Chapter 58

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Tim's POV:

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Tim's POV:

Tony and I finally make it to the bar. He didn't trust me driving because I was acting crazy back at work. I wouldn't have had me drive either.

On the way here, he didn't say anything. It was as if he was scared to hear what I had to say.

Now that we're here I have to say it.

I buy us a round of beers that we shouldn't be having, but desperate times call for desperate measures.

I can feel his eyes on me, but I don't do anything. I'm staring blankly at the beer the bartender gave me.

I feel a hand touch me and flinch. I'm not sure why because I know it's Tony.

"Probie, what the hell is going on?" He asks with all the concern he can give.

I'm sweating in the anticipation of telling him. I can't tell him what I was doing earlier in the day yesterday. Melissa needs to know first. I know we're going to fix this. When we do, she's going to be the first one we know about what I bought for us.

We have to fix it. I just have to think positive.

I have no choice but to brace myself for the judgement Tony's about to put on me. The only reason I'm going to put up with it, is because after his judgement comes advice.

"Abby and I kissed."

It's a good thing he wasn't drinking his beer because I know he would have spit it right in my face.

"What?" He asks sharply, hoping that he heard me wrong.

He puts his hand up before I repeat myself. "Start from the beginning." He says sharply, without looking at me.

I swallow hard and feel more nervous. "Okay well, I just got home from running errands, and Melissa was still out with Jack." Remembering how I felt yesterday is repeating itself with in me. I feel like I'm going to throw up.

"There was an obnoxious knock at the door and my first thought is that something happened to Melissa, so I go to the door in panic, until I see that it's Abby."

He takes his first sip of beer and is not tearing his eyes away from me now.

"Go on."

The lump in my throat is back. "She was belligerent. I mean she was so drunk she took a taxi to my place just to have a few words with me."

"Which were?" I can see him tightening his grip on his beer bottle. I didn't expect him to like what I had to say, but I didn't think he would take it like this either.

"She wanted to talk to Melissa. She misses her and is sad their friendship is basically over." This next part is going to get me in trouble. "She continued to say she wanted to be there for the wedding and missed our friendship and missed me."

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