Being set up by Tyler and Jenna

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Josh Dun imagine

Y/N Pov
I have been working as lightning technician for the band Twenty One Pilots for two months as they start their new tour; Emotional Roadshow. So far I have been loving it, its been amazing to be able to travel round the world and see so many beautiful places with so many lovely people.
Being one of the very few females on the crew Jenna took me under her wing and quickly accepted me as her friend. Jenna has been around a lot of the tour which has been great because I see her as one of my best friends, Tyler is alo great the way that he treats Jenna is amazing and he's like my brother the way he is so energetic all the time like a child running around but he can also be serious to talk to which is amazing. Then there is Josh, after spending evenings with him on the couch watch crappy TV programmes, joking around with him all the time, whilst helping him set up some bits for his drums when I have nothing else to do and going out with him Jenna and Tyler sometimes when they have days off. I cant help but feel like I like Josh more than a friend.
The past couple of weeks I have had my feelings slowly develop for him even though I know that he wont ever like me back. Why should he? When he can have practically any girl on the planet with his charming attitude and his good looks.
We were in Austria at the moment and the whole crew were busy setting up things up for the concert that was happening later on in the evening, I busy around with Mike who was looking for a specific lead and me being the helpful person that I am goes and looks for it. I do a slow jog over to the tupperware box that was pushed up against the wall that was conveniently labelled 'lighting' I fiddle around with the leads that were all tangled in a bi knot, helpful. I make a mental note to remind myself to put them away neater next time to stop this happen.
I look foward down the narrow corridor that leads to steps, I see someone walk down them, I recognise that long blonde hair from anywhere as Jenna walks towards me, coming from the area where the dressing rooms were most likely with Tyler.
"Hey Jenna, would you be a dear and come help me untangle these bloody leads?" I ask her using my puppy dog eyes, however trying not to get annoyed at how many wires there are to untangle.
"Yeah sure, I have nothing better to be doing" Jenna replies kindly, thank goodness she was a lovely person and agreed to help me otherwise I would have been here all day, any way this a good time to catch up with Jenna and see what she has been up to today as I haven't been able to talk to her alot today.
"So what have you been up to today?" I question, as we sit down on the floor as this may take a while.
"Not much, I was in the dressing room with Ty and Josh but I had to leave because I couldn't bare to watch Josh sit there and drool over you any longer without doing anything about it"
Shocked, it took me a few seconds to reply as I dropped the wires to the floor, Josh liked me? I highly doubt it, how could he? It doesnt add up.
"W-what do you mean, drool" I question further, just to make sure that she wasn't lying.
"Josh likes you Y/N, alot." Jenna says looking directly at me trying to decipher the look on my face as to what I was think at that current moment. I haven't told Jenna about my crush I have on Josh as I was nervous about it, however I think the crimson blush plastered on my cheeks gave away everything.
"You like him too don't you?" Jenna asks beaming. There is no point in trying to deny it at this point so I own up with a small nod.
"I knew it, I could tell because you're always checking him out" Jenna winks and I gently slap her arm at the comment.
"No I do not, do I really make it that obvious?" I ask
Jenna thinks for a moment.
"That's hard because for me it was quite obvious like how you always checked him out when he was setting up his drum kit, how you too always acted a bit differently around each other. On the other hand poor Josh was oblivious, he was sure that he was going to be stuck in the friendzone forever, he missed the signs." Jenna said smiling.
I smile also, Josh liked me, he really did and that thought to me seemed simply unfathomable after all this time of him imaging liking me, it was actually happening. A sudden pang of fear hit my chest hard.
"Jenna, you wont tell him will you, please don't" I plead, if Josh was going to find out that I fancied him I didn't want him to find out through someone else.
"No I won't because you dont want me to don't worry."
Jenna stops and thinks for a moment, I go back to working on the wires but it seems to have gotten a lot harder as my mind becomes clouded with Josh.
"But there is one thing I ask" Jenna states after a minute of her silent thinking and my silent working.
"What is it?" I ask nervously raising an eyebrow at her.
"Let me and Ty set you two up, like not tell Josh that you like him just tell him enough to pluck up the courage to ask you out" Jenna really wanted to help and not wanting to burst her bubble and wanting a date with Josh saying yes to her proposition seemed like the best idea.
"Ok, you can" Jenna beams and I can't help but beam with her.
Tyler's POV
"Josh, come here a sec I want to talk to you" I ask my friend to come over and to talk to me as Jenna has just told me about Y/N fancying Josh, we have thought out a small plan.
"Yeah what is it?" He queries as walks towards the sofa I was sitting on in our shared dressing room.
"So I wanted to talk to you about Y/N" I say, this grabs Josh' attention as he immediately looks up.
"What is it Tyler?" Josh asks suspiciously.
"Well I was wondering if you would finally ask her on a date?" I state
"We have been over this there is no way that Y/N likes me"
"My friend that is where I think you might be wrong"
"What do you mean?"
"Well for starters I see her checking you out when you are setting up your drums from the side of the stage, and she acts differently around you Josh, how have you missed the signs?" I see Josh' brain click like clock work in his head, then he suddenly grins.
"You really think so?"
"For sure, I mean I don't know for certain but all the right signs are there"
"Alright, I'll do it, I will ask Y/N on a date." Then he turns around to continue to get ready for tonights show.
After the Show
I watch from the sides like I do nearly every concert alongside Jenna, we sing along to the songs and act like teens in the crowd. I watch him from the side, I loved watching him drum, do what he loved every night, he was doing what made him happy and for some strange reason I can't explain that made me happy also.
The show was nearly over as Tyler was doing his speech he does just before the encore, this one is very emotional.
The concert was over and that meant that I had to organise a few pieces with Mike before the next concert tomorrow, I was only an assistant lighting technician meaning that I didnt have to do as much work as Mike but always liked to help as much as I could. When I had finished I go to Josh and Tylers dressing room (Like I do after every concert) usually I find Josh leaning the desk in the corner, and Jenna and Tyler sitting on the sofa however when I walked in today Josh was the only person in the dressing room. As I open the door Josh stood there shirtless, I have seen Josh shirtless on many occasions prior this one however this time it seemed to put a lump in my throat and a flood of butterflies fly through my body.
"Sorry, I will come back in a minute if you want to get changed" I say suddenly becoming flustered and embarrassed.
"No, its cool let me just throw a t-shirt on" Josh replies sending a smile my way and I gladly return it.
I was about to ask where the others were but before I could speak Josh spoke.
"Y/N, there is something I have been wanting to ask you for a while now" Josh says slowly and carefully, the butterflies in my body appeared out of nowhere again.
"Ok" I say reassuringly, wanting him to carry on.
"Well, I really like you Y/N and I was to nervous to say anything as I didn't want to ruin our friendship but I was wondering if you would like to go on a date with me?" I beam at his words, he did like me he really did and I know because he just told me, I dont have to imaging those scenarios anymore because it just happened in real life. I remember that Josh is waiting for a response.
"Yes Josh I would love to go on a date with you" I respond, and Josh does that precious smile where his grin reaches right to his ears and he looks adorable.
As a natural response I throw my arms around his waist in glee and he responds by doing the same by wrapping his strong arms around my shoulders,right then I decide, this is where I want to stay forever.

Credit to smuttyphildoesimagines on Tumblr

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