Chapter 108

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Tim's POV:

"I'm entering the McGee household! I repeat I'm entering the McGee household!"

I can spot that kind of humor from a mile away with how loud he is. "Tony, we're in the kitchen!"


I look across the counter and Melissa nearly spits out her water. "Yes, Tony we're dress."

He walks in with a bottle of wine. "Thank goodness. You guys didn't get married and become sex addicts."

I won't acknowledge that comment. I look at Melissa and she doesn't plan to do so either.

"Hello!" Another familiar and happy voice comes through the house.

"Ziva, we're in the kitchen!"

"And don't worry they're dressed!" Tony shouts as he's getting wine glasses.

Ziva walks in and she has a platter of cheese and crackers. "Oh, you guys really didn't have to bring anything. We have so much left-over alcohol from the wedding." Melissa tells them.

"Please, a good guest never comes empty handed."

He comes to the counter we're all standing at and places four glasses on it. Melissa and I look at each other and try to come up with a way to tell him he only needs three.

"Why the long faces?" Well, that's a way to bring it up. "Are you guys filing for divorce already?"

"DiNozzo!" Ziva hits him in the arm.

"No, Tony we aren't filing for divorce. Melissa actually has to go to work."

"What?" They say simultaneously.

"You're going to leave us here with McGee? Oh, wait you're a McGee now. You're going to leave us here with him?"

"Okay, I'm literally right here." Melissa walks over to my side of the counter and wraps her arms around me.

"I'm sorry but I have to. There was a problem at the pharmacy and pills got mixed up. Literally, someone was putting the wrong pills in the containers and Ducky and I are the only ones with clearance to check, but he doesn't live to close and probably didn't get home until just a few hours ago, so I'm going."

I kiss her on the head. "Be safe okay?"

"Sure. I'm sorry you guys. I'll see you all later." She waves to them and they wave back. I take the extra glass back and hear the door close behind her.

"Shall we take this to the table?" Tony asks as takes the bottle and glasses over there himself. Ziva brings the platter and we make ourselves comfortable as Tony pours the wine.

"So, Tony how are you adjusting to married life?"

"Adjusting fine. It was just like before, but now we're legally married." Not everything is the same, but I'm not going to tell them that. Though, if I told Tony that part of our relationship is strong and hotter as ever, maybe he will want to get married.

"I still can't believe it." Ziva begins. "It still seems so surreal that you guys are married. I remember when I found out, Tony and I couldn't believe you hid it from us."

"It was shocking. We're with you all the time and went on the same trips as you guys. The entire time you were seeing each other, and no one knew, besides Abby."

"I know it was bad. But we do appreciate you guys keeping it a secret for as long as you did. Thank you for everything. Most importantly Melissa and I can't get over the speech's you guys made at the party. It means a lot to us."

"We meant every word." Ziva says after sipping her wine. "You guys really are the perfect match. Right Tony?"

I look at Tony and he wasn't smiling before, but now he kind of is. It looks like more of a forced smile.

"Yes, I meant everything I said. You guys were made for each other. I think Ziva can agree that getting married with the job we have isn't the easiest thing to do."

Ziva takes my hand. "We're very proud of you, for sticking up for yourself and her. I don't know if I could have done it."

"Maybe I could." Tony says under his breath.

"Oh really?" Ziva asks. "Please, do tell, who is the lucky lady?"

I love when these two bicker. It's the funniest thing because they don't realize that they're the ones who sound like an old married couple.

"Well, if I ever meet such a person lucky enough to tie me down, then I will let you know."

Ziva rolls her eyes as I sip my wine and mind my own business.

"Well, since we're not talking about you, but talking about Timothy, we want to let you know you mean so much to us. We're a family and you're like my brother. You are my brother and I couldn't imagine this happening to anyone else."

"She's right." Tony finally gives in. "We love you and I couldn't be happier that you got your happy ending." He raises his glass, and Ziva follows his lead. I pick up mine.

"Thank you, guys. I love you too."

Tony and I sip our wine, while Ziva puts hers down. "I just want to get this out of the way and then we don't have to talk about this for the rest of the night."

Tony and I give each other a look and put our wine down. "Lay it on us."

"I just want to say it now, but this thing with Juice. It's going to happen, and it's going to happen soon. I can feel it. But since I won't have time to say it before we spring into action, I just want to say now to be careful. Melissa was right in saying that we can't let our guard down. They're trained and out for blood. I just want to say be careful. That's it."

She looks down at her wine after saying that. Tony reaches her hand and I grab the other.

"Only if you be careful too." I know this is hard on her for what they did to her old apartment. They don't know that she's out for blood too and she's a machine when she's angry.

These moments we have with each other happen only a few times in a year, at this time it's need because we have no idea what we're walking into. We just know we're not walking in there alone.


It's Happening: NCISOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz