Birthday boy

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Josh Dun imagine

You push open the door to the bar and pull Josh close the minute the outside air hits you both. Josh shivers even though it's not cold, and clutches your arm and you try to just put your head down and weave your way past the paparazzi lined up and blocking the line of cars waiting to take you home.
"It's my birthday!" Josh fist pumps and shouts for possibly the hundredth time since midnight. You chuckle and roll your eyes fondly. You're hardly sober but Josh is absolutely trashed.
"I know that, rockstar," you blink at the flash of cameras and tilt Josh's head down so he can try and avoid them as best possible. "I'm fairly sure the people trying to get a picture of you in that awful shirt know as well."
"Heyyyy," Josh pouts, looking down at the fabric of his shirt and sticking out his lower lip. When he looks up his eyes are droopy and sad. "This was a present from...somebody I think. Burberry or something; Tyler told me it was high fashion," Josh blinks slowly. His words are slurred and thick, even slower than usual.
"I'm sure he did," you chuckle. You spot Josh's handlers waving him over to a sleek black car and steer him in that direction.
Josh grunts and flails his hands around drunkenly in the air. You're close enough now that you just duck away, slide into the car and wait for Josh to take a few pictures before climbing inside but the minute you drop his hand, Josh's careening off back into the crowd. You hear the bodyguards shouting and the hysterical screech of both the paparazzi and fans gathered around but there's not much you can do now that you're already tucked into the back of the car.
"Dammit," you grumble as you crane your neck and try to see out the window but all you can spot is Josh's shadow looming close to the door and then jumping away again time after time as he avoids his security team. You're going to kill him.
"I've got him!" one of the security guard thunders through the din outside the car and then finally Josh's being shoved into the backseat, the meaty hand of one of his bodyguards curled around the top of Josh's head. He sprawls into the car, a flail of drunk, loose limbs and you pull him down next to you. The security guard, Chris is his name, climbs in last and pulls the door firmly shut behind him.
"You all right?" Chris puts his hand on Josh's shoulder and squeezes gently.
Josh nods, his head ducked down and hair covering the front of his face. "'M'good," Josh mumbles into his hand and coughs. "Great. It was a great party, Y/N," he says, looking up and blinking at you sleepily. "Thank you so much."
You want so kiss Josh so badly – have wanted to all night, really – and now that you're relatively alone you finally give in. You shoot a quick glance at Chris hoping he can read the 'sorry, I'm about to kiss my boyfriend senseless' look in your eyes, and he just waves his hand at you, pulling out his phone and texting away on the screen as the car drives away from the curb and you thread your fingers into Josh's hair and pull him in for a kiss.
Josh hums happily against your mouth and touches your face with his clammy fingers. Josh's lips are warm and wet and he tastes sweet like the alcohol he was drinking all night. You make yourself pull away quicker than you would have liked because as much as Chris is trying his best to ignore you, you do have an audience. Instead of being grumpy about it Josh beams down at you when you separate.
"Yay, birthday kisses," he says happily. You laugh and lay your head on Josh's shoulder as the car bumps along the road in the dark on the way back to you and Josh's house.
It's not a big party at the house after the night out, just a few of your closer friends and the hardcore partiers who refuse to believe three in the morning is an acceptable time for a birthday celebration to end. You anticipated this ahead of time and had a fridge stocked full of beer and champagne and had covered your kitchen counter with bags of crisps before you and Josh left for the party earlier in the night.
Mark's got the music set up in the living room and Tyler and Jenna are leading some ridiculous singalong from the top of the coffee table, arms linked around each other as they sway drunkenly. Michael looks nearly passed out on the floor in front of the television. You're leaning in the doorway to the kitchen just watching everyone for a minute when Josh looks up and catches your eye, his face breaking into a wide grin.
"It's my birthday," Josh shouts. You watched Michael reach up and cover Josh's face with his hand and then wrestle him to the ground. You would go help Josh out, but it's actually kind of funny, having two drunken grown men rolling around the floor of your house at half four in the morning. They go on for a few minutes until Josh shouts, "Get! Off! Me! It's my birthday I said!"
Michael finally lets Josh go and Josh stands up, tipping over on his feet before settling himself. You smile and watch Josh as he walks over, trying his hardest to seem sober when it's very clear he's anything but. When he gets close enough, Josh leans his face into your neck and kisses you, your hands curl around his waist and steady him on his feet.
"When is everyone going home?" Josh kisses the skin just behind your ear and drags his teeth over the spot.
"Soon," you glance at the clock and decide that yes, this would definitely be a good time to start calling the car service and empty your house of the hangers on. Josh's getting more and more restless, rocking slowly into your hip, his fingers clutched tight in your shirt. The last thing you need is Josh stripping you in the middle of his own birthday bash but that seems to be exactly where Josh's heading. "I've got to call some cars."
"So call them then," Josh whines. He digs his teeth into your earlobe and you nearly drop your glass of champagne, the brat. "I want them out. Want you so bad. It's my—"
"Birthday, I know, love, I've got it." You smile at Josh fondly, scooping his hair away from his eyes and pushing it back before Josh gets the chance. Josh blinks at you, his eyes wide and brown, pupils blown out and dark. "I'll get them out and we'll see how it goes, yeah?"
Josh rolls his eyes and looks so dizzy when he's finished he seems about to fall over. If Josh manages to even stay awake another ten minutes it'll be a bloody miracle; you're fairly sure any kind of sex is out of the question. Josh narrows his eyes and pokes you in the shoulder.
"Get to it."
t doesn't take long for you to get the cars set up and gather everyone to the door shoving them out into the early morning air with a pat on the head and their address pinned to their jackets. Chris kisses your cheek loudly, and Jenna hugs you tightly before Tyler's dragging her away, pulling the door shut with a wave.
You turn off the lights and decide to leave the mess of the party to deal with tomorrow. After brushing your teeth and stripping out of your clothes, you find Josh completely passed out in your shared bed, fully dressed minus the one shoe he somehow managed to wiggle off his foot.
"What a rockstar," you say quietly before going to get Josh out of the rest of his clothes and under the covers as gently as you can. You climb in next to him and Josh immediately curls closer, his head pillowed against your shoulder, breath sticky and warm on your skin.
Josh's alarm goes off at an ungodly time that morning. Even amidst all the fumbling and beeping, you wish he'd thought to turn it off before consuming enough alcohol to confuse an entire village.
You lean out of the bed to fumble with Josh' jeans, trying to dig the phone out of the pocket when Josh's snores change into the deep, aggravated snuffling he does when he needs to wake up and doesn't want to. You finally finds the phone and turns the alarm off, throwing the room into silence except for Josh's low, pitiful moans.
"Oh my goddd."
You laugh quietly, ducking away from Josh's swinging hand and the way he's trying to kick you under the covers. "Rise and shine, Josh," You roll over to Josh and push the hair back from his face. Josh's skin is pale, the skin under his eyes dark and bruised looking. "It's time to get up and ready for soundcheck."
"No," Josh moans and flops around in the bed. "Don't wanna."
"Well that's too bad," You say firmly. "That's the price you've got to pay for being a big famous popstar."
Josh's eyes are still closed but his lips turn down in a small frown. "But it's my birthday."
"I know, love," You pat Josh's thigh under the covers. "Now come on birthday boy, get up and I'll make you some breakfast."
Josh wrinkles his nose and blinks his eyes open before shutting them quickly and rolling so his back is to you. He lies perfectly still for a second. "Waffles?"
"Of course," you huff. "You better get up and get in the shower while I'm cooking though."
Josh's quiet for another second before letting out a long and drawn out sigh. "Fine. I'll get up."
You pat Josh's hip and then rub his hair for a bit. "Good," you say and then get out of bed, You love parties, you do, but last night felt like it might kill you..
"Don't forget we've got my mom's tonight too," Josh says. He's sat up now on the edge of the bed, knuckling the sleep from his eyes. He's yawning and moaning and is still somehow so beautiful, your chest aches. Sometimes you feel like you love Josh so much you can't breathe.
"Right," you look away and grab a shirt and pair of pants and start to get dressed before you do something ridiculous like declare your everlasting devotion to a hungover popstar in your bedroom on a Sunday morning.
"My boy," Laura pulls open the front door and runs full fledged at Josh. She wipes her hands hastily on her apron before wrapping her arms around his neck, cradling him like he was still a ten year old boy.
"Hi, mum," Josh grabs his mother back, kissing her cheek and beaming before pulling away.
"And Y/N," she says, throwing herself at you with just as much enthusiasm. She claps her hands together and reaches out to gather you into a tight hug.
"Hey, where's my big brother?" Ashley comes out from the kitchen wiping her hands on a tea towel and shaking her head. "God, Josh, you look like absolute shit."
"I know," he chuckles, running his hand through his bright hair. "I feel it too," Josh mumbles quietly. You rub his back slightly, you feel bad for Josh for a quick second before remembering who was insisting on the triple shots.
Laura gathers your belongings to put in the back closet while Ashley bounces back into the living room, where the rest of Josh's family is gathered to greet the two of you.
"Happy birthdays" and hugs go around before the two of you settle in to enjoy the evening.
"Maybe we should go home," Josh sighs into your ear about an hour into the night. He hadn't eaten anything since breakfast and his brow line was sweaty.
"It'll be okay, you'll feel better once you've eaten something," you say and squeeze Josh's hand.
You and Josh fall asleep on the sofa after dinner, Josh's sprawled out and you're breathing quietly against his chest. When you wake up, it's to Abigail shaking your foot and smiling down at you apologetically.
"Sorry, my mom wants to do the cake before it gets too late. Do you think you can wake him?"
"Yeah, I'll get him up," you stretch your arms up and yawn. "Thanks, Ab."
She grins at you fondly and leaves and you take a few minutes just to be able to enjoy being with Josh all quiet and relaxed like this. The parties were great; you loved to go out and spend time with family and friends, and so does Josh. But you can think of a hundred times in the past day when you'd have liked nothing more than to be able to take Josh's hand and kiss him or just sit with him the way you do when there's no one else around, arms and legs together in a tangled mess of limbs.
"Hey," you whisper, pushing the hair from Josh's forehead and kissing him softly. "Wake up, babe."
Josh frowns, his eyebrows crunching up in sleep. "No. Why are you always waking me up? I thought you loved me?"
You laugh. "I do, love, but your mom wants to do the cake and as much as I like cuddling on the sofa we're going to need to head to a real bed soon or I'll be crippled by the morning."
Josh huffs and rubs his eyes. He swings his legs to the floor and glances at you through the curtain of his hair. "Time for cake, huh?"
"Now come on," you pat Josh's leg and stand up, holding your hand out for Josh to grab on to. "Cake then bed. I'm too old for all this partying. Next year you need to find yourself a young girlfriend that can keep up with you better, yeah?"
"Next time," Josh rolls his eyes and kisses you hard on the mouth. "Shut up. You know you're stuck with me. Hope you're going to enjoy long birthday celebrations and partying hard every year until we're wrinkly and old."
You feel a stupid grin pull at the edges of your mouth and you have to look away when Josh starts to drag you off to the kitchen. "All right, Josh. I think I can manage that."
Josh's childhood bedroom has been converted into a guest room in the sense that it's still all of his old furniture but the Lord of the Rings and Pearl Jam posters have all been taken down from the walls. The first time you visited you'd pouted when you realized you were seeing a stripped down version of Josh when he was younger until Ashley found some pictures of him, awkward and gangly at twelve and thirteen and that more than made up for it.
Josh slips the sheets and covers up until you're both curled under the covers. You tuck your head in against his chest.
"I really did have a great weekend, you know," Josh says quietly. "Thank you."
You kiss his hand, clasped to yours.
"I'm glad," You already feel like you're about to crash, your body is heavy with sleep. You're tired and warm, and all wrapped up in Josh. "Many more to come, right?"
All Josh does is smile. You can feel it in the curve against your skin.
You wake in the morning to the sun shining brightly through the small bedroom window. You can hear people moving about in the kitchen, the bang of pans and the smell of coffee filtering through the air. You can't stay long in the morning because Josh has a show to play, but for now this is good. It's nice.
"Morning," Josh's voice is soft and slow. He still sounds half asleep. You push him onto his back and kiss his shoulder.
"Morning to you," you say.
"You should get me some coffee, I think," Josh's eyes are closed but he's smiling, his lips tipped up and the corners of his eyes crinkling.
"Oh really," you say. "And why is that?" You shake your head and roll your eyes at the ceiling because the worst part is no matter what the reason you probably will get the coffee and Josh will be smug about it. It's just a matter of time, really.
"Because it's my—"
"Josh Dun," You cut him off. "If you say 'birthday' one more time I'm going to lose my mind. It's not your birthday anymore! It's Monday! A full day past your birthday!"
"What I was going to say," Josh rolls over and props himself up on one elbow so he's looming over you, his hair hanging low and ticking your forehead and cheek. "Is that it's my birthday week."
"Birthday week," you repeat.
You huff playfully. "All right, I'll play along; it's your birthday week. Got it." Josh smiles, and you point a finger at his chest. "But just you wait. October isn't all that far away and when my birthday rolls around I'm going to make you pay and pay and pay..."
"Oh, I'm looking forward to it," Josh says, grinning.

Credit to joshdunfics on Tumblr

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