deserves some of the glory too. She has inspired us, she has written songs, she has even stayed up until the silly hours of the morning at the studio. She is not only talented, but she has been there through everything, even the times when nobody believed we could do it." Isla began, and when she talked there was no way you could stop her.

"Thank you to everybody who supported us, who worked with us and who believed in us. Thank you!" Katie interjected so they could get off the stage and out of the limelight. It had been a long evening.

We walked off, I was in absolute shock. I wasn't expected to be dragged up in front of the harsh lights and thousands of people. Only the fans knew me and it was weird that everybody else knew Chemistry's little secret.

In a few minutes they would present an award, the last award of the evening. I walked past a few of the strapping men from before, still embarrassed and nervous. I kept my head down, looking at the tangle of wires and equipment. One giant safety hazard AKA my demise.

I continued looking at my feet as I walked, not taking notice of the people around me. Soon, I was a wobbling mess, holding onto whatever was in front of me to hold me upright.

"I am so sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going and I- oh {Y/N} Hey!" A familiar, kind voice apologized.

"Hey Josh," I smiled, still holding onto his arm even though I was upright and not on the verge of falling over. "Long time, no see."

"Yeah, we never hooked up after, wait-I didn't mean- I meant." He flushed, realizing his humiliating mistake.

I smiled, both of us blushing profusely. "It's okay Josh, I know what you meant. We never exchanged numbers, we sort of parted ways." I sighed, a little too loudly, showing my aversion to the subject at hand.

"Well maybe we should exchange numbers, then we can avoid embarrassing situations like this." He motioned towards my hand which was still firmly grasped his arm. I felt myself blushing again, red leaking onto my cheeks as I nervously looked away but I still couldn't hide the red glow on my face.

"I think that'll be best."

Credit to joshdunimaginesandstuff on tumblr

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