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Josh Dun imagine

"I doubt they're gonna have tacos, babe," you tell Josh. You stand up from the blanket, brushing excess sand off from the backs of your legs, "What's your backup?"
Josh throws you his best pouty face before sighing, "I guess just a burger or something."
"You got it," you say, leaning down and pecking his lips quickly before making your way over to the food stand.
You skipped over awkwardly, the sand burning the bottoms of your feet. You practically let out a breath of relief when you were on wooden ground that led up to the food stand.
You looked at the menu, scanning the items and clutching your money in a fist. You couldn't help but chuckle to yourself when your eyes landed on a particular item. The place served damn tacos. Josh was going to be so smug.
You wait in line and start running through the order in your head, just so you're sure to get it right, when you hear someone whistle nearby. You look up and notice a small group of guys lingering near the corner of the food stand in the parking lot, all gawking and licking their lips at you.
You cringe and ignore them. Your eyes fall down as you start picking at your nails.
But the whistling continues.
"Hey baby," one of them calls out. "You're lookin' mighty fine in that swimsuit."
You can feel the blood rushing to your cheeks as you try desperately to keep your head down. You hope the line moves quickly, you think as you tear at the skin near your cuticle.
"That top's a little small, isn't it?" one of them calls, "you're almost busting right out of it! Not that we mind, right boys?"
They all laugh in unison and you swallow hard, crossing your arms and suddenly feeling so insecure.
"Aw, don't cover up baby."
"Yeah, shake it, sugar tits!"
You let your hair fall in your face as you hang your head even lower, desperately trying to ignore their crude comments.
"Hey!" One calls out again, "We're talking to you!"
"Woah, woah, woah—" You snap your head up at the sound of Josh's voice. "I don't really think that's any way to talk to a girl," he says firmly. You let out a sigh of relief when he walks up to your side and wraps a secure arm around you, separating you from the group of guys.
"Yeah, and who're you? Her douche bag in shining armor?" One of them smirks.
You watched as Josh's head tilts to the side, anger evident on his face. His dark eyes narrow and his lips form a thin line.
You quickly latch onto him, winding your arm around his before reaching for his hand. His chest almost instantly deflates and his face softens at your touch.
"Just get lost guys, alright?" he says calmly before turning his backs to the boys and blocking your body with his.
Eventually the boys just scoff and disassemble, walking into the parking lot and fading into the distance.
You feel so awkward and uncomfortable suddenly. You wished you had some clothes on instead of this stupid bathing suit. You release Josh's arm and try to cover yourself, wrapping your arm awkwardly over your chest, and trying to minimize the appeared size of your breasts.
"Look," you say pointing up, "they have tacos, after all."
You were trying to be casual about it as you stare back up at the menu. You really didn't want to dwell on what just happened.
Josh notices your uneasiness and lifts his arm up to shrug his shirt off. He hands it to you without a comment and looks up at the menu.
"No way!" he gasps, a grin spreading across his face. "Tacos at a food stand on a beach, how lucky am I?"
You slip on his tee before leaning into his side again. You nod, amusing his excitement, but as you stare up at his smiling face and feel his protective arm around your body, secretly you're thinking that you're the lucky one.

Credit to joshdunfics on tumblr

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