I hate you/ You love me (smut)

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Josh Dun imagine

Josh and Tyler had been recording a lot over the last week which had left you to spend time with some of your friends that you rarely got to see because of work. You were vacuuming the floor of your small rented house when your phone went off. Checking it, you saw Nyssa, one of your best friends who you'd met in college (A/N she's an OC. If your name's Nyssa, feel free to change her name.) Heyyyy so I'm entering a photography contest and want to know if I can use you as a model, the message said. You thought for a moment. Josh wouldn't be home until around 5 pm and it was 10 am now.
Sure, you replied.
Awesome can I come to your place in an hour? She asked.
Yep see you then. You responded. You rushed around the house, picking up to make sure it was presentable. You didn't do much in the lines of getting ready because you didn't know anything about the shoot. But knowing Nyssa, you knew she was coming prepared with whatever she'd want you to use.
Sure enough an hour later there was a knock on your door which you opened to find Nyssa hauling a ton of photography equipment. Her camera was around her neck, on each shoulder she had a bag filled to the brim with who knows what, and under her right arm was a tripod. You quickly grabbed the tripod from her and gently set it on the couch, "Why don't you ever ask for help!" You laughed. She dropped the bags on the floor and kicked them out of the doorway sighing.
"I am a very capable human being, thank you very much." She smiled and leaned forward hugging you. She clapped her hands together excitedly, "Now, let's get started!" Her brown eyes gleamed excitedly, her very curly blonde hair tied up into a messy ponytail. Over the next three hours she dressed you up in various outfits and made you pose in front of various backdrops she hung up in your living room. You did some shots at the park down the street. Everything was beautiful and dramatic.
Afterwards, she showed you the pictures she took of you and they were absolutely breathtaking. Looking at them, you found it shocking that you were as beautiful as you were in the pictures. You looked gorgeous and you almost couldn't believe it was you. You sighed, "These are amazing." You told Nyssa absolutely dumbfounded.
"You're the gorgeous model." She grinned. She bit her lip and looked at the clock, "So... earlier you said Josh gets home at 5:00?"
You nodded, "Yeah, why?"
The look on Nyssa's face made you nervous. What was she up to? Her devious smirk definitely made you unnerved. She bit her thumb and raised an eyebrow seductively, "Wanna have a little fun with him?"
Your eyes widened. What was she suggesting? Your mind went straight to a threesome and you weren't down for that, "Oh um... look Nyssa, I don't- we don't really... I mean you're a great friend but I don't think that-"
She laughed at you, reading your mind, "Chill out girly. I'm not trying to get on your action. My photography professor wants me to 'expand my horizons' and 'get out of my comfort zone.' So if you want, we can take some naughty photos of you before he gets home."
You smirked. You loved seeing Josh break his normal sweet, childish, and innocent demeanor. You hadn't seen that other side of him for a while. "I mean, are you sure you're comfortable with that?"
She rolled her eyes at you, "I'm the one who suggested it. So I'm guessing you're down?"
You bit your lip nervously but excitedly, "Yeah." You'd never done anything like this.
Nyssa shoved you to your room and followed you in, "Ok so we gotta turn this boy on. What can we do? What gets him going?" She asked. You thought for a moment.
"I got it." You said mischeviously. You walked into your shared room and quickly changed searching for the sexiest bra and panty set you owned, lacy burgundy boyshort panties and burgundy mega push-up bra. Over it you put your shortest shorts and one of Josh's black muscle shirts. Nyssa curled your hair and you threw on one of Josh's snapbacks and a pair of your Doc Martens.
When you walked out Nyssa's jaw dropped, "Gosh dang girl you make me question if I'm straight dressed like that." She joked. You knew she was joking, this was just her sense of humor, but you still blushed. "Let's get started! So I was thinking we could do a gradual sort of strip thing. So come stand over here." She led you by the shoulders until you were standing in front of the black sheet she'd hung up. She told you to put your thumbs in the large holes of the muscle tank and pull it forward. You did, thumbs meeting in the middle so your bra was hanging out on either side. She moved some of your bangs in front of your eye and told you to bite your lip. She snapped the picture. When you saw it, it gave you tingles. You felt sexy just looking at it. The seductive look you'd given the camera was so believable.
"Ok, so I was wondering, does Josh have a drum set here?"
"He has a practice set. It's not a full out drum kit, just like pads so he can practice without making too much noise." You told her. Nyssa shrugged.
"Good enough." You led her over to the spare room Josh kept his drum kit in. "Ok, so take your shirt off and sit like your ready to play." You listened to her, not even embarrassed to take your shirt off in front of her. You'd changed in front of each other many times. You picked up the drumsticks and fiddled with them a little. "Okay, now stand up and lean slightly to the right. Good, now put the drumsticks over your head like he does." You listened. She walked over to you and tugged your shorts down a little so your v-line was showing. She snapped another picture.
You guys moved back to the front room in front of the black sheet. You took the hat off and scrunched up part of your hair, giving the camera that weirdly sexy seductive snarl. Another flash. Now came the awkward half of this. "Okay, so now can you face the screen and bend over keeping your legs and back straight so your butt sticks out? But pull your shorts down to your thighs so your stripping." Awkwardly, you did as you were told as she took a picture of your butt.
A few more pictures were taken. One of you in your underwear sitting on a chair with your legs spread, one of Josh's drumsticks held between your teeth like he does so often. One of you crawling on the floor towards the camera, the shot focusing majorly on your cleavage.
Looking at the clock you saw it was 3:58. Nyssa had finally decided she'd taken enough pictures of you. While you got dressed back into the short shorts and Josh's shirt, she logged into your computer and downloaded all of the pictures she'd taken of you. You e-mailed them to yourself and saved them on your phone before sending the first one with the most clothes on to him. "Thanks so much Nyssa." You told her.
"No, thank you. I needed a model and you were perfect." She told you.
*Josh's Point Of View*
I sat on the couch laughing with Tyler and a few other guys when my phone buzzed in the thin pocket of my basketball shorts. I grabbed it and checked the message. It was a picture from Y/N. It was probably another meme. I opened it and it was most definitely not a meme. It was a picture of Y/N. She was wearing my shirt and had the sleeves pulled to middle of her chest, her breasts clearly popping out of her bra. Her shorts were so short that even though I only had a view of the front of her, I knew her butt was hanging out of the back. She also had one of my snapbacks on. Her hair was curled and her makeup accentuated her E/C. I felt my breath hitch when I saw it. "Dude, you ok?" Tyler's voice asked.
I shook my head to focus, "Yeah, I'm fine." I texted her back, What are you doing???
A few minutes later there was another buzz. I opened it to find another picture of her but she was shirtless, doing the leaning drumstick pose I did behind my practice drum kit. I groaned a little, Babe that's super sexy but stop. I'm with the guys.
I got a response a few minutes later from her: I'm just giving you a preview of what you can have when you get home. Another picture was attached. I was so entranced by it that I barely heard Tyler's voice, "Josh, are you sure you're ok?"
I smiled awkwardly, "Yeah I'm fine."
"Okay, well we were thinking about heading out. But some of the guys need a ride home. Is it cool with you if we drop them off on the way?" Ty asked. I groaned internally. I really just wanted to get home to Y/N, especially if she was still dressed like that.
Despite what I really wanted, I nodded, "That's cool. Let's go." I said standing up. Darn, why'd I have to carpool with Tyler today?
Since I was one of the smallest guys in the group I got stuck in the middle of the backseat. Sandwiched between two guys who felt like they were twice my size, I set my hands on my knees. After a few minutes of driving, another buzz. This time it was a picture of Y/N. Well it was her butt. She was pulling her shorts down, sticking her butt out. I shifted uncomfortably. She was absolutely sexy and gorgeous in every way and my body was definitely reacting to it. Hoping nobody would notice, I moved my hands to my lap to try and conceal the bulge. Of all the days she decided to send me sexy pictures for the first time, it had to be the day I was wearing basketball shorts. You are so beautiful but stop. I'm not exactly in the best spot right now to deal with what you're doing to me.
Y/N was probably smirking smugly at the text. She knew she had some inhuman power over me. She was like a siren except she didn't try to kill me at the end. I looked around the car nervously. Everyone seemed occuppied in conversation. Good because I would never hear the end of it if they saw the tent in my pants. I began to tap my foot anxiously when another buzz. You know you don't really want me to stop. Nobody's making you open the pictures ;) She was right. But she was so captivating. I wasn't going to torture myself anymore. I was just about to turn my phone off when Mark leaned over from next to me and peeked onto my screen before I could press the button.
His eyes got wide, "Geez Josh, is that Y/N? No wonder you've been acting strange the last twenty minutes!" I quickly hid the screen. Oh gosh, what had he seen? I didn't look at the picture he saw yet... maybe he just saw her naked. All of the guys turned around to look at me as I carefully tried to peek at the picture without anyone else seeing it. She was sitting with her legs spread and a drumstick in her mouth.
When I noticed everyone's eyes were on me I laughed nervously, trying to hid my phone in my lap. But of course the guy to my right snatched it out of my hand. I honestly didn't even know this guy, he was some friend of Mark's who was interested in the music industry and been invited over to see how the whole process went. His eye gawked wide at her body. The notification went off again and I snatched it back, not wanting him to see Y/N naked. "Dude, that's my girlfriend." I told him seriously. He put his hands up defenseevley.
Suddenly there was hard bump and Tyler groaned in frustration from the driver's seat, "Stupid potholes. Sorry guys. This road sucks." Another bump. Tyler was up front and jokingly started humming the tune to 'Tear In My Heart' when he sings I'm driving here I sit; cursing my government; for not using my taxes to fill holes with more cement. I leaned my head back trying to remember the pictures that were on my phone. I couldn't wait to get home to her. This was going to be a long ride. Another bump.
Looking to my left I saw Mark with his face red trying to avert his attention from me. "What?" I asked.
He just shook his head and nodded downwards a little bit, covering the smirk on his face. Looking down I realized just how prominent my hard on was. Of course that's when the obnoxious guy to my right looked over and noticed my... situation. "Dude, I would too if I had been getting those pictures all day." I shot him a look that I very rarely gave anyone.
"What's going on? I feel so left out." Tyler joked, glancing back from the driver's seat.
"Nothing. It's n-noth-" I stumbled.
"Josh's girl is sending him some sexy shots and he's having a fun time with it." The annoying guy said. I sighed, annoyed at him.
I endured almost thirty more minutes of getting made fun of, even after it went away for the most part. Finally, it was my stop and I got out of the car, thanking Tyler for the ride and walked up to mine and Y/N's apartment.
*Your Point Of View*
You were sitting on the couch reading a book when Josh walked through the door. Nyssa left a little while ago, taking all of her equipment with her, but you didn't change your outfit. You glanced up from your book and smiled at him, standing up and making sure to accentuate every asset you had in doing so, "Hey babe. How was practice?" You asked.
Josh looked unamused but you could also tell he was definitely into what you were doing. "Great until, oh you know, you started sending me naughty photos."
"You didn't like them?" You asked, faking insult but still keeping that teasing seductive tone.
You ran your hands up and down his biceps before sneaking them up his t-shirt. He shuddered a little under your touch. "Believe me I liked them. Maybe a little too much." He said trying to focus on being irritated but he was failing miserably. "I hate you." He joked, finally cracking a small smile.
"You love me." You glanced down to see the tent in his shorts becoming more prominent. You leaned in close to his ear, standing on your tiptoes, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to embarrass you in front of your friends. Maybe I can make it up to you." Your hand glided between your bodies that were pressed close together and you slipped your fingers in the waistband of his shorts, slowly sliding them down his legs until he stepped out of them. Standing back up on your tiptoes you placed a feather light kiss on his lips. When you pulled back, he leaned forward trying to follow your lips but you put your hand firmly on his chest. You grabbed a fistful of the fabric and led him over to the couch where you pushed him to sit down.
You ran your finger tips lightly over his thighs, slowly getting closer to where he wanted you most. You grabbed the bottom of his boxer-briefs, pulling them down his legs and taking them off. "Quit being such a tease." He chuckled lowly, trying to not sound rude or demanding. Sweet, innocent, polite Josh. You listened, pumping him until he was fully hard. He groaned and ran his hands over his face when you sat up on your knees, taking his tip in your mouth and running your tongue around it. "Oh my..." He moaned before it became incoherent.
You took him as far as you could in your mouth, pumping the rest in perfect rhythm. You hummed around his length and made the sexiest noises in response. His hand went to your hair, gripping tight but not tight enough to hurt. Glancing up at him you could tell that it took everything in his power to not guide your head faster. You picked up the pace, one hand going up to play with his balls. He let go of your hair and gripped tightly onto the couch cushion. Josh leaned his head back and let out a strangled moan when you swirled your tongue around his tip. "Y/N..."
You pulled back slowly while humming until you took him out of your mouth. You licked along the bottom of his shaft, cock twitching in your hands and you knew he was close. You repeated this few times before pumping his length quickly, the mix precum and spit allowing your hand to glide over it smoothly. Josh was a sexy mess, moaning your name into his hand. "I'm gonna cum babe." He barely managed, giving you warning enough to replace your hands with your mouth, tongue teasing him to orgasm as he came into your mouth. You swallowed, pumping his length to help him ride out his high. When you were done, you looked up too see his pink hair sticking to his forehead and his chest was rising rapidly.
You got up and curled up next to him, "I really am sorry for embarrassing you earlier. I just wanted to have a little fun." You told him sincerely.
He reached down and pulled his boxers back up before pulling you close to him, "Don't worry about it babe. You more than made up for it." He laughed a little. Josh leaned down and kissed your forehead and you snuggled deeper into his side. You just wanted to be near him. As you felt him calm down, a sense of calm and relaxing fell over you too. Before you knew it, your eyes had drifted closed. After a few minutes Josh whispered, "I love you." His calloused fingers gently raked through your mostly fallen out curls.
You smiled to yourself, eyes still closed, "I know." You joked and felt him laugh a little under your body.

Credit to cautionfangirl121400 on Tumblr

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