Josh dun imagine!

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Josh Dun imagine

it had been such a long time since you had been able to grab your board, ride downtown to your favorite spot, and just skate freely to no end. the last time you had been, you had gotten scraped up pretty badly, leaving your parents not so eager to let you return to this hobby. but the doctor had finally gave the "thumbs up" to let you go once again.
you put on a black hoodie over top of your tank top, and switched your flip-flops and short shorts for some converses and ripped skinny jeans. you grabbed your board and took the steps down to the living room two at a time.
before leaving the house, you yelled,
"bye, mom, i'm going out!"
to which your mom answered,
"okay, y/n, stay safe! be back at midnight, honey!"
midnight was your curfew, and, currently, it was six o'clock. it took you about an hour and thirty minutes to get downtown, leaving you with plenty of time to skate around and explore.
the ride downtown was peaceful, but you were slacking. all those weeks in recovery did no good to your ability to skate. you almost lost your footing and fell off a few times, to which you swore under your breath.
but you finally made it to your favorite spot, the abandoned pool downtown. it was empty, and it made a great place to practice and have fun.
once you got down there, you noticed someone else was there, too. you found this a little strange, since you didn't know of anyone else in the town that came down here.
this person, which you know recognized was a boy, had bright yellow hair, a snapback, pegs, and a nose piercing. you had to admit, he looked a little intimidating.
"just stick to your side of this pool, and i'll stick to mine." you muttered under your breath, and went to the opposite side from where this person was.
you stood on your board, the nose facing up in the air and the tail on the ground. you took a deep breath, and planted a foot on the nose, and soon you glided into the pool.
it felt so nice as the wind blew through your hair, and you breathed a sigh of happiness.
you closed your eyes and soaked in the all too familiar rush of adrenaline.
your senses weren't focused on the task at hand, and, soon enough, you were about to crash into the side of the pool.
you tried to turn your board the opposite way, but it was too late. the front of your body slammed into the wall and you fell to the ground, your board rolling away.
'shit', you thought, 'this was exactly what happened last time. i got too caught up in the rush of it, and i fucking busted a rib cage'.
and then you remembered that other person was there and you realized how much of an amateur you must look like. 'just brush it off, act like it was nothing', you thought.
you tried to push yourself up, but your hip was hurting and you groaned in the agony.
"yep, definitely broken." you muttered. you kept trying to get up, the pain in your right side increasing each time.
"here, let me help," someone said, and a pair of strong hands lifted you to a sitting position.
"ow," you complained, and you soon realized that the man you had seen earlier was standing in front of you, his brow furrowed with worry.
"um... i'm fine, thanks for the help." you lied, and you realized you didn't sound believable at all.
"are you sure? from the looks of it you couldn't even stand." he stated, and looked at you gripping your right side to try and lessen the pain.
you moved your hand, instantly regretting it, and said through gritted teeth,
"yep, all good." and forced a smile on your face.
he laughed out of sympathy, and came near you, sitting on his knees. he lifted your chin with his hand, and looked you in the eyes, which you now noticed were filled with tears out of pain.
"it hurts..." you said, and he nodded. before you could protest, he was cradling you in his arms, and made it so your right side was facing away from his body as to make it hurt less.
you didn't know where he was taking you, but your mind was paying attention to other things, such as how he smelled so good, or how his eyes were such a pretty brown, or how his chest and arms were muscular and...
you stopped yourself, blushing. you could NOT think that way about him, especially since you had just met him.
he took you to what you assumed was his apartment, and laid you down on the couch. he then walked into the bathroom and grabbed a first aid kit.
he laid out the stuff he needed, and sat on his knees and said,
"u-um, i need you to take your hoodie off."
you blush, and, at first, thought he was doing it for his own pleasure. but then you remembered why you were even there in the first place.
"right, sorry..." you proceeded to take your hoodie off, and lifted your tank top so the broken hip was exposed.
he lifted his fingers and touched your hip gingerly, and you winced. the crease between his eyebrows deepened, and he began bandaging you up and tending to you.
every so often he would ask how you were doing, to which you responded with a shrug. finally, after what seemed like forever, he was finished.
"thank you," you said gratefully, and you meant it. he just shrugged and said, "it's nothing."
you smiled at him, and said, "what now?"
"well, um, if you can't walk, you're welcome to stay here." he offered, looking hopeful.
before you could even consider what he said, you nod. he smiled and hands you your phone so you can text your parents.
you type out a new message to your mom, saying,
'hey mom, i got a little hurt while skating, and..' you needed his name.
"i forgot to ask, but... i need your name." you say awakwardly, your thumbs hovering over the keyboard on your phone.
"josh." he says, smiling. it had only been an hour after meeting him and you already loved his smile.
you continued your message, then hit send. nearly a second later, your mom replies with,
'okay, but don't do anything funny with that boy.'
you couldn't help but smile at your mom.
"she said yes." you said, then you remembered the pain in your hip and ask, "you don't have any medication, do you?"
"yeah, of course." he grabbed up the first aid kit and went back to the bathroom and came back with some pills and a glass of water. you took the pills gratefully and swallowed them.
they must have been drowsy ones, because you were feeling tired. josh sat next to you, and your tired mind had an idea.
"you mind if i rest my side against you?" you asked sleepily.
"sure." he said, and your pressed your right side against him. you noticed he wrapped his arms around you, and you fell asleep.

Credit to birdyrxe on Tumblr

I made the mistake of telling my crush I liked him so I'm not posting for a few days since I'm done with everything

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2017 ⏰

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