A big question (perfect husband)

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Josh Dun imagine

"Josh, I don't think this is what normal people do for a date," you rolled your eyes as he handed you a Chipotle burrito.
"I don't think we're normal people," he winked. He opened up his burrito and then took a bite, wrapping an arm around you and sighing. You were both on the roof of an abandoned building, looking down at the city lights, eating Chipotle and sharing jokes. It had been two months since the proposal, and you were constantly admiring the beautiful engagement ring he had bought you, which hadn't left your finger the day he put it on, and were dreaming of your wedding day. That evening Josh had attempted to teach you how to skateboard through the streets of the city, but you hadn't been as successful at it as he was, and you decided to scrap that and go for a walk instead. He showed you an old hotel, which you snuck in a window and climbed up the stairs, eventually making it to the roof. It was gorgeous, all the bright lights shining down below, the people walking on the sides of the street, the cool breeze on your face. You glanced over at Josh, happily eating his burrito, and soaked in the feeling of just being in his presence. You loved him more than anything, and the thought that you two would spend the rest of your lives together thrilled you beyond belief. It was a dream come true.
"Thank you," you whispered, leaning against him with a goofy grin spread across your face.
"What did I do?" he wondered.
"Everything," you smiled.
"Is that good or bad?" he laughed.
"It's amazing," you admitted, giving him a quick kiss.
"Mmm, tastes like guacamole," he licked his lips playfully.
"Whatever," you giggled.
"So skateboarding is a no I guess?" he inquired.
"Yeah, I'm not that great at it," you agreed.
"It's fine," he reassured. "I can't do the things you do either. We're talented in our own special ways."
"Not as talented as you," you added. "You're the drummer for the best band in the entire world."
"Oh, I wouldn't say that," he shook his head.
"You are," you insisted. "You guys played Madison Square Garden and sold out. You've traveled the world. You're amazing. You save people's lives for a living. You make the best kind of music."
"You're too kind," he blushed. "I just create things that I'm passionate about."
"Well passionate or not, everything you create is amazing," you persisted, leaning your head on his shoulder. "And I wish you could see that."
There was a long pause and then he murmured, "Me too."
That was the thing about Josh. Yes, he told you almost everything and he never kept anything from you, but his emotions and internal battles were always indecipherable. He was so good at delaying his worries and postponing his fears, casting them off to whatever empty space his brain contained, and brushing them away when they slowly drifted back. Josh didn't always like to address his problems face to face, much less tell people about them. He was always trying to stay strong, trying to be brave, trying to look confident. He didn't realize that accepting your flaws was okay, so he'd just dismiss them. Whenever you did see that side of Josh, the dark and dismal parts of his mind where he doubted himself and was unsure of his decisions, you didn't know how to handle it. Flattery could only take you so far. You knew he didn't always believe it when you told him how important he was, how amazing his music is, how great Tyler and him really are. He listens and he agrees, but he doesn't really think he's all that great. He's too humble sometimes. You pretend not to hear what he had mumbled at the end of your sentence and go back to eating your burrito, both of you looking down at the cityscape below.
Sometimes in moments like this, you would imagine the married life with Josh. You assumed things would be basically the same, except only more special, if that was even possible. You thought about constantly going on tour with him, which you sort of already did, but other things too. Maybe raising a family one day, settling down for a year or two, being able to stay together and know that you'd have him to lean on when you needed it, but also you were there for him when he had to get help. You often daydreamed of growing old with Josh, the sort of things you'd find in fluffy romantic movies. You also thought about the idea of not only being married to Josh, but also sort of married to Twenty One Pilots, the band. Tyler was already your best friend, you two were tight, but everyone else. The crew, the concept, the fans, it was all for life. Josh and Tyler dedicated everything they had to this band, and you being married to Josh meant you as well. You loved Tyler like a brother, the crew as your family, and the fans as your children. You were all a tight knit clique, and you loved each other so much. To know that you'd carry that your entire life, just the thought of it made you smile.
"What are you thinking about?" Josh smirked, waking you up from your daydream. You hadn't noticed him staring at you, and you instinctively took a bite of your burrito, hoping to avoid his question. You'd sound a little creepy saying that you were planning out your future together, so you thought up something else.
"Tour," you responded, trying to suppress a laugh.
"Nah, I think you were thinking of me," he prodded.
"Maybe I was," you shrugged. "Maybe I wasn't."
"Stop trying to be confusing," he chuckled. "You know I can see right through you."
"Can you now?" you raised your eyebrows.
"Yup," he took a bite of his burrito and grinned.
"Well what if I can see through you?" you challenged.
"I don't think so," he rolled his eyes. "You're just being silly."
"Okay maybe I can't," you confessed. "But I do know you're nervous about something."
"Am I not allowed to be?" he inquired.
"Well I just don't want you to be stressed over nothing," you replied.
"I'm not stressed," he shook his head. "I'm just afraid."
"Afraid of what?" you asked.
"Ruining everything," he sighed.
"Why would you ruin everything?" you wondered. You watched as he took the last bite of his burrito and chewed thoughtfully, looking down at his shoes and staying quiet. "You're amazing Josh. I love you."
"Yeah, but that's the thing," he explained. "You keep saying how amazing and wonderful I am, but I'm not."
"What are you talking about?" you questioned. "You're being silly."
"I'm just scared that one day I'll let you down," he whispered. "I don't want to disappoint you."
"You won't," you reassured. He crumbled up his foil into a ball and set it on the side next to him.
"But what if I do?" he insisted. "What if you realize that one day I'm not as amazing as you thought I was? What if you get angry at me because I spend more time on tour than I do with you? What if work gets in the way of things? What if you don't like being constantly photographed or interviewed? What if you hate me?"
"I would never think those things," you shook your head. You took the last bite of your burrito and stared into his eyes. "I would never hate you Josh." You folded your foil neatly and set it beside you, then took his hands in yours. "Please don't fill your head with those thoughts. I'll never stop loving you, okay?" You smiled at him. "I said yes for a reason, because I love you, and I do want to marry you."
"I want to marry you too," he answered.
"Then don't be afraid anymore," you begged. "Please trust me when I say that you're everything I could ever wish for. You're the one I've been dreaming of for forever. You're the perfect husband Josh, and I couldn't be happier. I'm counting down the days until our wedding because I can't comprehend just how amazing it will be to spend my entire life with you. You give me purpose, Josh. You give me a reason to wake up in the morning and a reason to live my life. You put a smile on my face that nobody else could ever replace. You are so special, and I just wish you could see that."
"I love you, y/n," he sighed, hugging you tight and letting out a deep breath. "Thank you."
"You're the best fiancé ever," you reassured. "And one day, you'll be the best husband ever."
"I sure hope so," he laughed.
"I know so," you smiled.

Credit to thepatricktreestump on Tumblr

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