Make up or break up

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Josh Dun imagine

Josh had been spending a lot of time in the studio lately. He had even spent the last 2 nights there. You understood how stressful it would be trying to finish an album but you couldn't help but miss him. You had been texting him all day asking when he would be home. He didn't answer. You haven't talked to him in a day now. He didn't even bother to text you good night last night.
Hey Joshua. It's your girlfriend. Have you forgotten about me? When are you coming home? I know you're stressed but I mean you haven't talked to me in over a day. I miss you. I love you.
Sent at 5:36pm
I'm extremely tired. I'm coming home now and going to bed.
Received at 5:38pm
Ok. See you then.
Sent at 5:39pm
Josh seemed short in his text. That meant he was in a bad mood. You just wished he would talk to you. The front door opened but you didn't really notice. You just sat a the kitchen table and stared down at your cup of tea continuing to think. The slamming of keys hitting the counter made you jump slightly and pulled you from your thoughts.
"Oh hey babe. How was your day?" You asked in a calm nice tone trying to make him calm down a little.
"Really, how was your day? That's what you ask me? My day was fine. I told you I was tired. I'm going to bed. Goodnight." Josh's tone was very aggressive.
"I-I'm sorry. Goodnight." You went to give him a kiss but he just turned around and walked towards the bedroom.
You couldn't hold back your emotions. That hurt like hell. You slid down to the floor and broke down crying. After a few minutes you heard footsteps approaching you. You looked up and saw an angry Josh. He wasn't there to apologize or comfort you.
"Y/N can you stop being so damn dramatic. I can't sleep with you out here crying and feeling sorry for yourself. Now either come join me in bed or why don't you just leave. You don't do anything around here. You don't work and you expect me to be with you all the time. Well guess what I princess I'm at work all day and I don't expect to come up to you being a fucking drama queen." His face was red from anger and yelling. You just looked at him in shock unable to even stick up for yourself.
"Say something god damn it." And with that he slapped you across your face.
You held your face for a moment before you pushed him aside and grabbed your keys and left through the front door.
As you walked to your car quickly you could hear Josh behind you.
"Fuck Y/N wait. No. Fuck. Shit I'm so sorry." He grabbed for your arm to stop you. You looked into his eyes which were spilling out tears.
"Y/N please. Don't leave. Please. I'm so sorry. I'll do anything. I love you. Don't go."
You could tell it was going to break him if you left. But if you stayed and didn't take time to think you might brake.
"I'm sorry Josh, but I can't. I have to go."
"Where are you gonna go. Please let's just go inside and talk about it." He was holding back his tears from falling again as yours fell one by one.
"Goodbye Josh." With that you got in the car and drove off. You didn't know exactly where you were headed but you ended up at Tyler and Jenna's front door.
As you knocked it finally sent in what happened. You broke down as soon as the door opened.
"Holy crap Y/N. What's wrong?" Jenna asked as she pulled you into a hug. Ever since you and Josh started dating 2 years ago you became best friend with Jenna.
"J-josh came in f-from the studio and h-he w-was really tired and h-he s-lapped me and y-yelled at m-me." You tried to explain as Jenna lead you to the couch still hugging you. Tyler appeared in the room with a confused look.
"Hey Y/N, why aren't you with Josh?" He realized that he probably shouldn't of asked that once you looked up at him and sobbed harder.
Jenna got up leaving you on the couch and Tyler still stood across the room. She stopped to whisper something in his ear. His jaw dropped as she talked to him quietly. His look of shock turned to pissed. Jenna continued walking towards her room where she grabbed you some pajamas and Tyler came and sat next to you. He was like an older brother to you but it was awkward because Josh was his best friend.
"Y/N. I know you don't want to hear this right now but it will be fine. He's just really stressed and he's never dealt with his stress well. I'll call him and make sure he's okay. But I need to know your okay first. You did the right thing coming here and not just leaving for good. Josh loves you so much. He needs you. You guys can't give up on this relationship yet. I know he hurt you but..." he took a pause searching for the words. "He should have never touched you. I have no excuse for him for putting his hands on you. Why don't we get you to the guest room and you can rest." You nodded and he led you to the room where Jenna was setting up the bed for you. You thanked them and they left you alone.
As you got into bed after cleaning yourself up you look at your phone to see that it was 7:32 pm. Josh had called you 17 times, left you 13 voicemails, and texted you 43 times. You had to admit it made you happy to see he wasn't giving up on the relationship. You still couldn't bring yourself to listen or read any messages so you deleted them. You laid in the bed just looking at the ceiling. What felt like hours later was only about 45 minutes later when you heard the doorbell ring and footsteps heading towards the door. You heard Tyler raising his voice then slamming the door. Whoever it was he was clearly very pissed at them. You heard a quiet knock on the window that was to the right of you. You got up and opened it and saw a really upset Josh. He gave you a slight smile then spoke.
"I didn't want to spend the night alone. I didn't know where you were going and I couldn't stand knowing that I made you so upset. I came here to see if I could crash here but Tyler said you were in the guest room and told me I needed to leave. But I could let you go again. I can't do this Y/N. I love you too much. I so so sorry I never meant to put my hands on you." As he said that you cupped your cheek. You felt a tear roll down your face.
"Please just come in here Josh."
Josh hoisted himself through the window. You were glad Tyler and Jenna lived on a one floor house because otherwise you probably wouldn't be in Josh's arms right now. You went over to turn on the light when Josh let out a slight gasp.
"Shit Y/N. Did you see your face. It's all bruised. I'm so sorry. I'm such a bad boyfriend. Oh my god I'll never hurt you again." You cut him off before he could go on.
"No. Josh it's okay. Your stressed. I get it. Please just please promise me you'll take a break from the studio. It's changing you for the worse." You looked into his mocha eyes as he just nodded and held back a few tears.
"You know I didn't mean all that stuff I said. You do so much for me. You cook, clean, take care of me, you practically gave up your job for me. Your such an amazing person and I'm so glad you're mine. I really mean it. I love you so much."
"Josh shut up and kiss me already." With that for the first time in over 2 days he gave you a kiss. It was a small yet loving kiss.
Once pulled apart you both got under the covers and cuddled into each other. You fell asleep after exchanging a few more kisses and 'I love yous'.

Credit to topimagines on Tumblr

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