Chapter 69

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(Hey, so I know I posted a personal message today, but I need to post this one too. After the quarantine, live your life the best you can. My favorite movies are the ones that make you feel something: alive, inspired, motivated, everything that's positive. Those are the ones I'm watching right now.  I hope you guys are doing okay and promising yourselves to live. I'm also leaving this as a reminder to myself to get out there and live. I hope you can promise yourselves that as well if you haven't already. I love you guys. Happy reading.)

Melissa's POV:

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Melissa's POV:

I'm sitting at my desk with too much on my mind. Jack isn't here, not that he would be able to help me with what I'm thinking about. It would take the whole day to catch him up on everything.

Yesterday really threw me for a loop. It was natural for the three of us to continue to talk about the wedding. Jack had the idea to play "Here Comes the Bride" on his phone when I walk down the aisle. I told him it was a good idea. I think it's going to be really funny too.

When I went back home, I ran the idea by Tim of not seeing each other before the wedding, and he said, "It's a good idea because I won't be able to keep my hands off of you anyway."

I rolled my eyes and continued to eat the takeout that we ordered.

Ziva kept looking back at me yesterday to make sure I was okay after the run in with Abby. She even texted me when we all went our separate ways.

I decided not to tell Tim about the incident because I wasn't sure how I was feeling about it. I still don't know how I feel about it.

I decide to treat myself how I would treat one of my patients. I take out my notepad and start to psychoanalyze myself.



I stare at the notepad and that's all I can write.

This isn't something I shouldn't be thinking about when my wedding is like two weeks away. I can't help it though. Yesterday really just really took it's turn.

I thought I would feel angry and upset like I usually do when I see her, but I didn't.

The more I think about it, the more I could cry from understanding pain.

That's my problem. I can see why she's been acting the way she has. She's lonely and would do anything to feel something from someone. Even if it was my hand pulling her by her hair out of my apartment. Anytime I think of that moment now, I'm disgusted with myself. I should have seen that she was hurting.

Something in me, makes me get up and I start to walk to her lab. I don't know what it is, but I can't stop. When I get to her door, she's sitting in her office on her computer. I want to take a step back and rethink this, but it's too late. She spotted me and looks pretty shocked to see me.

She slowly gets up and I slowly make my way into the room that used to feel like my home to me.

She makes her way out and meets me halfway.

"Hey." I begin. I really didn't know where I was going with this.

"Hi." She says high pitched. "W-what are you doing here?"

"I came to talk." I sound unsure. "Are you busy?" Maybe I'm not ready for this. "I can come back later." Or not.

"No!" She shouts on accident. I can see it her faced. "I mean, no I'm not busy at all."

She's looking around to offer me a seat, but she has nothing to offer me. There's only one chair here but it isn't something I've ever sat in before. Only her.

She smiles at me and tries to act like it's not weird. "Okay, so what do you want to-"

"Why'd you kiss my fiancé?"

She blankly stares at me. She has no idea what to say, but for once I do.

"Do you know why? I can tell you why."

She looks uncomfortable, but I'm really not here to attack her. "Because you're lonely."

Her shoulders fall and she scuffs. "Melissa, no. That's not why. If I wanted to be with someone, I would be with someone. Also, I'm offended. I'm not the type to take someone else's man."

"But you're the type to take a cab just to kiss them." I know that offended me.

I leave her speechless.

I sigh. "Look that's not what I came here to do." It really isn't. I don't want to argue, I just want to clear the air.

"I know you can have any guy you want. Believe me I know that." I look at her and I'm being honest, and she knows that. She has confident, heart, and drive. Who wouldn't want to be with her if they had the chance?

"What I meant was that you miss us. You miss me and you miss Tim."

She scuffs. "Isn't that obvious."

"It is now that you kissed my fiancé for our attention."

She looks at the ground and starts to get choked up. She knows I'm right. She was drunk and didn't know what else to do. She missed us and took a cab. She came to confront me and did something bold to get our attention, even if it was in a negative way.

"Melissa," She says while clearing her throat. "I'm so sorry. I kept everything from you, and I know if you were in my shoes you would have told me. Or you would have done anything for me to find out sooner because that's the kind of person you are."

"That doesn't mean I should have been as angry as I was. I know you're close with Gibbs and didn't want to do anything to jeopardize that."

I turn my therapist charms on, and she finally starts to talk to me. "All I have is this Melissa. This job, Gibbs, the agents, all of it."

I walk over to her computer and drag the chair out from under it. I guide her to sit down and she actually listens to me.

"My brother isn't here, and my parents have died. Gibbs took me in and made me apart of his family." She looks up at me with sad, red eyes as I stroke her hair. "You're his family. I envied you when I found out but kept that to myself too."

"Abby." I say softly.

"I guess that's the only thing I'm good at. Keeping things to myself."

"You know that's not true. You're great at so many things." I let her head rest on my shoulder. "And you know Gibbs is always going to look at you as his daughter don't you. You're more his daughter than I am."

I don't know where Gibbs and I are really. We're taking it one day at a time still because this whole thing is new to us. I've been focusing on the wedding more than anything else anyway.

She takes deep breaths and lets me hold her.

"And I'm sorry for making you feel lonely. I'm sorry for only thinking about myself and realizing your feelings too late."

I don't know when the last time someone talked to her like this or held her. I bet it was Gibbs, but maybe it was a long time ago. I have this feeling because I'm his daughter by blood, that she chose to keep it to herself like she has done everything lately.

She slowly looks up at me and I smile back at her. "Does this mean we're friends again?"


Before I can answer, we turn to see Tim standing at the door looking at us.

"What the hell is going on?"

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