He passes out during a show

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Josh Dun imagine

Joshua had been working so hard for this tour. So much that he'd barely eaten a thing, every morning I would wake up in an empty bunk, sometimes it would be 6am and I would hear the faint pounding of drums from inside the stadium. he was constantly tired and went straight to sleep whenever we had any type of alone time.
It was the night of the first show of the second part to the Emotional Roadshow, Josh had been up since 8 practising the same bit to Ride over and over. I walked behind him, setting the coffee that I had made for him beside his kit and ran my fingers over the warm skin of his shoulders, he flinched slightly at my touch and stopped suddenly looking up at me. Deep set frown lines cut through his pale face, mocha eyes drained of the life that usually danced in them. 'Baby, you gotta have a break sometime, I promise you, you'll do great' I said softly, passing him the hot coffee.
'I cant Y/N, I have to get this bit right,' he said mumbled, gulping down the steaming drink. I gasped slightly because I knew how hot I had made it. 'Just listen to this bit, is it okay' He began to play the part of Ride where he would play on top of the crowd at they all peered up at him like he was a god. I listened as he played his heart out putting all of his effort into this solo, until he went wrong. 'Argh fuck! I get the same fucking bit wrong every time I can't do it' he sulked burying his head into his sweaty covered hands.
'Josh, Josh hey,' I said, he looked at me again, tears threatening to spill from the eyes that I had fallen so in love with 'You are going to do great, you do it every time, all the fans love you, and if you do mess up, then so what? the only people that will know are Tyler and I, and we love you no matter what, don't you ever forget that okay?' I smiled at him.
'Thank you baby, I just wanna do you proud, I love you' he said pulling me into a tight, if not slightly sweaty hug. I screwed up my nose and giggled at him then left to change for the evening. The drumming continued followed by various profanities, if he missed a beat, I sighed not knowing what to do with my perfectionist boyfriend.
"Tyler!?" I called from the hall, he popped his head out of the dressing room door, hair half combed as he was only part way through getting ready for tonights show. (A/N: Tyler has hair in this imagine for the purpose of this line and another later on, trust me I love Ty's hair right now it just works that he has the fluffy hair here!)
"yesssssssssssss' he chuckled, and I rolled my eyes at his behaviour.
"He's been drumming for about four hours straight now, I've tried so hard to get him to stop and chill but no matter what I do he won't stop, I'm so worried Ty' I said scratching lightly at the thin skin of my palms.
"I know, I am too, but I don't think anyone can change what he's doing, you know what he's like, once he's got his heart set on doing something he'll do whatever it takes to do it' he sighed running his hand through his fluffy hair. "It's time for him to get ready anyway, he'll come by in a minute'.
As if on cue the drumming stopped abruptly, moments later Josh was trudging down the hallway, footsteps heavy and tiresome. "Time to get ready," he muttered trying to give a hopeful smile as he passed us and then into his dressing room. I closely followed and watched as he slumped down in his chair, he looked at his sweaty image in the mirror and I could tell he was criticising everything I saw, my heart slightly tore apart at the thought and walked over to him deciding that I would help him to do his hair and eye makeup today because he seemed exhausted.
I kneeled in front of him and started to comb his hair into a more organised mess of sweaty, sunshine curls on top of his head, he gave he a lop-sided smile and closed his eyes as I began to smear the red paint gently over the smooth skin beneath his eyes. "open" I almost whispered at him. He fluttered his eyes open and inspected himself in the illuminated "does it look okay?' he just nodded in response and then closed his eyes again.
'Thank you," he murmured.
Half an hour later and it was moment until the boys were due on stage, Josh had pumped himself up a little and was ready to go on, the adrenaline must have kicked in.
As the stage director gave the cue, the music started and the low hum of the beginning of HeavyDirtySoul filled the arena, accompanied by the screams of the crowds. They roared in delight as they watched their idols run on stage, Tyler rapped every word to perfection and Josh kept up with the quick pace of the song. I smiled as I watched him nod his head in time to the song.
It came to 'Ride' and a slight wave of sickness washed over me, worrying about how Josh would do, I knew he would be fantastic but he had stressed me out earlier. I watched as the crew lifter the drum kit on top of the crowd, Josh scanned for the best path in order to safely climb onto the plywood platform. Sure enough he clambered on safely at sat on the black leather stool. The music started again and he began his solo putting the rest of his power into the beat of the song, I glanced down at my phone until I heard a thud, followed by a sickening but definite scream 'Y/N!', Josh was on the floor his small body engulfed by the mass of fans, desperate to touch my boyfriend. I ran across the stage, over the barrier and into the pit wading through the hoards of people until I found him, eyes rolling back in his head, gasping for breath.
I kneeled beside him, and held his wrist in my palm checking his erratic pulse. Soon enough the medic rushed towards us and security ushered people out of the way so he had more space to breathe. I tilted his head up so it was resting on my knees and the doctor checked his heart rate and his temperature. They then picked him up and took him off to the side of the stage where he was given water. "I'm sorry guys, Josh can't play anymore, I'm sorry if this ruined your night please don't blame him he's been working so hard for you. We are Twenty One Pilots, and so are you, goodnight everyone' Tyler addressed the crowd as they began to amble towards the doors.
When the lights turned back on I had a proper look at Josh, and gasped at what I saw, his shirt had been nearly shreded by the fans, his hat was missing and small scratches were littered all up his arms where they had obviously tried to grab onto him but instead hurt him. "Babe! look at you, are you okay? look at your shirt there's practically nothing there" he looked down at the torn black tank, and frowned, anger clearly bubbling up inside of him. "Stand up a minute I need to take a photo of this so that I can show the fans what they've done to you"
He stood up shakily and I quickly snapped a few shots of his shirt and arms. I went onto twitter and composed a new tweet 'To the people who thought it appropriate to tear Joshua's shirt and literally cut his arms, please don't come back to another show, you are not welcome. I know you know who you are, you hurt him while he was vulnerable I hope the moment of touching him was worth it.' I then attached the photos and posted the tweet, knowing hate would soon follow but I didn't care because I needed to get my point across.
A couple hours later and Josh and I were curled up in bed, 'Baby?' he whispered, voice low and tired 'I love you so much, thank you for helping me earlier, you're amazing, I don't know what I did to deserve someone like you'
I smiled into his chest and whispered back 'I love you too Joshua,'

Credit to jishwadunimagines on Tumblr

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