Chapter 11

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Melissa's POV:

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Melissa's POV:

Yesterday went fairly well. I did run into Abby and I expressed that I didn't want her time of day and closed the elevator door on her. I don't regret it and I don't feel bad. If she's sad about it well frankly I don't give a damn.

I managed to not run into Gibbs yesterday. I don't think it's a coincidence, I genuinely think he was giving me the space I need, and I feel good about that. I didn't want to see him, and I think he understands that I'm going to need time with this.

Also, what didn't happen yesterday is, I didn't have any appointments because no one wants to be honest about their emotions. I understand it's hard for some people to ask for help. Not only that it's hard for them to express that they need it, let alone just ask for it straightforward.

Jack isn't here today because it's one of his days off and he actually never ended up texting me last night. It's kind of weird how we feel like we've known each other for so long but it's only been a short amount of time. It's weird but I love it. We're comfortable with each other that we can be ourselves and that's hard to find in any type of relationship. I'm glad he's in my life but I'm jealous of him right now because I would love not to be here.

It's going to take me a while to get used to being here with the new information that we have. I don't see Gibbs as my biological father I just always seen him as a father figure. I can't turn off the switch that my whole life has been a lie and it's because of him and James. I understand that my mother is involved as well but she's not here to explain herself. That's one of the reasons why I have such a problem saying her name and why I didn't want Gibbs saying it in the first place. If she can't defend herself here, then she shouldn't be brought up. That doesn't stop me from feeling angry, but I know better than to speak on it. I know I'll hate myself for that later if I do.

I spent the majority of my morning leaving messages for patients and hearing excuses that they're going under a tunnel. I'm not forcing them to come here and talk to me. I can't physically force them here but I'm going to have to report that I've never spoken to them and then they're going to put off doing their job longer. I've decided I'm not going to tell any patients that until the third strike. I'm deciding that the third strike is when we make an appointment and the third time is skipped out on. They will still be the ones mad at me because I'm the one that has to report it. At the end of the day they're going to see that it's on them and I'm only trying to help.

I am being a hypocrite by judging people because they have a hard time asking for help. Oh, how my life is turning around.

As I hang up the phone after leaving yet another message for a patient, I see a figure walk through my door and it's a face that I've wanted to see since I left this morning.

"Hey handsome." I greet him with a smile.

He leans down to give me a kiss. "Hey baby. I'm just on break and thought I would see how you're doing."

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