Chapter 28

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Tim's POV:

The rest of the day was fine. We all worked together for the first time in peace. No one was walking on eggshells with each other and we were all finally back to the way we used to be.

When Tony came back to the group, he had a smile on his face. I'm not sure how genuine it was but he was acting like the Tony we all know and love so I'm assuming it went well. I'm not exactly sure what he told her but the fact that he's smiling means that Melissa probably is too. If both of my friends are happy and my fiancé is happy that's what I'm focusing on. It helps that Gibbs also supports us right now and not just behind closed doors but supports us in front of everyone. That way no one thinks that anyone is faking anything, and we all know we're on the same page.

It's the end of the day and I was about to go pick up Melissa from her office but the second I walk to the elevator she's already in the squad room.

She's smiling just like Tony, so I'll take that as a good sign. I take her hand in mine as we make our way to the car. I didn't want to talk about anything in front of anyone because I'm not sure where her mind is at right now. When Gibbs made the announcement, she said she was better than ever, but I'm not sure what Tony and her talked about after. I'm pretty sure I can put the pieces together and figure out that they were talking about Jenny. I just don't know how she feels about that.

I start driving home with one hand still in hers and decide to start talking. "So, today went pretty well don't you think?"

She squeezes my hand tighter. "Are you kidding? I thought it went great! We can finally move on from all of this and go on the way we did before." She says with enthusiasm.

"Really?" I ask immediately. I didn't expect this reaction from her. I thought she would be more indecisive about the Gibbs and Jenny thing. She hasn't said that Jenny is her mom out loud to me, but I'm sure that's the case. Why else would Gibbs drag her over there to stare at a photo of Jenny? Why would Tony have wasted his time confronting her about the incident that took place then? Was it all just a waste of time and I'm just assuming things?

"Aren't you happy?" She questions me.

"Of course, I am." I inform her. "I just didn't know where you stood with the whole Gibbs incident."

"The incident of us being related?"

She really didn't have to word it like that but yes, it's what I meant. She hasn't talked about it much. I know it's not my job to push her to talk about this but it's nice to know where her head is at. All this drama has been happening and she really doesn't show much emotion to it. When she does, it's when she gets in her car and drives off. I've been lucky so far that every time she does, she comes to me. The next time I might not be so lucky so I kind of want her to open up to me about this. I know it's soon and I know the wound is fresh but it's just something I worry about.

"We're taking baby steps." She tells me. "This is still all new to me and the secret being out there is new to him. We're just going to take it slow and figure it out as we go."

That's nice to hear.

Gibbs and her left for a while today. A lot must've been said if they're willing to take baby steps to their relationship. Before they weren't even looking in the direction of each other now they're smiling together and forming a relationship. I couldn't be happier for her because right now she doesn't have a father figure. She's pushing James out of her life and now Gibbs is in it. I just hope she isn't using him to replace what she was building with James. That'll be a plan for a disaster.

"Are you speaking to James any time soon?" I ask knowing she could roll out of the car any minute. I don't want to trigger her. I just want her to be aware of what she's doing.

She sighs at the thought, but I'm pleased when she decides to be honest about it. "He was brought up a lot today. I made a promise to Gibbs today that I would check up on him because the last time he was left alone for this long he turned to the bottle." She plays with my hand to distract herself from her owns thoughts. "I would hate to be the reason he relapses."

"How would he though?" I ask honestly. I hate to point out the obvious, but I think we're looking over something. "I mean it's not like he can get the stuff on his own."

She lets out a chuckle. I'm proud that I was able to make her smile at least once during this car ride home.

"I know. But I still made a promise to Gibbs and at the end the day he's right. Back then we did have a nanny for him that would pick up the stuff up, but he let her go when he just didn't want to deal with her anymore. She started judging and she started recording how much he was drinking so he fired her. And then I got older and I was able to pick up groceries and take care of myself and him. I just want to be careful."

I kiss her hand. I love her when she's vulnerable with me. I can't force her to be vulnerable when I want her to be. Also, when she is vulnerable more special to me because she trust me and loves me as much as I do her.

I've decided since I grilled her about Gibbs and James that I'm not going to ask her about Jenny. I just think it's the right thing to do since she was so vulnerable right now about her relationship with her father and biological father. It's a complicated situation all around so I just need to give her space. If I can't even comprehend what's going on, then I don't know how she can comprehend how she feels right now.

I'll save that conversation for another time.

"Will you go with me when I'm ready?" She asks out of nowhere. "When I see James, I mean."

She wants me there with her. That's enough for me right now. "Of course, baby."

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