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Josh Dun imagine

"Hold still, jesus christ," I said, holding Josh's face still with one hand. He pouted, his bottom lip poking out.
"It tickles," he whined. I rolled my eyes, but I couldn't help but smiling at my boyfriend.
"I'm almost done, just please cooperate for another minute," I say. He pouts more, sighing loudly and I giggle. You finish shading in the black part of his skeleton makeup, and when you're done, you lean back and admire your work. Being a special affects makeup artist occasionally came in handy, surprisingly. When I'd asked Josh what he wanted us to be this year, he'd only said "Skeleton," because he wasn't really paying attention. I couldn't complain, we looked good. Once deciding I was done with his makeup, I nodded at Josh, who was still pouting. "Okay you're done." he smiles and leaps up, wrapping me in a hug.
"How does it look?" he asks, rushing to the bathroom. I hear a gasp, and then he pokes his head out. "I look fucking dope." I laugh and smile, placing a hand on my hip. My makeup matched his, except I was wearing a large and colorful flower crown, so I looked more like a 'girl skeleton'.
"Glad you like it." he comes over and hugs me tightly, then leaves a peck on my lips, smiling down at me. His red hair somehow has managed to escape his black snapback, so I reach up and tuck it back in his hat.
"Can we go now, Y/N?" he asks. I nod, and go and grab my phone and our candy bags. Even though me and Josh were in our early twenties, we'd discovered if you really tried with your costume, people would still give you candy. Josh grabbed my hand, and we exited the small apartment we shared together.
We walked past groups of kids, seeing lots of princesses and Disney characters along the way. People were shouting messages of welcome across the apartment building, and me and Josh occasionally stopped to talk to someone we knew.
The rest of the night was spent well; I don't think I'd ever loved Josh more than tonight. He was adorable, so happy and joyful that we were out trick-or-treating. He said hi to everyone we crossed, and only took the minimal amount of candy from every house. Little kids kept coming up to us, asking if we were real skeletons, and Josh would always answer the same:
"Yes, but don't worry. We're good skeletons, here to protect you from all the bad monsters!" then he'd give the kid a piece of candy and send him on his way. His smile never left his face.
One of the houses we'd stopped at was passing out hot cider and popcorn, so me and Josh got some and sat on the bottom of their driveway, where I laid my legs over his and rested my head on his shoulder as we sipped on our cider and shared a bag of popcorn.
We stayed out until about 10:00, then Josh began to complain about his feet hurting so we began the trek back home. As we were walking, Josh fell behind, then as I was walking, pulled me into the dark cover of a tree. He pushed my back against the trunk and laid his forehead against mine.
"Hey," he said, "Just thought I'd tell you how fucking much I adore you." I blushed.
"I love you," I say. He smiles.
"Love you, too, y/n." with that, he presses his soft lips against my own, moving his lips softly against mine. The kiss is sweet and loving, not hot and lust-y. It's perfect. When he pulls away, he smiles at me. Then the bastard grabs onto my bag of candy, pecks my lips, and starts to sprint away.
"Hey! Give me back my candy, you crazy monster!" I yell, laughing and running after him.

Credit to odetolaneboy on Tumblr

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