Chapter 57

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Tim's POV:

I don't know what came over me when I got to work.

Who am I kidding? Yes, I do.


I didn't want to see her tired eyes from crying because of what I did to her. I didn't want her to look at me the way that she did last night. Also, I didn't want her to ignore me overall. Anything that could have happened would have hurt.

When I got here, I stayed in my car for 20 minutes to clock in on time. Usually I head in there early with her, to get everything ready for the day and then I clock in.

I wanted to give her space.

Also, I didn't want to risk seeing her and Abby walking in at the same time.

I fell asleep writing last night. My neck hurts from the position I was left in. I felt like shit when I opened my eyes. I looked over to her side of the bed and she wasn't there. The horrible memories from yesterday rushed through my mind.

Then, I remembered what I did earlier yesterday. I got us a house.

One moment I'm building our future, the next I'm tearing it down.

I was hesitant walking into the squad room today. I didn't want Ziva to give me death stares all day. I didn't want her to be the one to tell Tony what's going on. I want to tell him because I need his help.

When I got there Ziva said good morning and nothing else towards me since and it's almost time for lunch. Gibbs has been in and out of the squad room looking for things to do.

Tony has been quiet.

When I first walked in here, he was going to make a witty remark but then he saw the face I was making at him.

After I got everything settled on my desk, I sent him a text.

Drinks at lunch. Please.

When I heard his phone vibrate on his desk, I looked at him nonchalantly and he nodded his head.

Every time I felt someone walking in the hall behind me, I froze. I didn't know if it was going to be her or Abby. Abby has never missed a day of work either, so I know she's here. They have that in common.

I'm a little nervous telling Tony about what happened. I don't know what he's going to say. I just need him to listen and tell me what to do.

Minutes feel like hours and hours feels like days.

My eyes widen when I see Gibbs walk by and tell us we can go to lunch. He's gone in the matter of seconds.

I already know Ziva isn't going to go with us. We take turns and I know she doesn't want to sit down with me right now.

Tony stands from his desk and makes his way towards Ziva. "Well Ziva we'll see you-"

I push Tony out of the squad room before he could finish talking. I drag him all the way to the elevator before he says anything.

"Damn Probie!" He forces my hands off of him. "What the hell is going on?"

I push the button for the elevator multiple times. "We just need to get out of here."

He tears my hand away from the button and makes me look at him. "Probie relax." When he looks in my eyes, he can see the water start to form in my eyes. I don't know why this is happening now. I had all last night to get these emotions out, but they want to escape when I'm with Tony.

"I just need to tell you something." I manage to say. "I just can't say it here."

"Okay." He pats me on the back. "Okay."

Melissa's POV:

I'm staring at the bagel Ziva got me when we went out earlier. I barely took a bite out of it. Ziva didn't notice because we took it to go.

When we got here, she understood I wanted to get to my office as quickly as I could. She told me I could run here the second we got off the elevator.

No one was here. It's like Ziva woke us up early on purpose because she knew I wouldn't want to see anyone. She didn't think I should come to work in the first place, but I'm here.

I'm here with not much work to do and with no company.

Speaking of company, I pick up my phone and decide to call someone I saw just yesterday but miss terribly.

It's not too early, so I don't feel bad about calling.


"Hey Jack!" I try to sound happy.

"Hey Mel. What's up?"

So much. "Not much. There's really nothing to do here and you're not even here to keep me company."

He laughs. "Yeah. I want to fix my schedule so bad. I do wish I was full time."

I really need to talk to Vance about that and soon. Especially after being alone with my thoughts today.

"Did you have fun yesterday?" I ask almost in tears. I'm trying to think of the time I spent with him and Roger instead of what happened later.

"Yeah, Roger is a great guy. It was sad to hear his story though. I couldn't imagine."

When Jack says that it reminds me that there are worse things that can happen. I may feel like my future is falling apart, but Rogers son never got to have one.

Now I feel so stupid.

"Me neither."

"Do you need me to come in today?"

I push back my tears and try to sound okay. "No, I just needed to talk to someone for a minute."

"Are you okay?"

Clearly, I don't sound it.

"Yeah, I actually got some work to do now so I'll talk to you later." Telling a little fib doesn't matter to me anymore. I'm about to start bawling my eyes out.

"Alright... bye."

I hang up the phone quickly before I break down again.

As much as I know things can be worse in my life and people are going through worse, I'm still feeling upset about how things are.

I've never had to deal with something like this before and don't know what to do. We have to do something soon because I feel as if I'm losing everything.

It's just I don't know where to go from here.

As much as I'm hurting because of him. I want him to be the one to hold me.

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