About time

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Josh Dun imagine

It was the first day I would see my lifelong friend in over 6 months. I could barely sleep the night before. Sure Josh and I would text, call, and even Skype, but it just wasn't the same. I missed his fluffy hair, contagious laugh, and his eyes. God, those beautiful eyes! And his smile absolutely killed me. Oh yeah. I might have a little crush on the guy too. I lied. I have a HUGE crush on Josh. Ever since senior prom when I saw him in his dark tux and his perfectly styled hair. The moment we made eye contact, I was sure that there was something there. But I guess that feeling only went one way. He gave me butterflies every day since then. A couple years later, Josh started his music career. I was there from the beginning. When he left one band to join another. When he signed with Fueled By Ramen. Even when he heard his first song playing on the radio. I was there. However, those butterflies never flew away. They just kept multiplying. Of course I was over the moon when I saw how happy he was playing those drums in front of crowds that kept getting bigger and louder. But I do miss the times we shared. He has been a little distant ever since his career took off. Sometimes, I can't help but feel jealous when I see thousands of girls screaming at him. I don't know why I haven't said anything to him. I guess I didn't want our relationship to be ruined.
A text message snapped me back into reality. It was from Jordan, who was like my little brother as well, saying that the boys and Jenna would be at the bar from the airport in 15 minutes. I grabbed my purse and took one last look in the mirror. I wore skinny jeans, a plain grey flowy t-shirt with a little taco in the corner, and some black converse. After fixing my hair for a bit, I drove off to the bar. The whole ride there I couldn't stop thinking about how wonderful it is going to be to see Josh and get one of his world famous hugs. His eyes would wrinkle as he smiles at me. Oh man, do I have it bad.
I pulled up to the bar and strolled inside trying to hid my grin. I spotted Jordan and Kelly talking to each other and went over to join the conversation. After a few minutes of talking about our jobs, we heard some small cheers and greetings come from the entrance. My toes curled still thinking about Josh. I moved over to greet Jenna, followed by Tyler. "Y/N! Ugh! It's so amazing to see you again. I missed you so much!" Jenna shouted, pulling me into a hug. Me and Jenna were best friends. The two of us would hang out whenever Josh and Tyler hung out, which was practically everyday. "I know! It's been too long! We need a girls day, SOON." I said pulling away from the hug. "Hey Y/N, been a while. How have you been?" Tyler asked also pulling me into a quick hug. "Hey Ty. I'm good but now that you guys are back I'm great!" I said with a chuckle at the end. Tyler walked away with Jenna to talk to his parents and other people who have missed them as well. Looking at the doors, I noticed a bright yellow highlighter bobbing its way through the sea of people. There he was. Josh. He really can pull off any hair color. Did he hit the gym a few times during tour? As we made eye contact, I smiled and waved at him. Slowly I walked towards him, trying not to seem to eager. Finally after what seemed to be 5 hours, we were right beside each other. "Hey" I said softly with a grin forming on my face. Staring back at me, Josh smiled and walked away to talk to some other friends. I stood there in disbelief. Are you serious? I waited 6 long months for a smile that seemed fake. Disgust was written all over my face. I turned around to see Josh continuing mingling. I could not believe that just happened. Was he mad at me? Did he not want to be my friend? Just what the hell! I stormed off into the bathroom stalls to fix the tears of anger and sadness from ruining my make up.
"Y/N? You in here?" Jenna's voice rang through out the empty bathroom. "Yeah over here." I spoke quietly, yet loud enough for Jenna to hear my voice crack. "Oh god. What happen? Are you okay? I saw you looking upset so I followed you in here, but I didn't think it was this bad." She said with a panicked expression. I took a death breath before answering. "Let me ask you something. Is Josh mad at me? Did he say anything that I might have done?"
"Mad? No way! The entire tour he would not shut up about you! 'Y/n would have thought it was funny' 'That's Y/n favourite color' I don't know why you would think he's mad at you." Jenna explained with a smile. "Wait...Josh..He likes me?" I asked. "DUH! How have you not seen it before. And same goes for him. You're always drooling over him the minute you see him." Jenna teased. "Shut up, Jen" I said playfully punching her arm. "But wait. That doesn't make sense! Why would Josh just ignore me like I was nothing if he had feelings for me?" I thought out loud. "Ignored you?" She asked. "Yeah. I went up to him and said 'hey' and all he did was smile and walk away!" I practically shouted. I was furious now. Pushing past Jenna, I walked out of the stall and through the doors to find Josh talking to the bartender. I stomped up to where he was sitting and waited for him to look up. Nope, kept his head down not even acknowledging me. "Josh. Can I talk to you? It's important." I said, sternly. "Can it wait?" He said, still looking at his pop can. "No. It can't." I said, grabbing his arm and pulling him to a spot that was less crowded.
"Y/n. What the hell?!"
"Me what the hell? You what the hell?! What is up your ass? What did I do to you huh? Tell me why you are acting this way. I thought we were friends."
"We are! It's just..."
"It's just what? Huh?" I stared deep in his eyes waiting for a response. Anything.
"It's nothing." He shrugged.
"No it's not nothing! Something is wrong and it's about me. I know it! So just tell me!" I shouted.
"I can't. I just can't, okay!" Josh yelled back.
"You know what fine! Be that way! And to think I was going to ask you out tonight." I admitted.
"Wait. Huh?!" Josh asked, very surprised.
"Yeah that's right. So what if I've had feelings for you for a couple years now. You didn't even notice it. You probably still see me as your sister or something. God, I can't believe how blind you can..." My rant was cut off short by Josh's lips meeting mine. My eyes grew wide. I started to kiss back after I realised what was going on. All of my anger just melted away and was replaced with love, instead. His hand went to the back of my neck to deepen the kiss. We both pulled away a little too soon for our liking, but we needed to catch our breath.
"Woah." I whispered, completely mindblown.
"I've wanted to do that for a while now but today, after seeing you for so long, I couldn't help myself. That's why I haven't talked to you all night. I guess that was kind of dumb. Sorry." Josh explained, giggling at the end. "Yeah just a bit." I laughed. "Sooo...how long have you...uh.." He said awkwardly.
"Since senior prom. You?" I said a little embarrassed.
"6th grade." He spoke proudly.
"What!!" I laughed. We both fell into each other's arms laughing our heads off.
"WOO! About time my man! You finally had the guts to tell her!" Tyler shouted with his arm wrapped around Jenna, who was grinning like an idiot.
"Well..I-I..uh" Josh stuttered.
"I actually admitted it first." I boasted. Everybody started to chuckle while Josh turned a bright shade of pink.
"It's okay.", I whispered, "I won't tell anybody...else"

Credit to taking-prisoners-tonight on Tumblr

Josh Dun imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now