Chapter 16

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(Happy holidays everyone! I really wanted this uploaded yesterday, but the delay is on me. I decided for the holidays I will be posting seven chapter right now! I won't be uploading tomorrow and wanted to give you all something special. Love you guys and happy holidays!)

Tim's POV:

I speed walk to her office. I need her right now. I need to see her face. I need to forget what I just thought and felt.

It keeps happening when I look at everyone. I'm mad at Ziva because she brought it to my attention. I'm mad at Tony because he helped make a scene for no reason.

I was fine before and I can be fine now. I just need her.

When I'm with her, everything's better.

I swing her door opened forgetting that she could have had an appointment. Instead, I see her on the phone but covering her end of it.

"It's fine." She whispers to Jack. "Take the call. I understand."

They turn to me confused. Jack smiles nervously at me again and walks out the door. I don't have time to focus on that; just her.

I stare at her and she's confused, but I'm not.

I see my girl. I don't see anyone else. She always makes me forget the bad and makes the good, better.

I see my fiancé. My fiancé who I know better than she knows herself. James is her father. Me and her are getting married because we love each other more than anything else.

That's who I see sitting in front of me.

"Mr. Mensa please." She continues. "This isn't how I wanted to spend my morning either, but director Vance said if you have a problem take it up with him. I expect to see Neil here tomorrow at three. Goodbye."

She slams the phone down and groans into her hands.

"They act like I want to do this to their team." She turns to me as I close the door behind me. "What are you doing here?"

I don't say anything. I stare at her and take in her beauty.

"Is something wrong?" She asks.

I stay silent. I rush over to her sitting down and grab her face to force my lips onto hers.

She's surprised. I can tell by the way she slowly kisses me. She's taking it all in, including my tongue.

I hear her moan as I lift her by the waist. I bring her to the corner that we were in earlier while keeping my lips to hers.

She pulls away from me. "Tim." She whispers. "Jack can be back any minute."

"That's all I need."

I lift up her skirt and move my hand to where she needs me.

She gasps for air and pulls on my shirt. "Oh my God." She says into my ear.

She lifts one of her legs and wraps it around. I press her against the wall as she's still holding on to me.

She's the only one I'm focusing on.

I shove my fingers in and out of her and she can't keep up with me.

She didn't expect this to happen, but I needed it to. Now that I'm here with her; it feels as if it's just us in the world again.

"Shit." I move mt fingers around more and she can't keep still. She presses her head against the wall. I'm driving her crazy.

She's wet and I was turned on the second I looked at her. We'll have our moment when both of us can be satisfied and have no clothes on. Right now, I just want to look at her and remember why we're here together.

"Tim." She moans. I can tell she's close. I told her I only needed a minute.

I lift her leg higher and shove my fingers deeper inside of her and she moans loudly into my ear.

When her body relaxes on mine, I lift her up to place her in the chair as she catches her breath. I make her look at me as her chest goes up and down.

"I love you." I tell her. I don't want anyone or anything to interfere with us again.

"I'll see you at home?" We brought both cars today because of her appointments no longer being finalized.

"Yeah." She wines.

I give her a long kiss goodbye. I need this kiss to hold me over for the rest of the day.'

If I don't talk to Ziva and Tony, I think I can manage. Too bad the team won't if I do that.

There's got to be another way, but this is all I can think of right now.

I leave my girl satisfied and smiling for the rest of the day. At least one of us is.

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