Chapter 53

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Tim's POV:

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Tim's POV:

I was left at the door shocked as anything. I never wanted us to be in a situation where one of us sleeps on the couch. I most definitely never wanted there to be a situation where we feel like we can't even be under the same roof together.

I don't know where Abby went when Melissa ran to her jeep with her things and drove off. Abby was nowhere in sight, but I wish she was because she caused all this. Then again, I don't because I'm pretty sure if she was Melissa would've done way worse than dragging her by the hair and throwing her outside. I've never seen Melissa like that, but I gave her a reason to act like that. I'm lucky I'm still standing and breathing right now.

I didn't want to kiss Abby I really didn't. She kissed me and I wanted her off. There was a moment where I thought we could've had this once upon a time and I gave in and kissed her back for a second, but that was the second my fiancé saw and now she's somewhere alone and I can't get connected to her.

I tried to call Tony but he's not picking up. I know Gibbs is one of the last people she would want to see so she wouldn't go to him especially about this. I know her and I know that he would be the last person she would go to. I figured that she would be with Ziva but she's not answering her phone either. At a time like this I need someone to answer the phone, so I at least know who not to call and have more eyes out for her.

I let 10 minutes go by before I start calling people again. The same people that I called before still aren't answering the phone. I let another 10 minutes go by and the same people aren't answering their phone. I decide to try her again and leave her my fifth voicemail.

"Baby, please you need to let me explain what happened. Please come home so I know you're safe or at least give me a call or text, so I know you're okay. Please. I am so in love with you and I still hope to be your fiancé after all of this. Please just answer the phone."

More minutes go by as I wait for someone to get back to me. I contemplated on getting in my car and trying to find where she is, but I don't know where she would go with this state of mind. She has her car it's not like she's walking, and I can find her immediately down the block. I don't know where she could've gone and it's driving me nuts that no one's getting back to me.

All I do is pace back-and-forth in my living room even though right now it's my least favorite room.

I do something that I shouldn't do and call Abby. Maybe she was on her way when Melissa got in her car.

To my surprise she's the only one to pick up, even after what Melissa did to her.


"Abby, where are you?"

"I just got home. The cab I took was waiting outside for me because I told him to."

"Did you happen to see Melissa leave after you?"

"No and I'm glad I didn't. My head is throbbing."

On that note, I hang up the phone. I put the phone down and I start pacing again because I have no idea where my girl is.

When I walk away from my phone that's when it starts ringing. I practically throw my body towards the phone to answer it and not even look at who's calling.


"Hello McGee." It's Ziva.

"Hey, have you seen-"

"Melissa?" She cuts me off. "Yeah she's here."

Once again, I immediately hang up the phone. I grab my keys and run out the door to my car so I can go see my girl. I don't want to go to bed without her. I do not want to feel empty and alone in this apartment.

I speed all the way there and yes; I use the reason of me being an agent to get away with this.

I hit the brakes the second I get outside Ziva's house. I run up to her door and start knocking obnoxiously like Abby did to me. That is the last thing I want to be thinking about right now she's in the back of my mind completely.

I continue knocking and Ziva comes to the door.

I continue knocking and Ziva comes to the door

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"Where is she?" I try to pass her, but her strength stops me and basically pushes me on to her grass.

"The only reason I opened the door is because I convinced her it was a good idea for you to know that she was safe. It's one of the reasons I called you as well."

I sigh. "I'm assuming you know."

"Oh, she told me."

"Ziva. I promise you it isn't what you think."

"I'm not sure what I think because she doesn't even know what she's thinking. All I know is that you and Abby had a moment and now Melissa is here in my guestroom crying her eyes out."

I caused those tears. I never wanted to make her cry, not sad tears.

"Please, Ziva I need to tell her what happened and make this right."

"You can do that, but not tonight. I don't like being in the middle of these things, but she came to me. She drove here hysterical and opened up to me about this. Now I'm her best friend, I am her maid of honor and I'm telling you back off tonight."

I hurt her and that is the last thing I ever wanted to do. I have to listen to Ziva because not only can she break me in a half in one second, but I need to give Melissa space after this. I never wanted to do this to her. I never wanted Abby to show up. I don't want to be in this. I have to make it right and if I making it right is Ziva threatening me to go away and giving her space, then fine. I don't have a choice but to be in my apartment alone tonight.

"I know you were doing me a favor by calling me but if you could give me another one even though I don't deserve it and text me just so I know she's going to be at work tomorrow."

She looks over her shoulder to make sure Melissa is not anywhere near us "Fine."

I don't know how I'm going to manage without her there tonight but I'm going to have to.

I start to walk back to my car until I hear Ziva call my name. I turn around and she's still at the door.

"I know you'll make this right Tim."

I promise you that was a threat. I deserve it and I'm going to make it right.

Whether she's with me or not I'm hers until my last dying breath.

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