Grammys (part one)

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Josh Dun imagine

Staring at yourself in the mirror, you examined your dress, your makeup, your hair, everything about you. You had to look perfect. There would be millions of people watching you, eyes fixed on you, giving you the title of the girlfriend belonging to the one and only Joshua William Dun of Twenty One Pilots. And completely honest, you were not ready at all. Josh was handsome and hot and talented and famous and you were, well, you. Your smile faded away as you looked at yourself in the mirror, trying to take a deep breath and search for that lost self-confidence, closing your eyes and beginning to tell yourself you looked just fine when you felt two arms wrap around you, pressing a soft kiss to the back of your neck before resting on your shoulder and whispering in your ear. "You look absolutely gorgeous, y/n," Josh murmured quietly before placing a quick kiss on your cheek. "Damn I don't think I'm going to let you leave the house looking like that."
"Whatever," you giggled, turning around and looking up at him, both of you sharing a rather passionate kiss. When you pulled away, you stared into your eyes. "Really? I look okay?"
"Okay?" he raised his eyebrows. "You look absolutely stunning."
"You sure?" you insisted.
"I swear," he chuckled. "Gosh, I have to give it to Jenna, you do look really amazing in yellow." It had been Tyler's idea for the two of you to wear bright yellow dresses to match Josh's new hair. While you seemed a little skeptical at first, Jenna insisted, saying it complimented your eyes, and even dragged you out to a shop for the day to go searching for the perfect one for you.
"The dress looks like Belle's from Beauty and the Beast," you nodded, twirling around in it once, the fabric flowing around your legs and Josh's smile grew even wider.
"Exactly," he grinned. "You're a princess."
"More like the beast," you teased.
"Oh shut up," he rolled his eyes, pulling you into a huge hug. "I'm not lying when I say you look like the hottest thing I've ever seen in my life."
"You're too kind," you smirked. "Now come on. Let's hurry over there and kick butt! I bet you're going to win more than one!"
"We're lucky if we win one," he laughed. "But I agree, we should head over."
When you were both driving to the venue, you could feel something was off. Josh kept biting his lower lip, knuckles turning white because he was clenching the steering wheel too hard, or constantly darting his eyes around nervously. "You okay, babe?" you raised an eyebrow, placing a hand on his shoulder.
"Huh?" he whipped his head around to look at you when he reached a stop light. "I'm okay."
"You look nervous as hell," you softened your eyes.
"I am," he admitted. "I'm scared to death."
"Don't worry," you soothed. "You look amazing, your music sounds amazing, and you guys are amazing. I know you'll win."
"Yeah, but everyone will be staring at me," he mumbled. "A million eyes all watching me if I go up on that stage. Even if I don't. I have this bright yellow hair and these gages and-"
"And they're all tiny reasons that add up to why I love you," you reminded.
"I feel like I'm going to look like a fool," Josh whispered. "I mean, I already do in this tuxedo and bowtie."
"Don't say that," you argued. "You look like Prince Charming. Perfect for a princess like me, right?"
"Right," he smiled. "I just don't want to mess up."
"Sometimes I wish I could just punch your anxiety in the face," you frowned.
"Yeah," he sighed. "Me too."
"Look sweetie, you're going to do absolutely amazing," you reassured. "And besides, I'll be right there beside you. Got it?"
"Definitely," he nodded, turning into a parking spot. "I don't know what I'd do without you. Gosh, I can't even believe we got this far."
"I'm so proud of you guys," you beamed.
"We're just two guys from Columbus, Ohio. We were literally just playing in front of handfuls of people in a basement and now we're selling out Madison Square Garden, being televised nationally, and now we have a chance at winning a Grammy. That's absolutely insane," he sighed, parking the car and staring at you. "I don't even know how it happened."
"I'm so happy for you," you kissed him on the lips. "Ready to add another accomplishment to that long list?"
"You bet," he agreed.
When you arrived, there was already plenty of people there. Luckily, you hadn't spotted anyone else wearing such a bold shade of yellow, and it made you excited and happy. It wasn't long before a teenage boy was running up to Josh, huge smile plastered on his face. "Hey, uh, I was wondering if maybe I could get an autograph, please?" he wondered, grinning up at Josh. "I've been listening to your music for years. I'm a huge fan."
"Absolutely," Josh nodded, receiving the marker and piece of paper he handed him.
"So who's this lucky lady?" the boy asked.
"Oh, y/n?" Josh laughed, tugging you right at his side and wrapping an arm around your waist. "This is my lovely girlfriend."
"Sweet," the boy grinned. "She's very pretty."
"Isn't she?" Josh beamed. "You know, before we came here she was being all flustered acting like she didn't look good in this dress. Can you believe that?"
"Josh," you turned red, stifling a chuckle.
"You guys are the perfect couple," the boy laughed. "Thanks so much for the autograph, Josh."
"No problem," he reassured. He ran away happily and you slapped Josh on the arm.
"Why'd you say that?" you joked.
"What? Say that you're beautiful?" he raised an eyebrow. "Because you are."
"Flirt," you smirked. "Come on, let's go look for Jenna and Tyler."
"Wait! Joshua Dun!" an interviewer raced up to the two of you, microphone in hand, a camera crew following close behind. "My name is Stacey. I'm a reporter here tonight, I was wondering if you would be open to sharing about the lovely lady you brought with you tonight possibly? She isn't a familiar face, but she definitely will be remembered after tonight. That's a lovely dress dear."
"Thanks," you blushed.
"This is y/n, she's my girlfriend," Josh presented you and thrust out his hands, waving them up and down as if he was selling a product or showing a prize on a gameshow. "She's the only award I need tonight."
"How sweet," Stacey gushed. She shook Josh and your hand and then grinned back at the camera. "Look at these two love birds."
"Love birds indeed," he chuckled, giving you a kiss on the cheek. "But I think it's time for us to fly away now."
"Oh yes, you two run along. I think Tyler and Jenna are over by the red carpet," she informed. "Good luck tonight!"
"Thanks so much," Josh responded, linking his arm with yours and plastering on a smile. "Come on my little chickadee, we've got a lot more stuff to do before we win that Grammy."
"Chickadee?" you giggled. "You're awfully cheerful now."
"I've got good vibes," he shrugged. "Oh look! There's Tyler and Jenna!"
"Where?" your eyes instantly darted around in search of the matching bright yellow, and when you saw her, your face lit up. "Goddammit she looks like a Queen."
"You look better," he whispered in your ear with a sly smile as you approached them both. You were about to protest but Josh was already unlinking his arm from yours, engulfing Tyler in a huge hug, and Jenna approached you with a huge grin.
"Oh my goodness gracious, y/n!" Jenna exclaimed. "You look like you just stepped out of a fairy tale, sweetheart."
"Me?" you laughed. "Look at you!"
"She looks smoking," you could hear Tyler whisper to Josh. "I could barely breathe when she walked out of the bedroom."
"I know, same here," Josh agreed in a low murmur. "She didn't even notice me staring at her from the doorway. Dude, I was floored."
"I don't know but I think we should start doing more of these Grammy things if they're going to look as hot as this," Tyler teased.
"Hey!" Jenna snapped, giving him a playful tug on the ear. "You boys should work on your whispering skills. We can hear everything."
"Then that just means you'll know how much we think you look so freaking sexy tonight," Tyler smirked, grabbing her by the hips and pulling her closer. "Right, babe?"
"Sure," she rolled her eyes, planting her lips on his for a kiss. A couple flashes went off and Josh chuckled.
"Come on guys," he laughed. "Let's keep the PDA to a minimum."
"Shut up," Tyler narrowed his eyes when he pulled away from the kiss, squeezing Jenna's hand before letting go. "I bet you guys are going to be all over each other by the time we sit down."
"It's the Grammys," Josh argued. "We have to be well behaved."
"Well behaved," Tyler scoffed. "Like that's something we know how to do."
"You're being so silly," Jenna sighed.
"Just wait until we take our pants off," Tyler winked. "Then it will get real."
"What?" you and Jenna both exclaimed at the same time.
"Nothing," Tyler reassured. "Just a joke."
"It better be," Jenna warned.
"Sure..." Josh smirked, leaving both of you curious of what the hell that meant.

Credit to thepatricktreestump on Tumblr

Josh Dun imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now