Suprises (part 3)

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Josh Dun imagine

2 weeks have already gone by and you realized your time with Josh was coming to a close soon.
Laying in the bunk in Josh arms that you were soon going to miss once again. Everyone was still asleep and you were taking in the calmness of the bus driving down the road.
You got up to make a cup of tea and you were going to catch up on one of your favorite books. You grew very nauseous and ran to the bathroom were anything that was in your stomach was now in the toilet.
This has happened for the past 5 days and at first you blamed it on motion sickness, but this wasn't. On the 6th morning of throwing up you knew something wasn't right. You were late, you were supposed to get your period 12 days ago. You kept your sickness a secret from everyone in hopes you were wrong about your calculations and you weren't actually pregnant.
You stood from your spot on the floor and went to brush your teeth.
"You okay babe?" Josh asked opening the bathroom door.
"Yeah, just brushing my teeth and getting an early start to the day." you lied.
"Y/N, are you sure you're okay?"
"I'm fine Josh." you snapped but then quickly apologized. "I'm sorry, I'm just sad we only have a few days left." you said spitting out the toothpaste and rinsing your mouth.
"I know, it sort of sucks, but it's only a matter of time until I get that month break." Josh said pulling you into a hug. You enjoyed it while you could, until you heard rustling in your kids bunks.
You and Josh both turned to see your kids sticking their heads out of their bunks. You both laughed. "Well the quiet was nice while it lasted." you joked.
"Oh come on they're not that bad." he said.
"Really, I wanna see you take care of 2 kids alone all day." you challenged.
"Okay challenge accepted. You and Jenna go out and shop or whatever and I'll take care of both of them today." he said heading to the kitchen on the bus.
"You really think you can handle both of them, do soundcheck, do interviews alone." you followed him.
"Yup." he said confidently.
"Okay, fine." you said heading back to get dressed.
You text Jenna to see if she wanted to go with you shopping and of course she was up for it.
After getting ready the bus finally was at the arena for tonight's show. You said goodbye to Josh and your kids who were now hanging out coloring.
You knew Josh would be able to handle it, but he doesn't understand how exhausting it can be sometimes.
After a while of shopping you started to get really hungry.
"Ooo, you know what sounds really good right now, Taco Bell." you said.
Jenna looked at you with a furrowed eyebrow. "You're pregnant aren't you?"
"What do you mean?"
"I've known you for 5 years and the only time you ever want Taco Bell is when you're pregnant. So are you?" she asked and you gave her a guilty look.
"Oh my god, you are." she said excitedly.
"Well I don't know if I am, but I think I am. Jenna what do I do?"
"What do you mean, you're the one with 2 kids?" she joked then realized you were serious.
"If I am pregnant, it's such bad timing. I can't take care of 3 kids all by myself." Jenna realized you were starting to panic.
"Y/N, before we get to any conclusions, let's go buy a test." she said.
You went to a local pharmacy and picked a test out. Once back at the arena you were relieved to know that your kids and Josh were inside, so the bus was empty.
Jenna waited for you out on the couch while you took the test. You set the timer for 5 minutes and went out to Jenna.
She could tell you were nervous so she changed the topic to something else.
Your timer went off and you suddenly didn't know how to feel.
You made your way to the bathroom and Jenna followed you. You picked up the test stared at it in complete shock.
"Oh my god, congratulations Y/N." Jenna said looking over your shoulder and seeing the positive sign.
You were really excited but nervous at the same time. It was great that you were having more kids, especially with Josh. At the same time you didn't feel like it was the right timing for a new addition to the Dun family.
After some encouraging words from Jenna you decided you need to share the news with Josh.
You made your way into the building and found him in the middle of an interview again. Jackson was seated on Tyler's lap and Lauren on Josh's.
"So Josh, these are your kids, they're extremely adorable, do you think you and your wife will have more someday?" the interviewer asked and all you could think was 'the irony'.
"Eventually yes, but it's up to my wife." he answered.
"So you have a boy and a girl right now, if you were to have a 3rd child what gender would you want?"
"I've always said I don't really care about what it is as long as it's healthy." he responded then Tyler interjected.
"Well you have to have another boy so you can name it Tyler, right?"
"I don't know dude, you'll have to get that one past Y/N." Josh said smiling towards you.
Once the interview was over you walked over to Josh and asked him if you could talk to him.
"Tyler, will you watch the kids for a minutes?" Josh asked knowing it was probably serious.
Josh lead you to his dressing room and closed the door behind him.
"What's up?" he asked once you were alone.
Your nerves at this point were through the roof. You sat down on the couch and Josh sat next to you and took your hands in his. He rubbed small circles with his thumbs.
"Y/N, what's wrong?"
"I- I'm pregnant." you said starting to cry.
"Why are you upset, Y/N this is so exciting." he said pulling you into his lap to comfort you.
"Josh, I can barely do it with 2 kids alone when you're not home. How am i going to do it with 3?"
"We'll figure it out. If we have to, you can just come with me on tour the whole time. You do great with 2 kids, you'll do even better with a third. Tour is ending and I'll be there with you most of the pregnancy, and we'll put the next tour off a little until the new baby is old enough to come on tour. It will all work out, okay?" his words calmed you and you stopped crying.
You sat in his lap for a little longer and he willing held you until you were relaxed again.
"Thanks Josh."
"For what?"
"Being there for me, taking care of me and the kids, being such a great husband and father, knowing how to calm me down. I could go on for a long time, but I just love you so much."
"I love you too, more than you could ever comprehend." he said kissing your forehead.
"So, I know we should wait a few more weeks, but how do you want to tell everyone." Josh said eagerly.
"I'm not really sure. We have time, plus don't get too excited, it's still really early on." you said.
"I know, but I love the thought of you having more kids. I know how much you want a big family and so do I." he said happily. Each time you've told him you're pregnant he gets the same way. All giddy like a little kid. Family was huge thing for him and you were happy to be able to be a part of it.
10 weeks later
Today was a big day. You were telling Josh's family and then his fans that you were pregnant. At this point you were 12 weeks along and just starting to show the slightest baby bump. Josh has been home for about 2 weeks now and you're so excited to have him home for the remainder of your pregnancy.
"You ready to call and tell them?" Josh asked walking into where you were seated on the couch.
"Yup, let me just grab the pictures." you said grabbing the ultrasound pictures from your purse.
"Hey Jackson, Lauren you want to call grandma and grandpa?" Josh asked the kids who were in the other room. You heard the sounds of little feet running into the living room.
You all sat on the couch with the laptop ready to facetime his parents. The plan was to just hold the ultrasound picture there until they answered and saw it. You had texted them ahead of time to arrange for all his siblings to be there too.
"Mom, what are we doing with the pictures?" asked Lauren.
"We're gonna tell grandma and grandpa today." you said and her face lite up.
"Does that me I can talk about it now to my teacher and friends." she asked excitedly.
"Yup."Josh told her and she got excited again.
When you told your kids a few weeks before Lauren wanted to tell everyone, but she had to keep it a secret.
"Ready?" you asked handing Josh the picture and he called his parents.
Once the picture connected on the call there was cheering. Josh pulled the picture away after a few seconds and sat back on the couch.
"Congratulations guys. This is so exciting. How far along?" His mother asked.
"I'll be 13 weeks in 2 days." you said.
After some more conversation the called ended and the only people left to tell was the fans.
A week ago you did a small family photoshoot where the kids held a chalkboard that said 'tie breaker coming December 2017' on it. It was the perfect idea for your family because there was 2 girls and 2 boys.
Josh posted the picture because he had the bigger fan base, plus he was more excited than you (if that was possible).
The fans all went crazy with excitement and were very supportive. Throughout the rest of the pregnancy josh and Tyler recorded music but chose to put off the touring for their new album.
You decided to opt out on knowing the gender of the baby until the baby was born. You had the perfect girl name, but you were struggling with the boy name.
On November 31 you went into labor and after 25 hours of painful contractions you finally gave birth to your third child.
Josh was there the entire time while Jenna and Tyler watched your kids.
"Congratulations Y/N and Josh, it's a boy." said the nurse as ashe handed the baby to Josh. Josh teared up as he held his new son.
"You did it Y/N. he's here." Josh said handing you your son. "You caused mommy so much pain, but I think she would say it was all worth it."
"It totally was." you said staring at your sleeping nameless son.
Josh sat next to you in the bed and eventually Tyler and Jenna showed up with you kids so they could meet their new sibling.
Nobody knew the gender and nobody knew the name you and Josh decided on.
They all entered the room slowly.
"Hey guys." you said as both your kids sat on the bed looking at you. Jenna and Tyler stood at the end of the bed eagerly awaiting to know the name and weather it was a boy or girl.
"I think we should let Tyler hold the baby first, after all they share a birthday." you said and Tyler took the baby.
"You guys dressed the baby in gender neutral clothes, this is so unfair. Just tell us what it is already." Tyler whined as if he were a child.
"Do wanna tell him Josh?"
"The name too?" he asked you and you nodded.
"Okay, well Tyler meet our new son, Finley Tyler Dun."
Tyler's jaw dropped then he looked down at the baby boy in his arms. "Not only do we share a sick birthday dude, we share a name."
Lauren and Jackson were both very excited to meet their new brother. Josh took a picture that would always be your favorite no matter what.
It was him and all of your kids. They ll had the same smile that made their eyes disappear. You loved that they all got Josh's smile, it was the cutest thing ever.
You never realized it, but it always felt like their was a little piece missing from your family. Now the Dun family feels complete and you couldn't be happier to be a part of it.

Credit to topimagines on Tumblr

Josh Dun imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now