Chapter 32

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Tim's POV:

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Tim's POV:

Now that Melissa's out with Ziva, I decided it was time to have a guy's day with Tony. By day I mean a few hours. He can't last long if he isn't drinking or surrounded by women.

I asked him if he was free, and he told me he was on his way. We didn't have anything planned, I guess he was just bored.

He decided that we were going to a local bookstore. I thought it was weird because the idea came from him, but he's the one driving so I won't question it.

When we get here, we just walk slowly around the store like we have nothing better to do. I know I don't, but something is kind of off with him.

"Are you okay tony?"

He tears his eyes away from the bookshelves for once. "Yeah, are you?" He asks jokingly.

Well, since he asked. "Not exactly."

He stops walking so I can have his full attention. This is new of him. Usually, he's giving Melissa or Ziva all the attention. I guess it's because I never thought to talk to him like this before.

"What's going on?"

I scratch my head. I didn't want to bring this up originally, but now is better than never. "I have to be honest, when you and Ziva told me about how Melissa and Gibbs are related, I didn't see it. It wasn't until after you guys shared that information with me that I started seeing it."


"Okay?" That's all he can say when he's the one who helped start my paranoia about this.

"McGee." He starts to walk again. "Ziva and I were just paranoid that Gibbs was going to take it out on us one way or another. Now that everything is resolved, it really isn't our business that they're related. It's nice to know, but now that everyone is good with each other, why try to mess that up?"

I'm not trying to mess anything up. I'm just trying to get this feeling of being married to someone that's related to Gibbs out of my head.

"Let me put it to you this way, does she talk like him?"

"No." Not at all. She has more of an opened mind than he does. She's careful with how she says things to people too. Gibbs knows he's not.

"Do they walk the same?" I can tell he was trying to think of something else to ask.

I have to think about this one and no. Gibbs walks fast no matter where he's going. Melissa just lets things happens as they go. She only walks fast when she wants to get out of a situation. "No."

"Does she laugh like him?"

"Gibbs doesn't laugh."

"That's a no." He takes another moment to think of another question, and I can see the lightbulb over his head. "Does he ask how your day was like she does?"

He never asks. Tony knows that. Also, he knows that Melissa tells me to have a good day and asks how my day was every time it's time to go home.

I understand what he's trying to say, but I decide to still amuse him. "No."

"Do you think about him when you're in bed with her?"

"No!" I shout throughout the store. I should have quit while I was ahead.

"Shh!" I woman by us puts a finger to her lips as she reads a book.

Tony apologizes for my outburst and drags me to continue walking.

We finally reach a corner of the store where we can talk more privately.

"Why is this bothering you so much now?"

I have to be honest with him. They had none of those things in common, but they have others. "He turns pages the same as her and they have the same dimples." I admit defeat.

Tony raises his eyebrow and looks straight into my eyes. "Gibbs has dimples?"

Oh, as if this is the time to discuss this.

He grabs a newspaper from the stand right next to us and hits me over the head with it. "Hey!"

"So what? You're going to break off something good with an amazing girl like her just because of some dimples and the way she reads?"

"I'm not breaking off anything." I said I've been thinking about it more because of that. I don't want to let her go because of it.

"It's about to be broken if you keep acting like this."

I know I don't talk to Tony that much about this stuff. Somehow, I just knew that coming to him was the right thing to do. I know he has my back like I have his, this was just another step for us to take.

I take a moment to think about how foolish I've been acting. She is not him nor will she ever be. They're too different people with different lives, personalities, and hearts.

I turn my attention back to Tony. He's looking at the self-help bookshelf and has been since I dozed off.

"Are you okay Tony?"

He looks my way and smirks. "Come on. I think it's time for that drink now."

Tony takes us to our favorite bar. Trisha is working and for once, he sees a girl more than one time, and she isn't disgusted by him, at least not yet.

We have a couple beers. We don't talk much. I can tell he has a lot on his mind, and he isn't ready to talk about it. I don't want to force him to talk about it either. I need him today and he was there for me immediately. I want to ask him why he chose a bookstore as our location earlier, but something tells me that it plays a part in what he doesn't want to discuss.

After sobering up, Tony drives me home. I thank him for everything, and he tells me not to mention it. As he drives away, I can't help but wonder if he's going back to the bookstore to buy something that he didn't want me to see.

"Hello?" I shout when I walk into the apartment.

I hear a response come from the bedroom. "Hi!" She sounds happy. I'm happy too.

I'm glad Tony helped me realize how idiotic I was being. He was right, I can't let this amazing girl go over something stupid.

When I walk into our bedroom, she's' sitting on the bed with her legs crossed and on her phone.

She looks up at me, and her messy bun falls to the back of her head. "Hey, handsome. I just got back and was about to call you."

I can't help but smile. I don't deserve this girl. She doesn't deserve someone who said they will stand with them through anything, and then freaks out over the tiniest of similarities to her biological father.

"I was out with Tony." I tell her. I walk over to her and kiss her. I place my cold hand on her warm cheek.

She inches away from me. "At a bar I assume."

"You can taste it?"

She shakes her head. I can tell she doesn't mind it by the way she's smiling. Her smile. A smile that no one else can have because it's her and no one can ever have her beauty.

"I love you." I confess to her, and not for the first time.

She tilts her head and smirks. "I love you too."

My phone vibrates and she inches away while rolling her eyes. "I'm assuming you need to take that."

"No." I say as I turn her face towards me again. I want to have those beautiful eyes look at me and those lips touch me. "Not this time."

I lean in to feel her lips. I can feel her smile as she wraps her arms around my neck.

This one is going to be a long one.

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