Don't go

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Josh Dun imagine

He hadn't answered his phone in over 5 hours. This wasn't like him. He always answered your calls and texts almost immediately.
Did he meet someone else? He probably didn't care about you anymore, he won't even be here for our 3rd anniversary. He could get anyone in the world, so why did he settle for you? You we're a piece of crap. You we're far from perfect, you had an ugly smile, and your laugh was so annoying.
Those thoughts had been haunting you for the past 3 months but when Josh didn't answer your calls for the last 5 hours, that was enough for you to believe all of them. You just wanted to push all the voices out. There was only one way though.
You walked to the bathroom sobbing, knowing that both you and Josh would be free again. You from your misery and Josh from you. That's what he wanted wasn't it?
You opened the medicine cabinet and grabbed a bottle of sleeping pills. You heard a knock on the door as you took a big swig of water swallowing the pills then your phone rang out from the counter. It was Josh.
That's when you fell to the ground and everything went black. You wanted to go back but it was too late.
Josh P.O.V.
I met her just over 3 years ago. Her smile pulled me in. The way she laughed made my heart skip a beat. She was freaking beautiful and she was so talented. From the first time I met her I felt a special connection to her.
Fast forward 3 years and we've been dating for 2 years, 11 months, and 29 days. Yes I kept a count because she meant so much to me. She always knows exactly the right things to say and do. I couldn't help but think she ended up in my life for a reason. She was perfect.
Tyler and I just got off the plane from finishing our tour. Y/N doesn't know we're back yet. She thinks I'll be home late tomorrow night, but I wanted to surprise her for our anniversary tomorrow.
I had a lot planned for us and I couldn't wait to see her reaction when I proposed to her.
Once Jenna and Tyler dropped me off at Y/N and I's apartment I started towards the door. Was so excited to see her again. It has been 2 months since I got to see her in person.
I knocked on the door and waited for it to open. There was no answer. I decided to call her and I got a little nervous when she didn't answer. I went to the neighbors to get the key they had of our. I could help but fear the worse. Y/N has battled with depression and when I went away she wasn't in the best state of mind.
When the door finally opened I called out her name. That's when I came across the bathroom to find the love of my life on the ground with an empty bottle of pills next to her.
I called 911 while trying to find a pulse. I was a little hopeful when I felt it but it was weak.
"Stay with me baby. I love you Y/N, don't go. We were gonna get married. Baby I need you." I just kept talking in hopes she could hear me.
The ambulance showed up about 7 minutes later. I had to call Tyler to meet me at the hospital because I couldn't do this alone.
"Hey Tyler. Meet me at the hospital right now. I just found Y/N on the ground,she took some pills and I'm scared." I could barely breath, my chest felt heavy with worry.
"We're on our way now Josh stay strong, she'll be okay." Tyler's voice was filled with fear and concern but he was trying to hide it.
She was taken away right away once arriving at the hospital. I felt a hand on my shoulder. It was Tyler. My tears just feel and I collapsed to the ground.
"I knew I should have told her I was coming home. I knew I should have never left her in the beginning."
"Hey Josh She'll be fine. She's a fighter, she loves you and if she did hear you before then she's gonna get herself better." Tyler and Jenna stayed with me until the doctor came out.
"You must be Josh Dun, correct?"
"Yes. How's Y/N? Can I see her."
The doctor let out a sigh the started to talk. "She's doing great. She overdosed on sleeping pills. Once we got her back there her heart stopped but we have her stabilized now. We have hopes that she will be awake tomorrow. Thank god you found her when you did. She wouldn't have made it if you had waited all of 3 more minutes. You can go see her now." With that the doctor lead all of us to where Y/N was.
She must have not eaten in a few weeks. She was at least 25 pounds lighter and her arms were covered in scars.
"Oh my god. Josh how long has she been this bad?" Tyler asked kneeling next to me as I held her hand and kissed her knuckles.
"I-I don't really know. I got so wrapped up in the album and tour I guess I didn't even notice. Fuck this is all my fault. I love her so much and I didn't even realize that she was hurting herself. I don't deserve her."
"Don't blame yourself for this Josh. Just be there for her."
Tyler and Jenna left about 3 hours later after they knew I was okay. They offered to bring me home but I wasn't leaving Y/N's side.
I pulled a chair up next to her bedside and just held her hand. I drummed a little beat with my thumbs on her hand and I must and fallen asleep. I was awoken by yelling and a loud beeping noise. The nurses removed me from the room quickly as I tried to fight my way back to Y/N.
"Sir we need to make sure she's fully stabilized before you can go back in." The nurse explained to me as I asked to go back in after sitting in the waiting room for 20 minutes.
It was about an hour later when I could go back in. She looked like she did before except this time her eyes were open. She was just staring down at her wrist crying.
I placed a hand on her leg. She jumped "Are you a nurse?"
I looked at her with a quizzical face. Before I could reply the doctor came in and asked to speak to me.
He explained how she had some sort of seizure when she woke up. He then explained how she will have some memory loss for the next few hours but she should be okay by tonight. He had full faith in her which made me feel good.
"Hey Y/N, do you remember me?" I entered the room again.
"Umm... Yeah don't you play in a band or something? Like the drums?" I thought it would be best to go along with whatever she said for now.
"Yeah. Are you a fan?"
She smiled and it made my heart skip a beat like always.
"I think so. Can I hear a song?"
"Of course." I said pulling out my phone playing her favorite song.
As We Don't Believe What's On TV played I couldn't help but stare at her. She was so beautiful, how could she ever how doubts about herself?
When the song ended she asked to hear more. We listen to the whole Blurryface album and I gently drummed my fingers on the bedside again. She watched me the whole time.
"You must be really talented. Do you have a girlfriend?"
"I do actually." I smiled and then it faded when I realized what she had asked me.
"Wow she must be very lucky to have you."
"No I'm lucky one."
"Josh, will you tell me about her?"
"Well for starters she's beautiful, talented, and her smile. Her smile makes me the happiest man alive. I could go on for hours about everything I love about her. She's perfect for me."
She smiled down at me.
"I feel like I know who you are. Are we friends?"
"I would say more than friends. What do you remember about me?"
Y/N P.O.V.
"I would say more than friends. What do you remember about me?"
I sat and thought for a moment. My thoughts and memories were all cloudy and I wasn't sure what was real or not.
"Well I remember that there is Tyler he's the one who sings those songs.A blonde girl. Gianna, possibly. I think we're all friends right?"
"Close, her name is Jenna. Tyler and I play in the band twenty one pilots and Jenna is one of your best friends." Josh said reassuring me.
With that a man and a woman walked in. they looked to Josh as if they didn't know what to say.
"Hey guys. Y/N woke up a while ago and she's getting some memories back." Josh told them what I remembered. After talking a bit about our friendship Jenna asked if Josh wanted to take a walk with her. I wondered why he said yes, I thought we were getting along so well. I wanted to know more about his girlfriend,he sounded so madly in love with her. Something I only dreamed a guy would do about me.
Once they left the room Tyler sat in the chair next to the bed that Josh just left.
"Hey Y/N. How do you feel?"
"Good I guess. Tyler can I ask you a question?"
"Sure, what's up?"
"Is Josh happy with Jenna? I mean he deserves the best and I think she would be great for him I guess."
He chuckled and looked at the ground. "Well I hope they don't get to close. After all she's my wife."
"Oh whoops, I thought they were dating. Sorry. So who is he dating?" You felt sort of embarrassed but you felt comfortable around Tyler like you did with Josh.
"Well she's this funny girl who I introduced him to over 3 years ago. Today is their 3 year anniversary actually and he was gonna surprise her, but something came up. She's my wife's best friend and she was her maid of honor in our wedding. We all missed her being on tour with us, but she had work so she could join us the past 3 months." You sat and listened to Tyler go on about this girl for a while.
Josh P.O.V.
"Thanks for getting me out of there Jenna."
"No problem. I saw the tears in your eyes and knew you probably needed a minute to breathe."
"Yeah. It's just so hard not being able to wish her a happy anniversary or kiss her. I mean she doesn't even know we're dating. I had all these plans to propose today and I just feel so bad for her." I wanted to cry but just held the emotions in. I wanted to stay as strong as possible.
"The doctor said we could show her picture and videos and things like that to jog her memory but I don't want to mess with anything, you know?"
"I get it, but i think she's getting a lot of the memories back she just needs a little more push to get the rest." Jenna said pulling out her phone. She showed em a few pictures she had taken of Y/N and I when we were on tour together.
"Show these to her and maybe it will help her." She said handing me the phone as we walked back into Y/N's room.
Y/N P.O.V.
Josh and Jenna walked in and Josh sat next to me again. He handed me the phone and scrolled through a few pictures of him and me. It was when he got to the 5th or 6th picture that it clicked. I was his girlfriend. Tears filled my eyes and Josh looked up at me.
"What's wrong?" Josh said wiping away a stray tear that must have fallen from my eye.
"Happy anniversary babe."
The room went silent. Everyone's jaws fell open. Then Josh stood up and put his lips to my forehead.
"I love you Y/N. Happy anniversary baby."
Josh handed Jenna her phone back. Then they left leaving only Josh and I in the room. I moved over on the bed so Josh could sit next to me.
Not that he felt like a stranger but I still didn't have full memory back so I still didn't feel like I've known him for 3 years.
Josh's P.O.V.
It had been a few hours since she remembered who I was. I know there were pieces still missing from her memory but the next morning she would have it all back says the doctor.
It was early in the morning when I woke up and saw her sleeping so peacefully. I didn't want to leave but I hadn't taken a shower in over 3 days now.
Once I returned 3 hours later she was awake.
She greeted me with the biggest smile.
"Hey Josh."
I was so happy to hear her voice again with a happy tone.
"Hey babe. How did you sleep?" I asked as I sat down on the bed with her again.
"Great." There was a moment of silence as the cuddles close into my side. "Josh I'm so sorry. I-" I cut her off before she could say anything more.
"Y/N there's nothing to be apologizing about. Just please promise me you'll come to me about this if there's a next time."
She nodded her head and I kissed her on the top of her head.
"You missed." She said as she came up to met her lips with mine. We were interrupted by Tyler walking in.
"Woah didn't know I was getting a show with visiting my best friend." Y/N pulled away and chucked. I just stared down at her. I can't believe I almost lost the love of my life to her stupid demons.
6 weeks later
Y/N and I just left having a nice dinner at her favorite restaurant. We were walking along the river path when I stopped and dropped to my knee. Y/N didn't notice for a few seconds and when she turned around to see me pulling out the small velvet box she started to cry. This was it. The moment I've been anticipating since our first few dates.
I planned a whole speech but I couldn't get the words to form so I simply just said "Y/N make me the happiest man to ever live and marry me."
She stepped closer to me and shook her head yes. I slipped the ring in her finger and then pulled her into a hug.
She was finally mine. I was never letting her go again and something told me she was thinking the same about herself and I.
"I love you Y/N."
"I love you too Josh."

Credit to topimagines on Tumblr

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