Chapter 1

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(Before we start I just want to say thank you for returning readers! You guys are the reason I'm writing this one and I can't thank you enough for the support and inspiration. If you're a new reader, we welcome you with open arms and I hope you enjoy. There are two books before this, but don't worry. When I reference an event that has happened in the other books, I will be leaving the book and the chapters in the comments when I do! I just want to say thank you again and get ready. It's about to get a little messy in here. I mean that in every way possible.) <3 :)

Tim's POV:

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Tim's POV:

I stare up at the girl who has changed my life forever. I've loved her from the moment I saw her, and I had no idea what I was getting myself into. I would go through all of this again if it meant that I would still have my time with her. I couldn't imagine doing any of this without her. She was the reason I could've gone through it all. The good and the bad.

If I would do all of this all over again for her, then I want to spend the rest of my life with her too. I don't want to lose another moment with her. I've lost too many minutes, too many hours, and too many days without her by my side and I've dreaded all of those days. I don't want to have any more of those.

I'm in love with this girl. I want the world to know, our friends to know, and most importantly her to know that forever and never forget it.

I wasted time by pushing her away thinking that that was how I would protect her. That was so stupid of me and I intend to never waste time again.

That is if she says yes.

The beautiful girl I fell in love with looks down at me with those green eyes, that I can never get out of my mind, is still looking down at me.

Her mouth is opened but she hasn't said anything.

"Baby?" She has to answer soon because I'm getting a cramp and more nervous than I was. "Did you hear me?"

She shakes her head. "Yes. I mean yes I heard you."

I wasn't nervous when I was asking her to marry me, but I am now that she's just staring at me.

She gasps. "Oh my god. Oh my god!"

"Is that a yes?" I have to ask.

I can tell she isn't breathing. "A-are you sure?"

I can smile again. "Yes, I'm sure!"

"Oh my god!" She tackles me to the floor and starts kissing me. I grab her waist, so she can comfortably lay on me. I think I can take her tongue in my mouth a good sign.

"Now is that a yes?" I move the hair out of her face.

"Yes!" She beams. "Yes! Yes! It's a thousand times yes!" She grabs my face and starts kissing me again.

I grab her body to sit up and hold her on my lap.

As I put my hand in hers, I realize that somethings missing.


She tries to read my face. "What?"

I can barely look at her now. A second ago all I could do was look at her. "I-I didn't get you a ring." This is weird. Normally I think about these things, but I didn't know I was going to build up the courage so soon and so dramatically.

She laughs. "Handsome, I don't care about a stupid ring. You still love me, right?"

"Of course, I do."

"Then, I don't need a ring to prove it."

She kisses me again, but I continue to talk about it because I'm an idiot. "But isn't it nice to have it on your finger and show the world what we're doing. We're getting married." I say the words and it makes my heart pump faster, but in a good way. I can't explain it.

The smile on her face grows and so does mine. "We're getting married!" She wraps her arms around me tighter.

"This is happening?" She asks me. "You're really sure?"

"I've never been sure of anything in my life."

She's still wondering. "Even after everything that has happened tonight?"

I sigh. This wasn't my original plan at all. To be honest I didn't have a plan in motion yet. I've just known that I've wanted to marry this girl and spend the rest of my life with her.

"Especially after everything that has happened tonight. Tonight, made me realize that no matter what can happen I will still always love you. I will love you no matter what life throws at us. And if life is going to throw anything at me, I want you to be by my side. Forever. Us against the world."

She kisses me again as we still remain on the floor once again. Except this time, we're engaged, and no one is crying.

"I'm in love with you Timothy McGee."

"I'm in love with you, fiancé."

Her eyes widen again, and she smiles again. I'll never get tired of that smile. I hope to only make her smile.

"I'm your fiancé." She says to me.

"And I'm yours."

Those words are what I've wanted to hear for so long. Everything that we've been through has prepared us for the future. At the end of the day, if I had her, I knew I was doing something right. I knew that I could fine peace with her in my arms and forget everything bad that has happened.

With her by my side I won't have to worry about anything.

She's the rest of my life and I'm ready for it.

(P.S. I didn't want to give you guys more suspense than you've already had. We all wanted this to happen. ;) Thanks for reading)

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