Just kiss me

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Josh Dun imagine

You sat on the couch and sighed. Only a little bit longer and your boyfriend Josh would finally be home from work. You had set up a double date later that night, and you'd only have a couple hours before you had to meet the others at the restaurant. Tyler and Jenna were very close friends, and you had hung out for years. They had started dating a couple years before you and Josh had, and they had constantly pointed out how you two would be a perfect couple up until the day when Josh finally asked you out. They were super supportive, as well as hilarious and loving, and your best friends in the entire world. It was normal for you and Josh to go on double dates with Tyler and Jenna, especially after the boys' shows or band celebrations.
The doorbell rang and you instantly rushed to open the door, and when you met Josh's smiling face, you couldn't help but grin. "Hey babe, I missed you," he wrapped his arms around you tight, kissing the top of your head and kicking the door shut with his foot.
"It's only been a couple hours," you rolled your eyes when you released the embrace.
"A couple hours feels like a million years when I'm not with you," Josh admitted.
"I think I can relate," you nodded, returning to his arms again in a tight hug. You released the embrace, holding his hand and leading him to the couch, where he snuggled up beside you, his head on your shoulder and his arms linked around your waist as you both sat down.
"How long until we need to get ready for tonight?" he wondered, nuzzling his head into your neck.
"A couple hours," you replied. "Tyler and Jenna said they'd be there around nine or so."
"It's a little late for a dinner, don't you think?" Josh murmured.
"We can have a snack if you want," you shrugged.
"I'm okay," he reassured, and you closed your eyes, sinking into the cushions of the couch. "Long day?"
"Kind of," you answered. "I'm just tired."
"Then take a nap," Josh insisted.
"I don't need a nap," you shook your head. "I'm fine."
"What do you need?" he persisted.
"Just you," you promised. "That's all I need, Josh."
"Cute," he smirked. "But no, really. Is there anything you need?"
"I told you, I'm fine," you sighed, and he lifted his head and looked into your eyes.
"You sure?" he raised an eyebrow.
"I'm sure," you nodded.
"I think you're forgetting something," he reminded.
"Am I now?" you gave a sly smile.
"Yeah," he continued. "It's sort of important."
"Is it now?" you bit your lip, trying to hold back a giggle.
"Come here, sweetheart," he whispered, leaning in and kissing you gently. His lips were warm and soft and he felt so good. You held his head in your hands, fingers tangled in his hair, tongue exploring his mouth and the sweet taste of him making your mind calm down. His hands curled around your hips, lifting you up midway through the kisses and repositioned you in his lap, his hands moving toward your back and his lips trailing down to your jaw and your neck. You tilted your head back, closing your eyes and humming softly as the blissful sensation of his lips on your skin continued, him sucking at your neck, his warm breath igniting your heart once again. He was always so good at knowing what you liked most.
"Fuck," you gasped as his lips moved towards a sensitive spot, a chill running up your spine as his tongue glided against your bare skin, the feeling absolutely divine. "That feels amazing."
"You. Feel. Amazing." he insisted with a kiss between each word, warmth coursing through your body, tugging gently at his hair when he made his way to your shoulder. He was so hot.
"Damn it, you're going to leave marks," you laughed as you felt him kiss you harder. "Not that I'm complaining."
"They make you beautiful," he murmured, lips still exploring your skin. "They make you mine."
"I love you Josh," you sighed as his kisses traveled back up your neck, this time twice as passionate, working his way to your mouth once again.
"I love you too," he chuckled, pulling away and looking at you. "But I am afraid we better get ready soon. We don't want to keep Tyler and Jenna waiting. Do we?"
"Nope," you agreed. "Okay, let's go."
You picked out one of your favorite dressy outfits, and helped Josh tie his tie, and you both looked at each other, smiles on your faces. "You look absolutely stunning," Josh beamed.
"Looks who's talking," you added.
"No, really. You look completely gorgeous head to toe," he sighed, pressing a light kiss to your forehead.
"Let's take a picture," you decided, whipping out your phone, but Josh shook his head.
"There isn't time for that," he insisted. "We need to go now."
"Fine," you sighed, putting it away and following him to the car.
You walked into the restaurant, holding hands and stating the reservation, then being ushered to a table where Tyler and Jenna were laughing over a joke. You slid into the seats across from them, beside Josh, and smiled. "Long time no see," Josh greeted. "How have you guys been doing?"
You gave your best grin to Tyler and Jenna, but something felt off. It was like they were staring at you, not your eyes, but something else, and it bugged you. They quickly dismissed it though, the flicker of curiosity and uncomfortableness fading from their eyes, and plastered on a smile and looked at Josh. "We've been doing great," Jenna responded. "How about you both?"
"Wonderful," you replied, although mind still thinking about what had happened. You decided to shrug it off. It was probably nothing.
"So um," Tyler stifles a laugh. "Somebody been trying to learn to curl their hair?"
"What?" you ask, and you feel Josh kick Tyler under the table.
"Nothing," Josh waves it off.
You eye him strangely before Jenna adds another comment. "You know it's kind of getting chilly lately, maybe you should try wearing a turtleneck sweater?" she teased.
"Knock it off," Josh narrowed his eyes, trying not to blush. You instantly knew what they were hinting too though, and reached a hand up to cover your neck. Of course Josh left hickeys. You glared at Josh and then glanced at Tyler and Jenna chuckling, and so you forced a smile. You knew they were just joking, they'd never hurt you on purpose, it was just friendly teasing. Much less, you had caught them doing so much worse, it wasn't like you should feel embarrassed. Somehow though, you kind of were.
"It's fine," you rolled your eyes, elbowing Josh and trying to get him to loosen up a little bit, but as soon as you looked at him and his entire face turned red, you couldn't help but get a little flustered too.
"I didn't know you were a vampire," Tyler grins at Josh.
"Shut up," his muffled voice begged, burying his face in his hands. You giggled and then put a hand on his back, although you were honestly probably more embarrassed than he was.
"Don't be shy, it's cute," Jenna laughed. "It's adorable."
"I thought you said they make me look beautiful," you whispered in Josh's ear. "What happened to that? Huh?"
"They do," Josh argued defensively, uncovering his face and looking right at you. "You're the most beautiful person in the world." His voice was soft enough for Tyler and Jenna not to hear, but loud enough for you.
"Then don't be ashamed," you reassured, rubbing small circles on his back. "They're just joking."
"I know," he tried to resist a smile, still worked up. "I'm sorry."
"Don't be sorry," you sighed. "It's cute."
"It's so much more than cute. It's absolutely adorable," Tyler insisted. "You guys are silly."
"Sure," Josh shook his head. "We just look it."
"Whatever. I think you guys are perfect for each other," Jenna beamed. "Absolutely amazing."
You laughed it off, honestly not giving a single fuck anymore, and then ordered your drinks and decided to ease back into your seat and relax. Tyler and Jenna would never mean any harm, and for all of your constant criticism and stupid jokes, a couple silly remarks about hickeys was nothing compared to all the bullshit you and Josh made them put up with. During the appetizers, you glanced at Josh, who seemed to have recovered by now, and gave a light smile, before excusing yourself to the restroom before the main dishes arrived. "You okay, babe?" Josh wondered as you pushed out your chair and began to walk away.
"Yeah, I'm fine," you nodded. "Don't worry. I'll be back."
You walked into the bathroom and walked to the mirror, the tiny voice in your head still curious as to how bad they were. It couldn't be absolutely horrendous, right? You took a deep breath and looked in the mirror, your face instantly turning red as you realized there were hickeys trailing from behind your ear down your neck all the way to your shoulder. Shit. And to think Josh didn't even say anything when you walked out the door. Of course! That's why he didn't want to take that fucking picture. You just couldn't believe he didn't mention anything to you. You should've looked in the mirror before you left or taken Jenna's advice and worn a sweater or something, anything, to cover it up. No, you weren't ashamed to have them, I mean, yeah it was nice to let people know you had a boyfriend, but this, this was a bit much. It was too much. It was like wearing advertisement on your neck screaming to the world that you were taken. Holy fuck, no wonder Tyler and Jenna didn't keep quiet. Someone shot you a strange glance from the sinks in the bathroom, and you subconsciously rested a hand on your neck, closing your eyes and taking a breath, and then leaving, deciding to go back out there with your head held high and no worries in the world.
"Hey," Tyler smiled when you sat back down. "Josh was just telling us how he decided to invest in some scarves for later on."
"Yeah, very funny," you rolled your eyes. You kept convincing yourself it didn't bother you.
You picked up a fork and started taking a bite off the plate, when on dates you constantly just ordered a meal to share, and leaned on Josh's shoulder as you chewed slowly. "So are you excited for the upcoming tour, Josh? I know Tyler is nervous as hell," Jenna smirked. "He's freaking out."
"Am not," Tyler pouted, obviously scared out of his mind that they'd start up another tour in just a couple weeks.
"It's okay, buddy," Josh reassured. "I'm kind of anxious too."
"What are we going to do with you guys gone all the time?" you teased. "So much time on our hands, nobody around, extremely bored..."
"You'll be busy worrying about us," Tyler stuck out his tongue playfully. "Constantly leaving us phone calls and writing us sweet sappy love poems."
"Sure we will," Jenna gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. "We'll also get a chance to clean the house for the first time in a million years."
"Whatever," Tyler shook his head and stifled a laugh.
The rest of the dinner went smoothly, and not another word about the hickeys on your neck was mentioned, except for a couple stares from people at the tables beside you, as well as a glare from your waitress as you walked out, but that was it. You exchanged goodbye hugs with Tyler and Jenna, and the car ride home there was nothing said either, which made you start to question whether Josh would even bring up the subject at all. Instead, he just turned on the radio and hummed along to each song, staying quiet about the entire ordeal. You weren't sure whether you were supposed to be relieved or worried. Yeah, it would be nice to just forget about everything and wait until the marks on your neck faded away, covering them up with scarves and sweaters, however another part of you didn't want to. You wanted to bring it up to Josh and pester him with questions and talk to him about it. Because you felt if things were left unsaid, maybe they might come back to get you again. Not that you didn't love heated make out sessions and his mouth exploring your skin, but sometimes it did get a little much, and you needed to learn not only your own self control, but Josh's as well. You weren't going to deny it, it was a sort of embarrassing experience, even with your closest friends, and you weren't sure how well you'd do going through another round.
So as soon as you got through the door and you both sat on the couch, you turned towards him, arms crossed, with a frown on your face. "Seriously, Josh?" you groaned.
"What?" he asked, concerned.
"You didn't even tell me," you narrowed your eyes. "You didn't even care to mention it."
"Are we talking about the hickeys?" he sighed. "Look, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to-"
"Oh you meant to," you argued. "I know you meant to."
"Okay," he blushed. "Maybe I meant to."
"Uh huh?" you raised your eyebrows. You tried to stay serious, but the way his cheeks turned a shade of pink and his lips curled up at the sides and his eyes softened around the edges made your heart melt. He was so cute and innocent and adorable and it was so damn hard to keep a straight face looking at him like this.
"I'm sorry for giving you love marks," he only turned redder. "And for not telling you before we left the house."
"Yeah?" you bit down on your bottom lip to keep you from grinning.
"Yeah," he murmured. "I guess I kind of brought that one on myself. I should've known better."
"Don't blame yourself," you rolled your eyes. "I think it's cute."
"What?" he inquired, glancing at you with attentive eyes, genuinely wanting to know what you were referring to.
"Hickeys," you smirked. "Rough kisses, heated make out sessions, your lips on my neck..."
"So you like that, huh?" he gave a sly smile, leaning closer.
"I do," you nodded, bridging the gap between you two and kissing, his lips pressed against yours and the feeling of bliss clearing your thoughts once again. He felt so good. Josh's lips moved towards your jaw, then down to your neck, and you let out a breathy sigh, when he paused, pulling back and staring at you.
"Why'd you stop?" you frowned.
"Are you sure you want to do this?" he double checked. "I mean, isn't this kind of the reason why you got angry in the first place?"
"Shut the fuck up and just kiss me," you laughed, pulling his head towards yours and pressing your lips together, the sensation absolutely amazing. You moved away, both of you catching your breath, and you looked into his brown eyes. "You know I'll always love you."
"Love you too, babe," he giggled. "Hey, uh, you still angry at me?"
"Nah," you shook your head. "I could never stay angry at you."
"Good," he grinned. "Because I do believe there's a whole lot more kissing planned this evening."
"Is there?" you raised a curious eyebrow.
"Absolutely," he responded. "Because there's not a single thing on this earth I'd want to taste other than your sweet lips."
"Flirt," you smiled.
"Tease," he remarked.
"Vampire," you retorted.
"Hey!" his eyes lit up and you both chuckled.
"You know, we can't really talk and kiss at the same time," you reminded.
"Shut up," he joked, pulling you close and kissing your lips. It was moments like this that you wouldn't trade for anything in the world. You loved him so much, and whether it was hickeys or kissing or jokes or dinners, as long as you were with Josh, you didn't care. As long as you were with Josh, you were happy. And that was all that really mattered.

Credit to thepatricktreestump on Tumblr

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