Chapter 76

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Tim's POV:

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Tim's POV:

I wake up to the smell of coffee. I look around and I'm not in a room I recognize. My nerves are gone when I look towards the door and Melissa is walking towards me with a mug in her hand.

"Hey, handsome. Rise and shine." She sits at the edge of the bed and hands me my coffee.

When I lean up, I can feel my head pounding. "Holy shit."

"Mmhmm." She knew I was going to have a hangover. I knew I was going to have a hangover when I finally saw what Tony had planned last night. I knew when I was taking every shot Tony was handing me. I knew it when I grabbed that bottle of scotch and started drinking it.

When I look at her, I remember the last thing I can remember from last night and that's her and Ziva standing over Tony and I at the door. I think all I did was laugh after that. Now, I'm waking up in a room I've never been in before. I'm assuming we didn't talk about the wedding like I wanted to when I saw her.

"Are we still at Ziva's?"

She shakes her head. "Yup, Ziva said it was better if we crashed here than trying to get you back in a car to go home."

I lean in for a kiss and she accepts. "Well, our soon to be old home."

She's shocked at my words. "Shh. We haven't told anyone yet, remember?"

"I know." I start kissing her neck, but she inches away.

"Tim, we're in Ziva's guestroom."

"I know, I know. I wasn't going to do anything anyway because of your new wedding rule." I kiss her neck one more time. "Which I respect and have to say I like... just not right now."

I make her giggle and bring her into my arms. "So, do I want to even ask how last night was?"

My eyes widen and I place my mug down to get ready to tell her about what Tony did for me. I tell her everything that Tony had hanging up in that place. I tell her the games he had set up for us, and the stocked bar he had. I drifted off at times because I wanted to tell her about Tony buying that place. He told me because he was hosting the party. I'm proud of him and I'm glad he's adding more to live for in his life.

I just hope he isn't using it in a way to "replace" anything.

"How happy are you that there were no strippers?"

"I have to admit I'm relieved even though I trust you. I just love that Tony did that for you and you had a great time."

She gives me a kiss and it's like my hangover is gone.

I love Tony for that too.

"Now, all we have to do is wait for your party and make sure everything goes well." That isn't an insult to Ziva. It's a precaution to how our lives have been since meeting each other. Something goes wrong for some reason with us when things are going well. I don't want it to be because one of us, or our ride home is too drunk to drive.

"Yeah." She takes a deep breath. "Then, the wedding."

I examine her face notice she's holding back. "Baby? What is it?"

She shakes her head urgently. "No, no. It's nothing I just want to run something by you."

I'm glad we have this form of communication now instead of hiding it from one another in hoping the problem will go away.

"Okay." I wait for her to speak, but she turns around to make sure no one is here with us.

"Maybe we should talk later. When we're even more alone."

I can deal with that. I would love for that to be now actually. I don't like sleeping in other peoples houses anyway. It feels weird now that I've lived on my own and can afford my own place.

"Alright, let's go then."

She lets me take my time with getting ready and making Ziva's bed to remind her that we aren't slobs.

When we exit the room, Tony is on the couch and Ziva is sitting in her kitchen. "Good morning bachelor." They both say at the same time.

"Hey guys." I say.

Melissa walks over to Ziva. "Thank you for letting us stay last night. Thank you for everything." They hug each other and I can tell they don't want to let each other go. Maybe that's the wedding we deserve to see.

"McGee." Tony gets up from the couch to give me a handshake. "Thanks for giving me the honor of throwing your first and hopefully last bachelor party."

"Hopefully." I smile and move our handshake to a hug. "Thanks for everything. It was perfect."

Melissa comes over to Tony and I let them have their moment while I move to Ziva. "Ziva, thanks for letting us use your bed last night."

She hugs me. "Of course, we're lucky you made it to the room let alone the car."

Damn, I must have really made an impression on them with that one.

"I heard there were no strippers."

"Yup, not one in sight."


I give her a kiss on the cheek and make my way for the door the moment I feel my girls hand in mine.

Now what does she have to talk to me about?

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