Halloween w/ your daughter

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Josh Dun imagine

Your daughter excitedly squirms in your lap as you attempt to wrangle her crazy curls into Rey's signature three bun look. Your young daughter had insisted on being the new Star Wars heroine for Halloween this year, and you and Josh were happy to oblige, agreeing to go as Leia and Han to match.
Josh had texted you a few minutes ago saying that he was on his way home from the studio. The three of you had been looking forward to this night for a while, Y/D/N because of the copious amounts candy, and you and Josh because she was finally old enough to take trick or treating.
Just as you put the finishing touches on Y/D/N's hair, Josh walks in the door and she excitedly runs to meet him, Josh automatically lifting her into his arms and peppering kisses on her giggling face.
"How's my favorite girl today? You ready to go trick or treating?" Josh says with a bright smile. She nods excitedly in response, her grin matching his.
"She will be after she's finished her dinner," you say, giving her a slight mom look.
Josh leans down and pecks your lips, setting your daughter down. She runs off to go play with her Rey staff, giving you and Josh a moment to yourselves.
"How was your day?" you ask.
"It was good, but I was a little distracted all day waiting to get home," he says, pulling you closer to him by your waist as your hands snake to the back of his neck.
Halloween has always been one of Josh's favorite holidays, and he was beyond excited to finally be able to share it with your daughter.
"You should go get dressed before she explodes with anticipation," you say with a laugh. He nods and kisses you once more before slipping away to put his costume on.
You find you daughter in the kitchen, finishing her dinner. You had a surprisingly small amount of trouble getting her to sit down and eat tonight, probably due to the fact that she knew she wouldn't be able to go trick or treating until she had eaten.
You take a minute to go into the bathroom and put the finishing touches on your Princess Leia buns and smooth out your white Leia dress. When you emerge, you find Josh in the kitchen with your daughter, now dressed in his full Han outfit, complete with Han's signature vest and blaster.
"Looking good, babe," Josh says and you enter the kitchen, kissing you as your daughter fake gags in the back.
"Gross!" she proclaims and you laugh as you and Josh pull apart.
"You're looking pretty fine as well, Solo," you reply and turn to your daughter. "And you are of course looking very heroic, Miss Rey."
She smiles and twirls around in her costume. You quickly clean up the dishes from dinner as you notice it getting dark outside, Josh and Y/D/N having gone off to have a pretend lightsaber duel.
You find them in the living room, Y/D/N standing on the couch enlaced in an intense battle with her father.
"Alright you two, I think it's time to go!" you say, and your daughter immediately runs to get the pillowcase you gave her to collect candy.
You snap a few pics of your costumes before heading out the door into the chilled October air. It wasn't too cold, but the perfect fall temperature for trick or treating.
The leaves crunch under your feet as the three of you walk hand in hand from house to house, you and Josh making sure she always says please and thank you when getting candy.
As the night wears on, you pass countless other kids clad in every costume under the sun and walk around your neighborhood until you daughter's pillow case is nearly over flowing with goodies.
You and Josh are having nearly as much fun as she is, enjoying watching her run around the neighborhood having the time of her life. And everyone gets a kick out of your family costume. You were even stopped once or twice by fans who wanted a picture with all three of you, the friendly clique members commenting on how cute you all looked.
You notice your daughter start to drag her feet slightly after a while, and even though she insists she isn't tired, you and Josh can tell she is worn out. Josh scoops her up in his arms, her candy bag clutched to her chest, and carries her back toward your home.
Once you arrive, you get her out of her costume and into some pajamas, putting her candy in the kitchen for when she wakes up, and Josh tucks her into bed without much protest from the young girl.
You and Josh also change out of your costumes and curl up on the couch to watch a Halloween movie. Nothing scary, in case your daughter wakes up, but just a light hearted classic, the smile never leaving either of your faces as you think back on your first night of trick or treating with your little one.

Credit to twentyonefics on Tumblr

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