Two Months

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Josh Dun imagine

I haven't seen my boyfriend in two long months, to say that I miss him, his touch, his kiss would be an understatement. He was currently on tour with his band at the moment Twenty One Pilots, he was the band's drummer and performed nearly every night along side his best friend. My boyfriend was Josh Dun and performed on stage with his best friend Tyler Joseph.
Me and Josh have been going out for a year now however this is the first time that he has gone on tour when we have been together. Mainly he has been in the studio with Tyler coming up with new beats and patterns for songs that they are relentlessly working hard on. I was going to be honest and say that it hasn't been easy, Josh not being here, I guess it was because I was just so used to him being here and all of sudden he was gone on tour. However, I knew what I was signing up for meaning that I knew he would have to go on tour and we would work through it. I mean Jenna does it with tyler so me and Josh can also.
At the moment me and my best friend Jenna also Tylers wife were having a lazy day missing our boys. We decided as it was a Sunday and that neither of us had to go to work we would just mope around and feel sorry for ourselves. Jenna was missing Tyler as well and it was hard on her just as it was hard on me. But Jenna told me that its been a little easier because she had me there as well as we are both in the same difficult situation. Its 3:30pm and Me and Jenna are lying on the long sofa at her and Tylers apartment watching any rubbish that we can find on the TV, this was when I snapped and decided that we needed to stop this behaviour and do something.
"Jenna!" I say sitting up suddenly a light bulb going off in my head. I sit up
"Whattt" Jenna reply grumpily dragging out the word.
"I have an idea and I'm starting to wonder why I didnt think of it earlier" I say, this grabbed her attention and she also sat up. I continue.
"Well why dont we just surprise Josh and Tyler instead of sitting on our asses all day moaning about how much we miss them."
"(Y/N) thats an amazing idea, we have to do it."
"Yes we should, I will Phone Tyler now and see where they are heading to next" Jenna say getting up and calling Tyler.
2 Hours Later
Flights to Berlin are booked for tomorrow, Time off of work has been booked, talked to some of the people who are touring with the boys so they know that we are arriving however we are keeping it a secret from Josh and Tyler.
"All we need to do now is pack as our flight leaves tomorrow morning!" Jenna squeals jumping up and down on the spot. I join her in excitement.
I go home to pack my bags ready to see Josh and Tyler tomorrow after two long months without them.
The next morning
"Jenna wake up we have to catch our flight" I say shaking her shoulder to wake her, as she heard the word flight something in her head must have reminded her that she was going to see her husband as she shot up out of bed and began to get changed and in no time we were at the airport.
The flight seemed to be the longest flight i have ever been on even though it was a 8 hour flight, lets just say that me and Jenna had gotten through a lot of movies, I found it hard to sleep as I was just so excited to see the boys.
Landed In Berlin
Me and Jenna were picked up from the airport from one of the crew members called Tom.
"I'm so thankful that you girls are here" He says whilst we are driving towards the venue
"Why?" I wonder as I continue to look out of the window at how beautiful Berlin was.
"Josh and Tyler don't really talk about much else other than how much they miss the pair of you and how much they wish you could have come with them." Tom tells us, I glance over to Jenna and saw her wide grin on her cheeks and I copy her actions.
"So girls whats to the plan you have in mind to surprise them?" Tom asks us
"So we thought that it would be great if we could watch the show from the side lines but not wanting them to see us and then when they have finished the show we quickly run back into their dressing rooms and surprise them in there when the concert in finished." Jenna concludes, Tom is smiling at this point.
"They will be delighted to see you both, the pair of them." He adds causing another rush of heat to spread to my cheeks.
After the concert
"Quickly (Y/N), otherwise we wont get back in time!" Jenna calls back at me as the pair of us run down long corridors smothered in wires and other important looking equipment. I was slacking behind Jenna as I knew that I was one of the most clumsiest people in the world I was bound to trip on something and break my neck however I was ok and made it back to the dressing room in time.
We burst open the door and immediately I see empty sweet wrappers covering the small table that was in the middle and the floor around it, I see empty water bottles as well as empty cans of Red Bull. I walk over to the small desk that was perched in the corner and smiled as I saw a pair of drumsticks sitting on the desk. My mind immediately fills with Josh, I just saw him on stage I was so near to him yet I was so far from him, it was so tempting to just run out onto the stage and tackle him to the ground with a hug however I managed to control myself and here I am.
"Hurry (Y/N) I think they are coming I hear footsteps" Jenna says as she ducks her head back down from behind a pale sofa, the sofa was small but there was enough room for both me and Jenna to hide behind it.
Suddenly, I hear the door crash open and I hear the distinctive laughter and chatter of Tyler and Josh pour into the room. A body thuds down onto the sofa moving it a little causing me flinch back and Jenna to cover my mouth just in case I made any noise.
"Tyler can you throw me one of those?" I hear Josh's deep voice call to Tyler who was on the other side of the room. Josh was sitting on the sofa which me and Jenna were currently hiding behind.
"Sure" I hear Tyler reply, he sounded tired and worn out. I glance over at Jenna and see her smiling at the sound of her husband's voice.
"Another great show though" Josh talks, I make eye contact with Jenna and I count down on my fingers.
"yeah the crowd was-"
'SURPRISE!" Me and Jenna shout as loud as we can at the same time jumping up from behind the sofa. Tyler who was on the opposite side of the room dropped his water bottle on the floor in shock and jumped about 2 feet in the air. Josh who I was right behind jumped off of the sofa and turned around instantly, however when our boys saw that it was us who scared the crap out of them their gleaming eyes enlarged and their precious grins widened. Jenna ran full force at Tyler and he caught her lovingly in her arms.
I just stood there looking at my handsome boyfriend that I haven't seen in months. His dark eyes were staring at me trying to work out of I was real, I saw his red hair was sticking slightly to his forehead from where he had been sweating throughout the show, I saw that his toned muscles were also gleaming with sweat from where he had been furiously drumming for 2 hours straight, I saw he was wearing his white shorts in this concert as opposed to his red ones that he proably wore last concert. I look back up to his face and copy Jennas actions, I run at him, I run round the sofa i was perched behind only moments before and jump into my boyfriends strong arms where I wished I could stay forever.
"I have missed you so much" I whisper in his ear, his soft hair tickling the side of my face.
"Holy crap (Y/N) I have missed you" He says back chuckling slightly, his husky voice sending shivers down my spine and his chuckle vibrated throughout my whole body.
I pull my head out of Josh's shoulder and place a passionate kiss on his slightly chapped lips, I kiss jim like I haven't in so long, I missed the feeling of his lips on mine and now I have that feeling back I dont know how I will be able to live without it. I slowly pull away reluctantly. I place my head on his, Josh whispers to me.
"I love you so much" I close my eyes and savour what he just said, wanting to remember it forever.
"I love you Josh"

Credit to smuttyphildoesimagines on Tumblr

Josh Dun imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now