Chapter 48

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Tim's POV:

I'm not quite sure what happened last night. I remember everything from waking up, her getting dressed, waiting outside James house in case something happened which it did. The last thing I remember is having a conversation with Melissa in the kitchen and then coming to bed alone.

I told myself I was going to give her a few minutes to herself and then go out there and bring her to bed. I never want to have that type of situation where she sleeps on the couch because she's mad at me or I sleep on the couch because she's mad at me. I don't know if I'll ever be mad at her to be honest. I never want her to be mad at me but last night was one of those situations when she was definitely at least frustrated with me. When I tried to stay awake for a bit it worked, then I guess I closed my eyes for a minute and just fell dead asleep.

I flip over to the side to see if her side was slept in. It kind of looks like it. I don't want to get up and go to the couch and see that I'm wrong and she is sleeping there still. I just want yesterday to be in the past. I want her to tell me how she felt about it I want her to know that I didn't mean to point a gun at him necessarily.

You know what I would apologize for it, but I did mean to point the gun at him. In situations like that I don't know what's going to happen next.

Violence follows violence.

He threw the bottle and I acted. I won't apologize for that, but I will apologize for making her upset and making her feel like her nightmare was about to come true.

Before I can get out of bed, I hear my phone vibrate on my nightstand. When I pick it up, I am caught off guard by who it is.

We're still on for today, right?

Shit. I completely forgot that my date is today. I should've planned it for tomorrow, so Melissa and I can at least have a day to regroup from what happened yesterday. I don't want to leave her here alone with her thoughts of yesterday. I want us to talk.

I get out of bed and ignore the message for now because I want to see where Melissa's head is at before I go and do something that is going to change a lot for the both of us very soon.

When I walk out to the living room, I see that Melissa is on the couch but I'm surprised to see what she's wearing.

She's wearing black boots with her blue jeans. On the top of her body she's wearing a black shirt under a leather jacket that she bought. I know its fake leather but it can fool me completely with the way she's wearing it.

She's on her phone texting someone and looks up and sees me in the doorway. She greets me with a light smile and examines my pajamas.

"Hey handsome." She doesn't sound so happy when she says it, but it's nice that she's still calling me handsome.

She looks like a new woman right now sitting on the couch. Did she really take yesterday to heart? Are we going to really move on with our lives and leave all this behind us?

Instead of asking those important questions, I ask a dumb question but something that's important to me. "Did you come to bed last night?"

"Yeah, I did." She puts the phone down to look at me. "You must have been tired since I didn't wake you."

"I wouldn't have bothered me."

There's still tension in the air. For some reason I can't make my way over to her. My legs won't let me but it's not like she's getting up from the couch to come and meet me.

"Are you going somewhere?"

She sighs and checks her phone with Jack. "Yeah, Jacks picking me and taking me to meet an old friend."

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