Kiss cam

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Josh Dun imagine

It's not that Peter isn't lovely. Really, he is. He's tall and his hair is neatly done, and he smells like department store perfume and he's everything you're supposed to want to take home to your parents.
The problem is that he's mind-numbingly dull and–even worse–completely uninterested in you. Even when he picked up you up, dressed up a tight dress with your makeup all done, he'd barely mumbled a compliment. You probably should've taken the hint and claimed sickness before you'd gotten to the arena, but you didn't want to offend the guy. Your mother had raised you better than that.
You sigh, head propped up in your hand. The bleachers are cold underneath you and you have absolutely no idea what the players on the court below are even doing. The game's just started, but Peter is already engrossed in it, eyes tracking the players' movements carefully. You would ask a question about the team or why their shorts are so long they cover their knees, but you're sure Peter would just mildly play it off.
"Sorry, sorry, coming through," a light voice comes from your left. You snapped your head around to see two boys pushing their way through the bleachers towards you. The yellow haired one is doing the pushing, loudly shouting sincere apologies as he goes through. The short-haired one behind him is carrying a giant bag of popcorn and a soda, an overly pleased grin on his face.
They bustle their way through until they're right next to you and Peter. The yellow one sits right next to you, still nattering away at his friend. He's wearing sweats and a tank top, and you feel absurdly overdressed next to him in your fancy heels and curled hair.
You turn your head away when you hear a loud "Hi!" in your ear. It's the boy, smiling at you and...oh. He's got these soft eyes that look like melting waterfalls and he reminds you of a star. He's just very pretty despite the fact that he looks like he just came from a skate park.
"Hi," you smile back. Maybe the night won't be so awful after all.
"I'm Josh. This is my friend Tyler." Tyler smiles and waves at you. He looks easy going too.
"I'm Y/N. This is, uh, my date, Peter." you gesture over at Peter, who's pointedly still staring at the game. "Um, Peter?"
The man turns his head slightly, "Yeah?"
"This is Josh and Tyler." He waves, uninterested, at the duo.
Peter mumbles a semblance of a hello at them and turns his head completely back to the game. You can feel your face drop a little, but you try to smile at Josh. His brow is furrowed in Peter's direction, and he mouths to you "Silent type, huh?"
"I guess," you shrug, careful not to bump your shoulder into Peter.
Josh focuses back on you. It's almost dizzying, the caramel eyes staring so earnestly into yours. "Where are you from, then?"
"Columbus. You?"
"Yeah? Us too."
The crowd around you suddenly roars. You lean back a bit, not realizing how close you'd been leaning in to Josh. He's still only looking at you though, despite the people yelling around you. Peter is on his feet yelling obscenities. "What happened?" You ask him.
"What?" He almost yells back. "You're so quiet, can't you speak up?"
You can feel your cheeks heating up. "I just asked what happened."
"They fouled one of our players."
"What does that mean?"
Peter gives you a cold look. "Don't you go to college here? How can you not know the basic rules of basketball?"
You gulp, "I—"
"Nevermind. It's when players make contact with another player, basically," he huffs. "You're not allowed to do that."
"Oh—" you briefly stumble over your words. Peter turns back to game, huffing loudly.
Josh's face is thunderous when you glance back at him. He grumbles under his breath, "Well, that was rude."
If that's not terribly endearing, you're not sure what is. You can feel yourself fonding over Josh as they fall back into a conversation, with his little quips and comments throughout the game and his lovely eyes and strong biceps and the way he laughs at you like you're actually telling funny jokes. He's just so happy and perfect and he gets eye crinkles when he smiles. You love eye crinkles.
A loud horn and the bustling of people around them startles you. Peter's trying to shuffle past you, "Do you want popcorn or anything?".
You frown at him, "No, I'm fine. Thank you."
Tyler leaves too, and Josh fixes you with a curious look. "Why in the world are you on a date with that guy? No offense or anything, but he's kind of prick."
You laugh at his remark, "My friend thought we'd be a good match. I'm not sure how she could have possibly thought that. Remind me to never let myself get set up on a blind date ever again," you sigh.
Josh launches into a story about the "worst date I've ever been on, I swear, Y/N, it was the most awful night of my life". His eyes are shining and you're not sure of the last time you laughed this hard. He's still talking when Peter comes back grumbling slightly under his breath and avoiding your eyes. Josh glares daggers at him, like the guy's personally attacking him.
"Is that a Kiss Cam?" Tyler asks as he sits back down, pointing at the big screen.
You smile in awe at the old couple on the screen now. You and Josh both laugh at the various couples they show, watching both awkward and sweet kisses they share. You're mid-laugh when you freeze, shocked at what they're showing now. It's focused on you and Peter. More specifically, you now staring at Peter and Peter completely ignoring you. He's not even glancing over at you or turning his head in the slightest. You can feel your cheeks heat up again, looking helplessly over at Josh.
Josh, who's still smiling at you like a ball of sunshine, quirks an eyebrow and narrows his eyes. Without thinking, you lean in and kiss him. He tastes like sunshine and mint chewing gum, and he kisses you back just as eagerly. His lips are soft against yours and you think that you might be a little in love. You pull back after what feels like forever, leaning your forehead against Josh's. Your smile is so wide it feels like it's going to split your face open, and when you finally lean back to look at Josh, he's smiling just as wide, eye crinkles and all.
Tyler looks a little shocked behind him, leaning over with wide eyes. He's looking behind you at Peter, who's finally paying attention.
He has a cold expression and his eyebrows are furrowed. He crosses his arms stiffly over his chest and glares at you. "We're on a date. You can't kiss other people when you're on a date with me. Who does that?"
You stutter out a semblance of a response, but then Josh is leaning forward. "I don't mean to be rude, but you're kind of a dick."
Peter's jaws drops open at him. He looks like he's about to spit a response back when Josh turns to you and grins widely at him. "Wanna get out of here?"
You laugh, "Yeah, of course I do."
He stands and offers a hand to you, "Let's go. We've got things to do, places to see."
You let Josh pull you up and you can't keep the stupid grin off from your face. He takes your hand again and starts pulling you gently down the bleachers. You turn and wave back at Tyler and Peter. Peter looks like he's swallowed a something whole but Tyler quickly gives you a soft smile and a thumbs up. "Bye, Peter! Hopefully I'll see you soon, Tyler." You laugh again and let yourself get pulled along by Josh.
Josh turns around and smiles at you, "You okay?"
Maybe it's too soon to tell, but you have a strange feeling that you just met your soulmate. You beam back, "I am now."

Credit to joshdunfics on tumblr

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