Bathe me (smut)

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Josh Dun imagine

Your job was stressing you out more than you could've imagined. It seemed you couldn't do anything right and everybody was mad at you at all hours of the day. While you were working, you decided since the store was empty, that you would just post a picture for the hell of it. You take a picture of the bath bombs that your store sold, and posted it to Twitter along with the caption, "I just want to take a bath with these. Having someone with me could be fun too. @joshuadun" You didn't have that big of a following or any connections with Josh, so you obviously didn't think anything of posting it. You were a mega fan of twenty one pilots, and any of your followers could attest to that. A few hours later, you're helping the last customer before closing up, and your phone goes off. You ring them up, close and lock the store doors, and walk to your car ; finally pulling out your phone. You see a dm from Josh Dun, and immediately think it's fake, probably someone joking with you because if the picture. However, when you open it, you notice the blue tick, indicating it's real. Your heart does flips in your stomach as you open it, hands shaking, threatening to make you lose grip on your phone. "If the offer is still available, meet me asap at" and there was his address. Josh, fucking, Dun. You had already bought the bath bombs, figuring you'd just take your own bath and whatnot, but you weren't going to pass this opportunity. You get in your car and drive to his place, hands gripping the wheel so tight your knuckles were turning white. The drive wasn't too long, but you couldn't stop your mind from racing at the fact that he actually dmed you and you were actually about to go meet him and....Whatever else ensued. You park your car and walk out, clutching your bag of bath bombs tightly to your chest, knocking on the door. It takes a few moments, but eventually the door opens, Josh's face brightening once he realized who you were. "Hey!" He said, pulling you into a hug that lingered too long. He lets you go and you walk past him inside, the door shutting behind you. You're speechless as your brain tries to understand what the hell was actually going on. You were in his house. You touched him. You're going to talk to him. Take a bath with him. "So, uh, why'd you even dm me. What intrigued you to tell me to come over?" You ask, turning to face him. "Well, you're tweet came at a perfect time, I just opened my phone and it was the first one to show up. After that, I couldn't stop scrolling through your posts." He said, walking closer. You hide your face in your hands. "That's so embarrassing" you say. He laughs. "It's not! I like you. You're funny, and witty. Not to mention you're extremely attractive" he says, looking you up and down. "Ah, I'm nothing compared to you" you scoff, looking him up as well. "Don't say that." He starts, resting his hands on your hips. "You're one of the hottest and prettiest girls I've seen." You roll your eyes but smile at him anyways. He leads you down a hallway and then into a room, which was clearly his bathroom. The water had already been ran, so all you two really needed to do was get in. "You should put one if those bombs in" he says. You look through your bag, pulling one out that had Rose petals in it, that would turn the water red. You smirk to yourself, dropping it in the water and smile when Josh steps behind you to watch it. "Good choice" He says. You turn around to see him already down to his underwear. He steps in front of you so you can't see his actual member, but you did catch an eyeful of his butt. He settled in, using bubbles to hide himself. "You getting in?" He asks, a new darkness now present in his voice. You look from wall to wall, feeling weird about having to strip in from of him. "I won't look" He says, hiding behind his eyes. You turn your back to him and pull off your shirt, moving to slide down your pants. You turn back around, Josh not hiding anymore, but blatantly staring at you. You bite your lip and reach around your back, unclasping your bra and throwing it to the ground. Josh shifted in the tub, clearly turned on now, as if he hadn't been before. You slide down your underwear, quickly getting into the tub and sliding down into it. The two of you talk for a while, getting to know each other, and you found that you couldn't help but have a deeper infatuation for him. "I can't believe I tweeted you and said we should take a bath together" you laugh. "I can't either. It's kind of weird" he says, obviously joking. But still, you mocked that you were hurt, and splashed the water at him, completely soaking him. "I'll get you back for that one" He retaliates and splashes you back, the water overwhelming you. You start to go to splash him again, but he moves to fast and grabs your arms, pinning them above your head. The laughing dies down, but he doesn't make an attempt to move or let go of you. Instead, he dips his head down, kissing you gently and letting your arms go. You kiss back, tangling your fingers into his hair. He was truly an amazing kisser, unbelievable, really. He moves down slowly, kissing along your jaw, your neck, your chest. He moves his hands down, spreading your legs a bit to slide two of his fingers past your entrance, the water working as a lubricant. You pull in a breath through your teeth, as he forces you to look at his face while he continues to work on you. He works his thumb over your clit, so you lean your head back and pull your lip between your teeth. As soon as it ha started, it ended. Before you could protest, he slipped his hands under each of your thighs and pulled your legs over his, positioning himself and thrusting into you. You grab onto the ledge of the tub and groan, your eyes rolling back because of his size. His thrusts were powerful and rough, and he maintained a rhythm, as if it was his entire purpose. He uses your thighs to pull you down against his thrusts, hitting you deeper than you had even thought possible. You had already been close to finishing when he was fingering you, and it was so incredibly hot still, so it felt like you were going to cum very soon. Not having wanted it to end so quickly, you push Josh back, and he slides out of you, resting on his side of the tub. "What? Did I do something wrong?" He asks, looking slightly terrified. "No. No, Josh. you didn't" You say, moving slowly over to him through the water, a smirk clear on your face. He raises an eyebrow but soon understands what's going on. You settle onto your knees that were on either side of him, and begin to ease yourself onto his length, as Josh rests his arms on the edge, letting you have control. Once you're settled and adjusted to this new position, you pull off, and slam your body back down against him, causing Josh to gasp and set his hands on your hips. "Fuck, you really know what you're doing" he laughs out, helping you meet his thrusts. You shake your head and pull his hands off of you. "Patience" You say. He groans and slowly drags his lip between his teeth, watching how your body moves against him. You continue to slowly ease off of him, and then drop yourself, taking him deeper each time. Josh looks at you in the eyes, his normal brown now nearly a shade of black. "Turn" He says. "What?" Instead of explaining, he pulls you off of him and turns you so your back is to his chest. He lowers you onto his erection, and waits for you to get back into your groove. Once you felt like you could take over again, he slides his hands to your front, taking both of your breasts into each hand, and squeezing rather harshly. You let out a soft whimper, and he lets up, beginning to massage them. You keep up your movements and lean back so your back now rests against his chest. Everything was going the same, until he mumbled something, and began thrusting upwards. You let out loud moans and groans, the feeling indescribable. While you're bouncing yourself and he thrusts, Josh moves your hair and begins to suck on your neck, making sure to leave his mark. He moves one of his hands off of your boob, and slides it down to your front, rubbing your clit. "Yes, oh God, I'm gonna cum" You say, bouncing down harder. "Do it, I'm right behind you" He says. As soon as he finished his sentence, you also finished, and let out vulgar sounds. "Fuck, Yes, Josh" Just to name a few. It's not long before Josh also finishes, thrusting sloppier to ride out your orgasms. After a moment. he slides out of you and pulls you back against his chest. "That was incredible" He laughs out after a few moments of silence. You curl up under his touch and wrap your arms over his that were on your waist. "Tell me about it" You say, the smile never leaving your face.

Credit to topugonfuckmegood on Tumblr

Josh Dun imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now