Chapter 70

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Tim's POV:

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Tim's POV:

She releases Abby and comes over to me. "Nothing. We were just talking." She takes my hand to assure me that she's here with me.

I hear Abby sniffle from where she's sitting. "McGee, what are you doing here? No one dropped off anything for me."

I ignore her and turn back to Melissa. "I thought I saw you walk in here. I didn't think it was possible, but it looks like I was right." It was a sight I never thought I would see.

I look at Abby and her body falls.

"Tim, can I talk you outside?"

"What?" She never wants to do anything one on one with me at work unless the door is closed. We both still feel like we have something to prove to Gibbs even though we're getting married in less than two weeks.

And what the hell is going on with her and Abby? She almost ruined us.

She tugs on my arm and looks at me with her big green eyes. "Please Tim."

I give into her like I always do and ignore Abby as much as I can with being in her lab.

Melissa takes me with her out into the hall. All I can do is look at her wit confusion.

"What's going on?"

"Nothing." She reassures me. "We were just talking."

"About how she almost ruined us and lied to us."

"Yes, but not in that tone or matter."

I look at her puzzled. What the hell is this? I thought we were mad at Abby for what she's done. Or what she hasn't done. This whole thing has got me confused.

"I ran into her yesterday."

"Who? Abby?"

"Yes." She says in a whisper. "I ran into her while Jack, Ziva, and I were getting coffee. It was weird."

"I could imagine." I wouldn't have known what to do either if I ran into her.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"It was weird, and I didn't know how I felt about it."

That is weird. Usually, I'm stopping Melissa from charging at her, not making light conversation with her.

"It was different this time because I felt bad for her."

What? Bad for her? Is that a joke? "What is there to feel bad about?"

"That we're her only family she has and part of us aren't even speaking to her."

"Because of what she did."

"Because of her loyalty and pain." She says sternly.

I haven't seen Melissa talk about Abby like this. As if Abby is the victim and we're just supposed to let it slide.

"You remember she kissed me, right? You remember you stormed out on me for that reason, right?"

"I know." She wrap her arms around my waist, and I'm surprised. She never does this here, but I give in because I don't know when it will happen again. I wrap my arms around her as well.

"That was the stupidest thing I have ever done." I lean down and kiss her on her cute button nose.

"It's the stupidest thing I ever let you do."

I hold her a little tighter, remembering that she was here one minute and gone the next multiple times. I'll be damned if I ever let that happen again.

"You see where I'm coming from don't you?"

I knew where she was coming from the second, she said Abby and family in the same sentence. I missed Abby too when Melissa was mad at her, I just got over it because her lies affected me too, even though I didn't want to admit it to myself for a while.

It was the kiss that was the last straw. I had that feeling that I lost my girl forever and that feeling was unbearable for me. I chased her, I left without her. When I thought of Abby my body was filled with fire.

Why don't I feel this way now?

"I knew you would."

"Huh?" I'm brought back to reality with my girl still in my arms.

"I knew you would understand."

I don't know how she does that. She always knows what's going though my mind and what I'm feeling. It's the way she's always been. I don't find it annoying because that's who she is, and I don't want to change her. It's only annoying now because I don't like that I'm not mad at Abby anymore. I feel sorry for her now. She did basically lose all of us the second everything came to life.

Melissa and I didn't plan for that. The guys made up their minds; we can't control them. It's just weird it took me until now to see that.

I look at Melissa and he doesn't have to say anything. I know what she's thinking, and I know what she wants.

I have my girl now and it's clear. Why should I stress about anything else if I have all I need?

I grab my girls' hand and walk back into Abby's lab with her by my side.

Abby is still in the spot we left her in. She looks anxious when she makes eye contact with us.

I look at my girl who smiles at me. I know I'm doing the right thing and she sees it too.

We're starting a new chapter. The past is in the past for us. It might as well also be for the ones who are a part of our lives.

"Abby, Melissa and I would be honored if you would come to our wedding."

Her blank, empty stare turns into a growing smile.

I turn to Melissa who is doing the same thing. It's because of that I'm smiling as well.

Abby runs over to us and hugs us both. This doesn't feel weird at all. It feels like this is the way it should be. I can hear Melissa laugh and it makes my smile grow even more.

"Thank you." Abby says. "Thank you."

This may sound crazy, and I don't want to jinx anything, but I feel everything is right where it should be. My girl by my side, my best friend and I have some work to do, and I'm getting married.

Things are finally looking all the way up.

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