Chapter 37

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Melissa's POV:

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Melissa's POV:

I can feel the strands from the bubble gum pink carpet beneath me. As I look up at the ballerina pink walls everything seems taller than me. I look around the room and see my favorite doll house that my mother gave me. As I slowly turn my head around the perimeter of the room, I see things that I haven't seen in years. I have a desk before I even have work to do at it. My twin bed is bigger than me as I sit on the floor. It's above my head, and I would have to throw my body to get on top of it. I greet the stuffed animals that I felt like I've neglected over the years. Before I can reach them and give them a hug, which is something they haven't felt in a long time, I hear a bang coming from another room. Even though it scares me on the inside, I make my way to the door and crack it open to see if I can see anything on the tiny opening that I've made. I can't see anything, so I open it wider. I finally find the courage to walk out of my room and walk to the living room. When I get there, no one is in the living room. I turned to James' chair and he's not there. Even though I can feel fear throughout my body, I turn to the kitchen and start walking towards it. The fear grows more with each step I take getting closer to the kitchen. As I get closer, I can sense there's something I don't want to see behind the counter, but I keep walking. It's as if the closer I get to turning the corner the farther it keeps getting. I pick up the pace because I just want to get it over with. I want to see what I'm so scared of. When I get there, I see a figure form. The closer I get I can see that it's James lying on the floor not breathing. Now, when I try to back away, his figure keeps getting closer and closer to me. I can't get away from him. I can tell he's not breathing, and I don't want to look anymore. I can't get away and I can't close my eyes. Nothing I do is working. I don't know what to do but scream.

I can hear myself scream but there's something different. I open my eyes and the pink walls are gone and I'm no longer in the kitchen. Beige walls that I've come to know, and love are staring back at me, and the man I love wakes up and rushes to sit up to be next to me.

Before I can catch my breath, he starts asking me a bunch of questions. "Baby! Baby? What happened? What's wrong?" He wraps his arms around me, and it isn't until then I can feel the sweat on my body. I'm catching my breath as he rocks back-and-forth with me.

I didn't see Tim before bed last night. We took both cars to work yesterday because I had a lot of work to do with Jack. By the time I got home he wasn't even home yet and I was exhausted. I changed into my pajamas and the second I changed into my pajamas, my body hit the bed and I was asleep.

He doesn't say anything, and he doesn't force me to speak either. He slowly takes me down with him so we can lay on the pillows and he can hold me.

He rubs his hand up and down my arm to help me relax. He notices that I finally catch my breath. "Baby, what happened?"

"I had a nightmare." I confess, still in shock of what it was about.

He places soft kisses on my head. "Well, it's all over. You're here with me."

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