Try something new (smut threesome)

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Josh Dun and Tyler Joseph imagine

You sat on the floor of your's, Josh's, and Tyler's apartment, back leaning against the small piece of furniture the TV sat on. Your boyfriend and Tyler and sat opposite you on the floor against the couch. Aside from Josh, Tyler was one of your closest friends and pretty much the reason you two were dating. Like the 14 year olds you all mentally were, you were playing a late-night truth or dare session which had, as usual, gone from innocent questions to much more risque ones. "Tyler, truth or dare?" You asked him, taking a swig of your wine cooler. The boys made of you for drinking them but they were freaking delicious so you didn't care much.
He thought for a moment, "Truth." He decided.
"Wimp." Josh teased.
You were hoping he was going to say dare so it took you a moment before finally asking, "Have you ever had a sex dream with another guy?" You asked. He squeezed his eyes shut and ran his hands over his face groaning. "And you have to tell the truth or you have to drop ice down your underwear. That's the rules." You laughed devilishly since that rule was Tyler's idea in the first place.
"Ok! Ok! Fine!" He shot an awkward look to the side, "It wasn't really a wet dream but I had a dream about Josh a few weeks ago." He said ashamed. Both you and Josh practically screamed in laughter. Although none of you were drunk, you were definitely about two drinks down so you were feeling a little tipsy. "But we didn't actually do it! We were like making out and stuff and I woke up before anything happened! Before I fell asleep that night I got curious and looked up fanfic about us because it's funny to see what fans think happens and I guess it was just in my head." He said, his face red with embarrassment.
Josh scooted towards him and leaned his head on his shoulder, "If you wanted me that bad all you had to do was ask." He joked.
Tyler shoved Josh off playfully, "Shut up. Ok, fine. Y/N, truth or dare?"
Of course he would pick you back. You thought for a moment. You wanted to pick dare but after what you made Tyler admit to, you didn't trust him not to make you do something awful and embarrassing, "Truth." You grinned nervously in anticipation of what he was gonna ask.
"Would you ever have a threeway?" He asked.
Again, you had to think about it. The thought had occurred to you and despite knowing a ton of your favorite singers through Josh and Tyler, you'd definitely had your fair share of fangirl threeway fantasies with band members. But would you ever actually go through with it? As a joke threeways always sounded fun but when it came down to it, you usually thought of sex as something personal and romantic and loving between you and Josh, even if it did get a little kinky sometimes (although not much). But you had to admit, the idea of a threeway was pretty fun. "I think so. But I would have to really trust the other two people." You decided.
Both Josh and Tyler's mouths were open a little bit, as if they found the idea kinda hot but they quickly covered it up. "Guy-guy-girl or guy-girl-girl?" Tyler asked, raising his eyebrow.
You rolled your eyes, "One truth at a time!" You glanced at the clock on your phone seeing it was 11:39 pm. You sighed, "I actually got to go to bed. I have to be at work at 6:30 tomorrow morning." You stood up, walking into the kitchen to throw away your empty bottle before walking over to Josh and kissing him on the cheek, "Good night babe." You looked at Tyler, "Keep your hands off my man while I'm asleep." You joked. Tyler groaned and Josh laughed at the comment.
Five days had gone by since that night and finally it was Friday. You had Saturday off and didn't have to worry about going to bed early for work. It was your night to just chill with Josh. Hopefully Tyler would go out with some of his other friends so you and Josh could have some alone time. You loved Tyler but since he was always around, you and Josh hadn't had sex since they got back from tour about two months ago. At first it sucked not ever having intimate time with him, but you both had gotten used to it. It was just like being teenagers again, always having the drive to do it if you had the chance but ignoring it if you didn't.
You pulled into your parking space and walked up to your apartment, unlocking the front door and kicking your shoes off as soon as you got in. It was strangely quiet inside which was uncommon. Usually Josh and Tyler would be practicing or talking or something. Their cars were outside so they were definitely here. "Anybody home?" You called out curiously.
You walked down the hall, "Yeah we're in here." You heard Josh's voice echo from your's and his bedroom. You walked in and saw Josh sitting on your dark blue comforter while Tyler sat in the bright green bean bag chair in the corner. You giggled a little to yourself thinking that you guys just looked like a bunch of teenagers living together, not full grown adults. Unless all adults had bean bag chairs. You set your bag down on the floor next to the door.
"Hey you guys. Are you having a heart-to-heart? Should I come back later?" You asked.
Josh shook his head, "No, no you're good. Don't go anywhere." He smiled. Tyler sat quietly in the bean bag chair, leaning forward with his elbows on his knees, leaning his chin on his clasped knuckles. He seemed... quiet... suspiciously quiet. Were they planning on pranking you again, because last time when they put baby powder in your hair dryer was not nearly as amusing as they thought it was. Josh must have seen the suspicious look on your face because he quickly stood up, laughing nervously and biting his lip, "Don't worry, we're not pranking you." He said reading your mind. Tyler chuckled a little.
"Ok, then why are y'all so serious looking. Did someone die?" You asked with a joking tone but slightly worried after you said it.
"No... it's just... we were thinking, well I was thinking- gosh I don't know how to say this." He ran his hand nervously through his pink-orange hair, "Well, you remember how we haven't done anything in awhile?" He asked, quirking his eyebrow suggestively so you knew he what he was referring to. You nodded, "And well, I happened to have heard from a certain friend of yours that you've been wanting to try some new things in the bedroom." You cursed your friend Y/F/N under your breath for telling Josh. You had always felt kind of awkward about trying new things in the bedroom and suggesting it. You guys were into rough sex, but that was about the extent of what you did. Josh got dominant sometimes but it wasn't often. But gosh did you love it when he was, which you'd told him but he was always scared of hurting you. "And then the other night you said you'd consider a threesome..." He said trailing off.
When you realized what he was suggesting your gave him a strange look, "Wait, so you're suggesting that we-" you motioned with your finger to all three of you.
Tyler quickly cut in, interrupting, "Only if you want to!" Josh nodded in agreement, "If you don't feel comfortable then I'll leave and you and Josh can go at it all you want." You chuckled a little at what he said. He always had a way of being sincere and smooth and awkward all at the same time.
"Honestly, I've been wanting to switch things up in the bedroom too lately. And I read about some stuff that sounded kind of cool that I was thinking we could try and this was sort of one of them. But if you feel uncomfortable with it at all, then just say so." Josh said looking you the eyes, "But you said if you trusted the other two people, then you might consider it."
You thought for a moment. Was this actually happening? You had answered yes to a hypothetical situation. But what was hypothetical was somehow now a reality. You glanced at Tyler and then back at Josh, "Are you guys sure you're alright with this? I mean, Josh. Tyler and I would be screwing. And Ty, would that be too weird for you to see your best friend naked? Or his girlfriend for that matter? I mean I'm ok with this, I just don't want you guys to screw up your friendship for the sake of experimenting."
Tyler stood up and stood a few feet away from you, leaning against the wall, "We've actually been talking about this since Sunday night after you went to bed."
"Yeah, we've already agreed that there'll be no jealousy or anything like that. And if it fails, we never have to do it again." Josh reassured you.
You thought for a second, "Ok. I'm in." You muttered, biting your lip and looking between the two boys. "But two things first. I've never had sex with anyone except Josh." You admitted shyly, "And I have no idea how the heck a threesome works except for what I've read in smutty fanfic." You chuckled awkwardly at what you just admitted to them.
Josh smirked, sucking his lip between his teeth as he stepped closer to you. One of his hands fell on your hips while the other was gently brought on your neck, pulling you in for a sweet simple kiss. Your eyes fluttered closed and when he pulled away, you were already breathless from his gentleness. "I guess we'll just see what happens then. If you want to stop at any point just say so." He tells you. You gaze up at him and nod. His voice was so comforting that you could pretty much agree to anything. "You are on the pill right?" He confirmed. You nodded and bit your lip.
He shot a glance over at Tyler who walked behind you from against the wall. Josh leaned back and kissed you passionately, tongue slipping into your mouth. Tyler's hands roamed feather light down your sides and over your thighs shooting electricity down your spine. You leaned your head to the side, following Josh's kiss and Tyler pressed his body closer against your backside, trailing hot open mouthed kisses across your now exposed neck. His hands trailed up your thighs to knead your breasts through the fabric of your low cut black t-shirt. You moaned against Josh's lips and you felt him smirk through the kiss. Tyler's teeth raked across the spot that made you moan, biting it lightly before smoothing it over with his tongue.
Already, you were overwhelmed by the sensations. Your core was hot and wet and your heart was racing. Josh's hands left your neck and trailed down to lift your shirt over your head exposing your dark red bra. Tyler unhooked it and it soon followed your shirt on the ground. You were grateful that Josh was in front of you. Apart from the one guy in high school you flashed because you lost a bet, Josh was the only guy who's seen your breasts. Josh's head dipped down, leaving a trail of kisses down your neck, across your collarbone and on your breasts. You leaned back against Tyler's body, arching your back as he sucked on your neck and Josh nibbled at your nipples.
You almost didn't notice Tyler's hands lightly running down your bare stomach and unbuttoning your dark skinny jeans. His hand slipped inside the front and he began rubbing you through your panties. You moaned loudly and Josh stepped away, taking off his grey t-shirt to reveal his body. Your knees were shaking from Tyler's movement and you were moaning loudly. He wasn't rubbing hard enough to get you off, but it was definitely enough to warm you up. "So wet already..." He whispered huskily into your ear, turning you on even more.
You knew if you didn't move soon, your legs would buckle from underneath you. You stepped away from Tyler, chest heaving and turned towards him, placing a hand on each shoulder. You glanced over your shoulder at Josh who nodded at you, silently telling you to keep going. You leaned in and kissed Tyler deeply, parting to slip his shirt over his head. Josh sat on the edge of your bed and you began walking backwards, not breaking the kiss with Tyler until you were near Josh. You got on your knees, unbuckling Josh's skinny jeans and pulling them down. Behind you, you could hear Tyler doing the same for himself.
Just as you were about to run your hands up Josh's legs, he shook his head, "Uh-uh. Lay on the bed." He said. His voice was almost commanding but there was still a bit of uncertainty. It turned you on to no extent. You did as you were told, lying down. Josh began crawling up your legs, kissing down your bare chest sending shivers throughout your body. Eventually he made it to your unbuttoned jeans, "Are you still ok with this happening?" He asked cautiously.
"Yeah." You breathed. He slid your pants of, underwear leaving with the, until you were naked and exposed. Right away, you felt strange. Tyler was here. You knew you agreed to this but suddenly it was seeming really, really... real. You bent your knees, almost crossing them with how tightly you were squeezing them together. You didn't exactly mean to do it, it was just sort of instinctual.
Suddenly, Tyler's lips were on your's, "Don't worry." He whispered, pulling away. It was strangely simple of him to say but it somehow eased your nerves slightly. You felt Josh's large hands on your thighs, gently opening your legs and leaning between them. His tongue flicked over your clit and you gasped at the feeling. His tongue ran up and down to your entrance before returning to suck on your clit. You were already a writhing mess. Tyler had his mouth occupied on your breasts, licking and kissing and nipping at the already hickey covered flesh.
"Oh my gosh..." You moaned.
Josh leaned back just long enough to groan, "That's it Y/N, tell me how good we make you feel."
His teeth gently grazed your clit and your moaned loudly, "Oh god. Just like that Josh." Tyler's tongue flicked over your nipple while he gently ran over the other perked bud with his calloused thumb. You ran your hand up Tyler's back, gripping lightly onto his hair. Your back arched as Josh slid a finger into your hot core.
"So tight." He groaned, pumping quickly. Tyler captured your lips in a rough kiss. You broke the kiss, sitting up slightly, and Josh stopped his actions with a confused look on his face. You ran your hands through your disheveled hair and crawled over to Josh, missing the feeling of his lips. Tyler was good, no doubt, but you loved Josh. He bit your bottom lip teasingly. Tyler kept his eyes on your butt as you made out with his best friend, removing his erection from his boxers and slowly pumping himself at the sight of your naked body, sitting at the top of the bed. You sat up on your knees, Josh's lips following you until he was standing and you hooked your fingers in his waistband, pulling his boxers down. His erection sprang free and you broke the kiss, gazing up at him through hooded eyes. His dark eyes were clouded with lust and it made your empty core ache for him. You bit your lip when Josh nodded his head slightly, "Get on all fours." He demanded, that dominant tone more prominent than before.
Silently, you obeyed, turning to face Tyler's naked body and being surprised at the size of his length. Josh stood at the foot of the bed and grabbed you roughly by the hips pulling you closer to him. Tyler quit pumping himself and positioned himself on his knees in front of your face. Josh's soft hands caressed up your sides, cupping your breasts and moving back down to your bum. You savored every feeling the two men gave you.
Reaching up, you grabbed Tyler's hard member and ran your hand up and down it a few times, his thin body shivering and the contact. Josh ran his fingers through your wet folds. Leaning forward slightly, you took Tyler into your mouth, tongue swirling around his sensitive tip. You hand pumped what you couldn't fit as you bobbed your head back and forth. Behind you, Josh positioned himself at your entrance and slowly pushed in. You moaned loudly around Tyler's dick.
"Are you still alright?" Josh asked.
You nodded slightly but he must not have seen because Tyler's strained voice chuckled a little, "Yeah she's good." Josh rocked his hips slowly at first but he soon matched your pace on Tyler. Tyler reached down and grabbed a fistful of your hair. You could see his muscles fighting to keep from moving your head for you, shoving himself deeper. He didn't want to hurt you after all. Josh gripped tightly onto your hips, sure to leave bruises as he snapped his hips fast. A knot built up in your stomach and your legs were beginning to shake. You took Tyler out of your mouth and slowly licked up the underside of his shaft. His cock twitched in your hand and you knew he was close.
You pumped Tyler faster, trying to focus on how Josh was making you feel and still keep a good pace with Tyler. His grip on your hair tightened and he quickly pulled back, letting go of you. He pumped a few times and released all over your body, panting.
Now that you were totally focused on Josh's movements, you noticed his movements becoming erratic. You knew he was close. His breathing was labored pants. Knowing that he wasn't going to last much longer, he pulled out and climbed on top of the bed on his knees. He roughly grabbed your ankle and brought it over his shoulder before slamming back into you. He hit that spot deep inside you that made you scream out, "FUCK!" Your eyes screwed tight. Both and Tyler and Josh let out a small laugh at your profanities. It was rare when you cussed. "Oh shit right there." You begged and Josh obeyed. Your whole body was on fire, every nerve burning with lust.
Tyler stood up and walked to the side of the bed, leaning over. With one hand, he spread your folds apart, exposing your clit. With the other, he rubbed fast harsh circles over your sensitive bud. That combined with Josh continuously pounding your g-spot had you screaming and moaning, "Fuck... me... Uh... Josh... Shit ... Yeah... Oh god Tyler!" You moaned. Your entire being was on fire and how you hadn't cum yet was beyond you because you felt yourself teetering on the edge.
"I'm so close babe." Josh groaned. You reached down and held his hand tightly.
Suddenly, you felt your walls tighten uncontrollably as wave after wave of euphoria washed over you. "Fuck! Josh!" You moaned (or rather screamed), toes curling and legs bending as you orgasmed. The boys worked you through your orgasm, Tyler rubbing your clit and Josh slowing his hips. Your walls clenching around his length sent him over the edge. He pulled out leaning over your body and resting his head on the bed next to you. The two of you were panting uncontrollable messes. That was by far the most powerful orgasm you'd ever had, still feeling the effects after your breath calmed down.
"Holy shit, Y/N. You fucking squirted that was so hot." Tyler commented and Josh chuckled into the mattress. You turned bright red, covering your face with your hands. You'd never squirted before.
"I have never heard you cuss that much. You're freaking filthy. But sexy." Josh laughed, propping himself up on his elbows to look at you.
"That was freaking amazing." You panted, sitting up. You swung your legs over the side of the bed and set your feet down to walk to the bathroom but as soon as you put weight on your legs, your knees buckled slightly. Your core already ached. It had been a long time since you'd been screwed so hard you could barely walk and you honestly loved it.
You heard a snort behind you. "Are you alright?" Josh asked. You turned around stabilizing yourself.
You put up a hand and laughed a little, "I'm good. It's just... been a while." You said. You returned from the bathroom with a towel and cleaned up your guys' mess. The three of you got dressed and met back up in the living room, sitting on the couch.
You were the last one to get into the living room. Josh and Tyler insisted to take a shower since Tyler kinda came all over you. They sat there with expectant looks on their faces, "So... was it awful?" Josh asked nervously.
You shook your head, "You heard me earlier. That was amazing. Did you guys enjoy yourselves?"
"A little awkward but not bad." Tyler confessed. All three of you laughed and nodded in agreement.
"But thanks guys. Really. I never actually thought that dirty little fantasy was gonna come true. And I'm glad it was with you Tyler." You said, sitting next to Josh who put his arm around you, letting you burrow yourself into his side.

Credit to cautionfangirl121400 on Tumblr

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