Chapter 54

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Melissa's POV:

I'm lying on the bed in Ziva's guest room, trying to catch my breath from what I just saw.

I can't get the image of those two kissing out of my head.

I never thought I would see the day that this happens. I never thought I would Tim kiss any other girl but me.

When he brought up Sean it made me think that I did something wrong, but I know I didn't. I never kissed Sean back. I never looked at Sean like that before. I wanted him off of me and it wasn't until he thought he should get on the plane that he stopped kissing me.

I saw that Tim was fighting Abby off for a second. Then, there was a moment he gave in and started kissing her back.


I want to ask a questions that I don't want the answer to.

How can he do this to me?

Why did you do it?

Did you forget about me completely?

All these questions that I don't want to ask.

Ziva was in here holding me before. When I got here she was surprised to see me and then immediately took me into her arms because she saw the tears all over my face.

I could barely walk through the door because of my blurry vision and trying to focus on speaking and being able to see at the same time. She basically carried me in her living room because the couch was the closest thing.

She kept asking me what happened as she held me.

"Tim And Abby kissed."


She couldn't believe it and I still can't. "Tim And Abby kissed in our apartment. He kissed her back."

I'm surprised she was able to understand anything I was saying through the snot and tears.

She didn't know what to say so all she did was hold me. We stayed like that got a while until I stopped crying. I didn't stop crying because I was over it. I stopped because I started to feel bad that I randomly showed up and I'm using her for comfort.

"I'm sorry to just show up like this."

She shook her head. "Don't be. You're always welcomed in my home."

I rested my head on her for awhile longer and she let me.

Her phone started ringing and we figured we already knew who it was. She let it go to voicemail the first few times.

"He's probably just wondering where you are." She told me. "Did you tell him you were coming here?"

I shook my head.

"Wouldn't you want to know where he is if he stormed out on you?"

I shook my head again.

I took my head off of her so she can call him back.

"Melissa. Yeah she's here."

I didn't look up until I heard she went silent for a little.

"He hung up on me."

"He's probably on his way here." I said with the tears still in my throat. "I'm not ready to see him." I never thought I would say those words. I can't believe this is happening.

It seems as if everything was fine that if one thing went wrong, everything has to go wrong.

"Come here." Ziva took my hand and picked up my bag with the other.

She brought me into a room that has a twin bed and nice furniture.

"I made this room into a guestroom. It wasn't doing anything but collecting dust and I don't have a lot of stuff to store anyway so here you go."

I walked over to the bed and sat down. I didn't really know how to feel. Now, I'm feeling hurt and I'm feeling dizzy. Most of all I'm feeling tired from all the tears I've just cried.

"Do you need anything? Do you want water or anything like that?"

I shook my head. "You've done enough. Thank you so much."

Before Ziva can say anything. There's an obnoxious knock at the door. My body froze and heart stopped.

"Do you want to see him?"

I shook my head. I didn't want to say that I don't want to see him again. It's already bad enough that I ran to Ziva after this problem and I can't face him.

"I'll take care of it. Get in bed."

As she walked out of the room I do what she said. I took back the neatly set up covers on the bed and took off the pillows that were only there for decoration. When I get into the bed it feels as if no one has ever slept here before. The mattress is new and it feels amazing. I'm trying to focus on that and try not to eavesdrop on whatever they're talking about. It's pretty easy considering I can't hear anything from back here.

I thought the fact of them being so close to me talking about what just happened would keep me up and alert. Instead when I rest my head on the pillow it's as if my eyes can't stay open. I want to stay awake and talk about this more with Ziva even though we have work in the morning. I kind of want to know what they're saying to each other out there because I didn't really talk to him while I was there. I just can't seem to stay awake right now.

All the stress of today is wearing on me and my body is telling me to take a break. I don't want to close my eyes though. I feel if I close my eyes I'll either forget this all happened and wake up and have to deal with it. Or a dream that it's worse and everything else will fall apart too.

I can't tell what tomorrow will bring, but I hope when I wake up everything from today will be erased.

My eyes won't stay opened, but I'm still awake. Minutes later I hear door close. This doesn't make me open my eyes.

I hear someone coming closer and I can tell it's Ziva because of her light footsteps.

I hear her shut off the light and feel her arm wrap around me.

I have to say, if I wasn't going to rest easy before. I will now.

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