Couples challenge (part 1)

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Josh Dun imagine

You were a Youtuber before you met Josh and Tyler. Your channel was a little bit of a lot. You did makeup, DIYs, challenges, and covers of your favorite songs. One of the songs being Truce by twenty one pilots.
3 years ago just after posting the video your twitter blew up with your fans saying that Tyler Joseph tweeted a link to your video. You looked in your twitter inbox to see that Tyler and you guys became friends.
Fast forward 3 years to where you are now. In your apartment with your boyfriend Josh of 2 and ½ years and your best friends Jenna and Tyler. You were setting up your camera in your living room to make a couples tag with them.
Earlier that day you tweeted you fans asking them to ask you guys some questions. You each chose 3 to answer.
You: "What's up guys. It's me Y/N and as you can tell I'm not in my normal filming area. Yes that's because today I'll be making the very requested video. The couples challenge." with that Josh, Tyler, and Jenna sat down with you on the big couch. "Thanks for doing this guys, my viewer really wanted to see this."
Josh: "No problem Y/N anything for you."
You: "I was saying thanks to Jenna and Tyler babe. You were doing this with me no matter what." Tyler and Jenna laughed at you sass while Josh put on an offended face and them kissed you.
You: "Okay so here's what we're doing. Everyone has 3 questions they picked off of twitter that you guys wanted to know about our friendships and relationships. Once this video is up I'll be posting a twitter poll and you can go and vote on who's your favorite couple. If Josh and I win then Tyler and Jenna have to get a tattoo of Josh and I's choice and vise versa. So what do you say we get started? Jenna let's start with you question first."
Jenna: "Okay so my question is were Jenna and Y/N fans of twenty one pilots before meeting them or did they not know who they were? Well I can say for myself that I didn't know who they were but once I heard them they were amazing and I fell in love with the music and Tyler."
You: "Well I heard of a few of their songs through a friend, but I wasn't a fan at first. Don't get me wrong the music was and is great I just wasn't into it right away. But then I did the cover to Truce and Tyler reached out to me saying he wanted to meet me, now look where we are." You answered the question with a huge smile on your face thinking back to how your friendship with the 3 of them was the best thing ever.
Tyler: "Well I couldn't help but meet you. Your voice was so amazing, plus Josh couldn't get his eyes off of the video of you. I even caught him in his bunk watching all of your videos. He was your biggest fan." Josh began to blush slightly.
Tyler: "Okay my question was how do all of you get along on such a small bus for months at a time? Honestly we're like best friends. We only ever really fight about if we should get Taco Bell or Chipotle."
We all laughed realizing how true it was.
Josh: "this question was interesting. What is your favorite song of twenty one pilots' does live? Mine is probably trees because I love getting to interact with the people in the pit at our shows. Y/N has never told me what her favorite one is so that's why I chose this question."
You: "I honestly can't really choose but I really like Holding on to you because i know every word to that one."
Tyler: "She's not kidding, I think she knows it better than me. My favorite is constantly changing but I'm not really looking to get a tattoo that Y/N and Josh pick out so I'm going to say Tear in my Heart because I wrote if for Jenna. Because we're the better couple. Vote for us."
Jenna: "My favorite is truce because it reminds me of what brought Y/N here in the first place." You smiled towards her. She was so sweet and you guys were like sisters.
You: "Next question is when are Josh and Y/N getting married?" You looked at Josh who smiled and then looked into the camera again.
Josh: "Well since everyone is asking I think it's time we tell them...... we're not getting married yet. Not until Tyler and Jenna have a baby."
Jenna: "Woah slow down there Josh we just got married not even 3 months ago. My next question is kind of personal but I couldn't stop laughing at it. Y/N and Jenna what were your thoughts when you saw your your men pantless in front of people at the Grammy's. I didn't know it was even happening until I heard Tyler unzipping his pants as nominations were being called and when they were up there Y/N and I kept laughing at them and people's reaction to them"
You: "yeah I had no idea about it until Josh was stumbling to get the pants off in the aisle. Jenna and I were trying so hard to pay attention to the speech but it was way to hard to focus on the words when all I could see what Tyler's name on my boyfriend's leg."
Josh: "I kept looking at Y/N and she was practically falling out of her seat ad later her grandmother called to congratulate us and asked about my tattoo."
You all laughed looking back on that night. It was the best night you had in a long time with the 3 of them.
Tyler: "Who has Josh and I met that has made you jealous?"
You: "Easy Brendon Urie. I've love him for so long and when me and Josh started dating he sent me pictures of them hanging out to rub it in my face and I've hated Josh ever since then." You lightly punched Josh in the arm while you joked around.
Jenna: "Tyler met Y/N before I got to meet her, that made me kind of jealous because I watched her before they even knew about her."
Josh: "Have you ever read any fanfiction about twenty one pilots? I mean since me and Tyler write most of it yes." Josh and Tyler joked "No seriously I haven't, because it scares me what fans actually think were like when we're not performing."
Tyler: "I agree some people can go pretty crazy while writing them and some people have a talent for writing so I'm not judging them but seriously calm down guys."
Jenna: "Oh yeah you guys definitely don't want to read it. It gets pretty intense sometimes. Y/N and I read it sometimes while we're at home and you're on tour. Some of them make you want to cry and others are just psychotic."
You: "What is one thing you hate that me and Jenna do while we're on tour with you?"
Josh: "Not that I hate that you two get along so well but you guys hang out more than you hang out with us sometimes."
Tyler: "True. Sometimes I think you stole my girl from me Y/N."
You: "Well it's out now me and Jenna are leaving you for each other bye." You and Jenna both stood from the couch for a second before sitting back down and laughing with Tyler and Josh.
Jenna: "If you had to describe your girlfriend/boyfriend in one word what would it be?"
Tyler: "Dime-piece wife."
Jenna: "Tyler that's more than one word."
Tyler: "Not if you say it fast."
You laughed at the two quietly as you thought about how to describe Josh.
Jenna: "Tyler is adorable, he's like a little kid. That's another reason we can't have kids right now. I have to raise Tyler first. Y/N what about Josh?"
You: "Oh god, in one word i have to describe this man.This is tough. How do you describe something you love so much in just one word. I guess Josh is Jishwa. It's a term not many know the definition to. It means hot, kind, loving, funny, and you have to be Joshua William Dun in order to be called a Jishwa."
Josh: "Well Y/N is hilarious. She just exaggerated her response to try to persuade you guys in picking us as the better couple."
Tyler: "So my last question is would you ever have Y/N join you to sing on stage? I've offered once before but she said if I ever made her do it she would skin me alive. That's gone side of her you guys never see. She can be really intimidating, I know she was kidding but still she scares me sometimes." Josh and Jenna were laughing and you glared at Tyler.
Josh: "It's good to know that my girlfriend scares people. Okay this question was good if your house was on fire and you could only grab 3 things what would they be? I would grab Y/N, because she's always with me, Tyler if he's in my house, and Jenna if she was there too. But if they weren't there it would be Y/N, Y/N's camera, and her tripod. She couldn't live without making videos."
You: "Good choices. I would grab my blanket, Josh's drums which would be unrealistic but I'm still trying to win you guys over for that vote, and probably a box of cereal because Josh and I are always hungry."
Jenna: "I would grab realistic stuff like my phone, shoes, and a jacket."
Tyler: "my ukulele, Jenna, and my piano."
You: "This is the last question for this video are you ready? What is your favorite thing on tour to do with everyone? After concerts we get food a lot of the times from these amazing places that fans recommended to us."
Tyler: "I like the show."
Josh: "Wow Tyler. I like being able to hang out with Y/N all the time. Especially when she gets hyper and just wants to be like a kid and run around."
Jenna: "She gets that way sometimes. It's like someone give her too much sugar and she can run a marathon. I like when Y/N and I get to go shopping and have time away from these annoying people." She gestured towards Josh and Tyler.
You: "Okay that's it for today. I'll post the poll on twitter for you to vote once I post this video. Thanks for watching and don't forget to like, subscribe, and leave a comment down below. I'll see you all next time. BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE." With that you stopped the camera from filming.
"Well who do you think is going to win?"Jenna asked.
"I don't know. I mean they love you and Tyler but then everyone love Josh. I guess we'll have to see. I'm going to start editing the video tonight so it will be up tomorrow. May the best couple win."

Credit to topimagines on Tumblr

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