Chapter 51

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Tim's POV:

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Tim's POV:

I couldn't believe that when I looked at the clock when I was over at the house that it was five in the evening. Veronica and I needed to catch up from God knows how many years ago. I don't even want to get into that and feel older than I already feel. But it made me nervous that the entire time I didn't reach for my phone because we were catching up. When I reach for my phone, I realize Melissa never even tried to contact me.

Honestly, we needed this day apart. We needed a day to regroup especially after everything that was said last night. Everything did need to be brought to light but it was completely out of context. We should've done it at a different time.

It was a little sad leaving Veronica because we haven't seen each other in years. I knew the day had to come to an end especially because I put an offer on the house and it is ours. Veronica promised me that after all we've been through, she would not give an offer to anyone else. Our future is waiting for us and I can't wait to share the news with my fiancé.

I know when Melissa doesn't reach out to me it's because she's having fun. Anytime she's with Jack she never reaches out to me because those two are trouble together. I can't wait to see the both of them at the wedding just getting drunk and getting wild.

Besides like I said we needed a day apart so we can regroup and move on from all this drama in our lives.

When I get home, I'm surprise that Melissa isn't home yet. I'm not sure if they went out, came back, and went out again or they have been out all day. Either way I text her just to make sure because we've had this entire day apart and it doesn't hurt to ask her about her well-being.

The second I send the text I go into the kitchen and get some food because all Veronica had to offer was a bunch of wine and I knew I had to drive later so I couldn't get too deep in the bottle.

I don't think it will look good on Veronica's part as a real estate agent, but I think she might crash there because she nearly killed three bottles by herself.

Clearly Melissa's mind has been occupied for the past few days so there's not a lot of food in the fridge. She'll always argue with me on this but it's a good thing that I still add microwavable meals to the grocery list for these reasons. No, I don't need her to cook for me. I could cook for myself it's just I don't have the patience like she does.

I put the Hungry Man in the microwave and wait for it to go off in 4 to 5 minutes.

The second I start the timer, there's an obnoxious knock on the front door. The knock makes me pause for a second because I didn't expect anybody knocking on my door tonight. When it knocks again as obnoxious as the first time, I assume that it's somehow James. If he came here belligerent, he's got another thing coming if he thinks he's going to be here when Melissa gets here.

I walk over to the door and brace myself to see James drunk as hell and having to escort him back to the cab that he came in. Except when I open the door it isn't James that's belligerent in front of me.

It's Abby.

"Abby?" What the hell is she doing here?

Instead of answering me she barges into my apartment and looks around.

"Where is she? Where's Melissa?"

I can smell the liquor come off of her from the second I opened the door.

She's as drunk as James was.

"Abby. How the hell did you get here?" And why is she here?

"I took a cab." She says with an attitude.

She barges into our room and before I can follow her, she's already walking out and making her way to the kitchen.

"Where is she?" She nearly falls over as she spins around to face me.

"She's out with Jack not that it's any of your business."

Even though I just told her that Melissa isn't here, she continues to search through the living room, which isn't even that big.

"Abby. What are you doing here?"

"She can't keep doing this to me Tim." She says as she finally stops in her tracks and tries to catch her breath.

"I've been trying to put our fight in the back of my head, but I can't. I need her in my life she was my best friend. I trusted her with everything."

"And she trusted you."

"I know I did the wrong thing Tim. I know that I should have told her if I thought of her as a friend to me. I want to make it up to her. I just need her to let me, but she won't. I'm lost and I want to be a part of your guys life. I want to be at the wedding. I just can't do that unless she lets me."

Somehow and her belligerent state of mind she comes over to me and wraps her arms around me and starts crying to my chest. I do miss Abby as a friend I really do. I'm not cutting her off from my life because of Melissa. I'm not cutting her out of my life at all. I was affected by this as well. She knew everything and I was in a relationship with Melissa the entire time. These secrets affected me whether she wants to admit it or not.

I know if she won't admit it sober, she definitely won't admit it drunk.

So, I just hold the person that used to be my best friend and let her cry it out.

"I just really miss you Tim."

I take a breath because I can see she needs someone right now. "I miss you too."

She's still crying into my chest and I let her. I rest my head on her head and comfort her as much as I can.

She starts moving away from me and I look down at her to see how she's doing. When she pulls away from me a bit, she looks up into my eyes.

Suddenly, she presses her lips on mine. I don't know why she's doing this or what's happening while her lips are still on mine.

I can taste the liquor on her lips, and it reminds me that she's drunk.

I don't want to kiss her. This isn't my fiancé that I want to spend the rest of my life with.

I try to push her off, but she presses herself closer to me.

Before I can fully get her off, we here a door open.

She finally gets away from me, but when I look at the door, my fiancé is standing there with her jaw on the ground.

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