Chapter 92

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Melissa's POV:

It's weird walking into the house and not hearing a TV playing. I look at his chair and he's not there and it doesn't feel right. Having a knowledge that no one is living here anymore is just completely unsettling. It is almost as if I can feel the emptiness the air.

Before we got here, I decided to drive and stop at the store to get a bunch of garbage bags. He told me that he wanted me to get rid of things and not keep a lot of it. That's his wish and so it shall be granted.

Also, we stopped at the bank together to get the money situation over with. When he said I wouldn't believe how much money he had in his account he was right. I cannot believe how much money he saved for me and for himself with his career. I thought he wasted it all on booze when I was younger. I thought there would've been no money left really in the account and I would've been fine with that because I knew he went to rough time and we were in a good place before he left. I wanted to talk to Tim about it but him being a gentleman he is he shut it down immediately. He doesn't want to know how much money I have, and he doesn't want to know what I plan to spend any of it on. As much as we are probably going to have joint accounts, he wants to let me be my own person and control my own money. I love him for that but he's going to have to get used to me buying things because he just bought us a whole house for our future. What have I done? I've been sleeping and drinking wine in the house.

The first thing I do when I walk into the house is get the cleaning supplies from the kitchen and start washing his blood off the floor and counter. There is a lot of it and it's actually very easy to get up for some reason, but it's still kind of weird and I really didn't want to do it in front of Tim.

I was able to do it fast enough that by the time you came into the house I was done.

He looks around the living room and stairs into the kitchen and sees me. "There really isn't a lot of things we have to take care of, huh?"

"Nope." We were never materialistic. I guess I got that from him.

I begin to tell Tim what needs to be done and what doesn't even have to be moved. "So, downstairs doesn't have to be looked at because we moved everything when I first moved in with you."

He smiles at me. "I remember that perfectly."

"So, we only have to throw stuff out and leave certain things on the curb."


I think Tim is very supportive in this situation. I think he also understands the way I want to go about this because he read James's letter himself. He saw what he wanted and that's exactly what I'm doing.

"Do you want time to start with the food in the kitchen?"

"Yeah, just throw it all out."

"What do you want to do with the table and fridge?"

I think for a second and it may not be a solid plan, but it's all I got right now. "The table and chairs we can leave on the curb and I can attempt to help you move the fridge."

He turns to the fridge. "Maybe I can love it by myself."

"Just call me before you do it." I tell him.

I grab a garbage bag and head for his room first. The only thing in here are lamps, nightstand, a bed, and only a few clothes in the closet. This is the easiest room to clean because I just have to throw everything away. I go to the living room to grab more bags. When the sheets and mattress pad is thrown away, I begin to push the mattress out of the room. Tim saw me when I reached the end of the hall and began to help me. We put it at the end of the curb and walk back inside.

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