Chapter 65

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Melissa's POV:

Before I could even think of what Tim has to show me, he lifted me up again and dragged me to the bedroom. I didn't have to lift a finger when we got there. He threw the clothes he wanted me to wear at me and started looking for his outfit.

He had this random energy burst. It makes me wonder if I even did my job right.

I have to respect what he picked out for me. He gave me leggings and a lavender knitted sweater. I get dressed and watch him dress himself. He's been assertive lately and it's all I've asked from him for a long time. I'm so glad he's sticking up for himself and what he wants now. I'm happier for me because he looks so damn sexy when he does it.

I lay on my stomach on the bed and keep my eyes on him. He sees me gawking and smirks at me. That will make my legs go weak on its own.

Once his shirt is over his head he comes over to the bed and grabs my face again. I take a breath because I knew this kiss was going to be a rough one.

I grab his face and intensely kiss him. I hear him breath heavily, and it makes my legs go weaker, but I manage to move them. I move my knees to the bed and bring his body to mine.

I want to rip the black shirt off of him, but it's showing off his muscles too damn well. I have to say I'm ready for round two if he is.

"Baby, baby." He takes his lips away from mine and I whimper. "We have to go."

"I'm sorry you just look so sexy." I start kissing his neck and his hands are now around my hips. "And you didn't even pick out my shoes yet."

He finally gives in. He starts kissing my neck and I rub my hands through his hair. He starts to kiss down to my chest and reaches my stomach. He's making my head spin with the thought of what he's going to do next.

As my head is back, I feel something rough hit my stomach. I look down and I see that he reached down and picked up the shoes I had at the end of the bed.

"There are your shoes. You can put them on in the car." He lifts me with everything he has, and we start heading out.

"You're such a tease." I scuff as I carry the shoes in my hands.

Tim doesn't say much as we drive. I can tell he's nervous about something because of the sweat on his forehead. I guess he can feel it because he cranked the AC in the beginning of February. I'm freezing but I don't say anything.

He takes my hand and squeezes it. I look to him as if something was wrong, but he does nothing but a slightly forced smile. He takes his hand away and then grabs my hand from time to time. I don't question it.

I start to question where we're going because I'm starting to see nothing but houses. They're beautiful, but they're everywhere. I get distracted when I see a park on Tim's side with a shopping center right behind it.

On my side, I see a coffee shop on the corner and think that we're going to try a new place. That's until he takes the turn right before it down a street that only has houses. How nice and convenient of them to have a coffee shop next door. They're living the dream.

As we're getting to the end of the block, Tim takes a turn but into a driveway. It's a beautiful light green house, but what the hell am I doing here?

"Tim, who are we meeting?" I wasn't prepared to see anyone. The outfit he picked out is nice, but my face isn't done. My hair isn't the way I want it. This isn't meeting people material here.

"Just come on." He opens the car door and walks out to come to my side of the car. He opens my door, but I'm too stunned to move. I know I wanted him to be assertive, but I didn't mean I wanted him to be so damn secretive.

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